reddit thread

drama revenge petty revenge family reddit thread - 16639749

Idiot Cousin Towed After Blocking Guy Into His Own Driveway

revenge petty revenge girlfriend reddit thread Reddit college dating - 517127

Boyfriend Caught Staring at Braless College Chick in Dorm, Jealous Girlfriend Reports Her, Chick Gets Boyfriend Banned

12 text reddit images | thumbnail grey background " I'm not worth a raise? You're not worth my time I asked about a raise at my job, because due to high turnover, nobody else can do the work I do. They said if I want more money then I need to work more hours. "

Essential Employee Rightfully Requests Raise, Company Unable To Function Without Him

13 reddit text images | thumbnail grey background text "Living with roommates, oh the horror. We've been there a time or two, or three. It doesn't matter how good of friends you are, how much you like each other, or how much you hate each other, there will always be some trivial issues that instigate arguments and unpleasantry. "

Brother Constantly Invites Friends Over Without Warning Roommate, He Waits Naked Every Time

12 reddit text images mistakes people made with dogs } thumbnail blue background text "I went out to pick up some delicious Indian takeout last night, and took my dog along because he loves car rides.hen we got home, I went to do the usual getting out of the car routine: except there was no leash"

Dog Owners Confess Stupid Mistakes They've Made That Somehow Didn't End In Disaster

12 reddit text images dog custody battle | thumbnail blue background dog bottom right corner text "Dog custody in break up [Help] My live in boyfriend and I are breaking up, and moving out of our shared apartment. Our dog adores both of us, and we each adore our dog. Our dog likes routine and does not like moving between different locations."

Couple Seeks Advice On Dog Custody Debacle After Recent Break Up: Reddit Thread

12 reddit text images bf pet fish debacle | thumbnail blue background "(26F) have outright banned him doing this for the simple fact i've seen this obsession before from him, it's what led to our pet mini lop rabbit Tootsie, and he doesn't clean out her hutch or litter tray at all and barely plays with her, she was his pet but has honestly ended up becoming mine as I couldn't stand to see her neglected, I know he'll end up doing the same with a fish tank and they'll not be cleaned out "

Woman Puts Her Foot Down When Irresponsible Boyfriend Requests Pet Fish And Aquarium

thumbnail grey background "Posted by u/oldman712 15 hours ago e & 2 13 e20 3 13 e Sorry, I deleted all the files you told me to delete. oC M, Six months later, I get a series of desperate phone calls. New software grad has been unable to build any new prototypes. Old customers are calling to get old prototypes updated, and new software grad has no idea how to do that."

Programmer Ordered To Delete All Company Info After Being Laid Off, Boss Comes Back Begging For Files

16 reddit text images | thumbnail light blue background "r/AskReddit u/AristonD • 118d 12 1 9 8 @7 10 1 If all animals were horse sized, which would be the most majestic to ride into battle? 4 29.2k 12.2k 1, Share Award, friskyfloaty · 118d 3 Awards Id say a skunk. Horse sized skunk. Armed and ready. Me riding into battle with a necklace of little tree air fresheners. Plus when they are threatened and stomp on the ground and stuff? Imagine that but in huge stinky scary size"

If All Animals Were Horse Sized, Which Would Be Best For Riding Into Battle (Ask Reddit)

12 text based reddit images, foster wants to keep dogs drama | thumbnail background two small golden puppies hugging each other "Posted by u/rose-ramos 1 day ago 389 Adopting two dogs; foster mom is being very clingy and trying to talk me out of it. Help? [Help], My wife and I are adopting two dogs from a rescue we're both fond of. The foster mom doesn't seem to understand boundaries; she will text and call me multiple times a day, including on Christmas Day,

Sus Woman Fostering Dogs Begs Adoptive Parents To Let Her Keep The Pups, Unpleasantry Ensues

12 reddit text images owners congratulating dogs for going to the bathroom | thumbnail background dog squatting. text "JuniorRise2344 · 7 days ago You know when it's -30degC outside, and my dog pees right away, then I insist that she poops too and she does it? She deserves a good girl and a little cheer She's 4.5 years old. 412 Reply Share Report Save Follow"

Humorous Dog Owners Congratulate Their Buddies On Successful Bowel Movements

11 text reddit images cousin karen refuses to let man shower | thumbnail grey background "A Posted by u/-DukeFishron- 6 hours ago 605 Cheapskate cousin refuses to let me take shower, no problem, l'Il use more water in the sink.Tonight I was going to take a navy shower when my cousin, I'll call her Karen. Blocked the entrance to the bathroom and said, you either you a washcloth under your arms or no getting in here."

Cheapskate Karen Tells Cousin He Can't Shower To Save Money, He Uses Sink Instead

13 text based reddit images surrounding story of op | thumbnail blue background,  My (28m) parents tried to cancel the wedding with my fiancé (25f) the day before my birthday and over the time we were celebrating Christmas. M IN SUMMERY: We went home to celebrate my birthday and Christmas, while my family said they would help pay for our wedding which ended in them staging an "intervention" that would have broken us up and left my fiancée homeless.

Unreasonable Parents Demand Son Cancel His Wedding, Leave His Fiancé, And Drop Out Of School

13 text reddit images crazy roommate petty revenge | thumbnail "She taped a border across the floor and would clean exactly at the border, and would throw trash on my side. Asked her to stop multiple times, pointed out the tape border was childish but she kept shrugging and telling me 'it's your side, sorry, doesn't matter if its outlined or not, your responsibility'."

Clever College Chick Gets Petty Revenge On Psycho Roommate

11 reddit based text images wife and father in law argument | thumbnail blue background "Early in our marriage, FIL used to go on and on about how we were not really married because we didn't get married in the Catholic Church. He finally got on my last nerve with it when my oldest was about 3. The next time we brought it up, I told FIL that at least I was willing to marry a bastard. FIL got angry at that and asked what I was talking about?"

Quick Witted Wife Turns Tables On Hypocritical Father In Law Over Religious Technicality

11 text based reddit images inheritance AITA for only niece | thumbnail blue background "My sister has two children (13f & 5m). The 13 yo is from her previous relationship, the 5 yo from her current husband. My niece's father skipped out on them and my sister had a rough time of it, so I helped them out early on. Her husband is well off so they're set now, but it's become very obvious to me over the years that he wishes my niece weren't in their lives."

Uncle With Terminal Illness Chastised For Leaving Inheritance For Niece But Not Nephew