 bad design funny funny photos funny pictures weird weird pics design fail stairs staircase

'The steps aren't attached to the ground': 25+ Startling staircases that have definitely tripped people before

Every home has a few drawbacks, right? When you're searching for a home, it's not easy, and there are a ton of things to consider. Is the house old or new? Is it near schools or in a good neighborhood? Are there mysterious leaks, heavy drafts, or rotting wood? No house is exactly perfect, and they all have a few things wrong with them. If you're lucky, it'll be minor issues like squeaky floorboards or a drafty basement. And if you're unlucky, you'll wind up in a home like the ones below, which…
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'They have a habit of going into Karen mode': Army Karens try to call out processing logistics request in big meeting, reserve unit claps back with receipts

'They have a habit of going into Karen mode': Army Karens try to call out processing logistics request in big meeting, reserve unit claps back with receipts

Karens exist in all industries, so it makes sense that they might not pop up in an army reserve unit. These male Karens insisted that the folks who managed processing logistics requests were taking too long with a specific order they made. They even tried to embarrass the reserve unit team at a big meeting with several higher-ranked individuals present. Well, that plan backfired as one of the members of this team, who shared this Reddit thread , looked up their processing request during the mee…
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home house home-owner buyer seller realtor sale sold for-sale real-estate closing moving move-in reddit lawyer

'No, get them out!': Shady realtor gives the keys to his clients and they move into someone else's house before closing the deal, homeowner snaps

Realtors... amirite?
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34-year-old brother-in-law wants paid vacation after telling 30-year-old woman she's a "gold digger" because of her high-earning husband: 'He’s upset, and my in-laws are saying I’m making a big deal out of nothing'

Because of his repeated jokes about her being a “gold digger” she declined you might hope that people would be a little more mature.
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'He was notorious for not listening to students': Teacher uses "unspoken rule" to get back at students, one student involves parents and embarrasses teacher

There are always whispers of that one strict teacher in every school. It's the teacher who doesn't smile until May. Some of these teachers are the type who won't let students use the bathroom, or who punish the whole class for one kid's mistake. There are plenty of ways to be a strict teacher, and it often comes from years of frustration with students' behavior. It seems like some older teachers take this a bit too far, though. They start to barely tolerate any behavior that's outside their rul…
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landlord lawn drama yard property manager petty landscape renting Reddit Renters - 37344773

'As we discussed, you’re paying': Renters casually suggest a lawn upgrade, landlord plants grass and hits them with a surprise $4.2K invoice

When you’re renting, you never expect to be stuck footing the bill for long-term upgrades on someone else’s property—especially when it comes with a hefty price tag. That’s exactly what happened to one couple who casually mentioned to their property manager that it would be nice to have grass in their front yard instead of dirt. When they moved in, they were told the dirt yard was due to pipe maintenance and thought that was the end of it. But soon after their impromptu conversation with the la…
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family drama boss best of employee fired drama revenge work family business reddit story parenting workplace entitled family Reddit company business son Father - 37344517

'I'm tired of his lack of commitment': Retired man gives family business to struggling son, then fires him for entitled behavior and takes it back

They say you should never mix family and business, and this story might just be the perfect example of why. After his son struggled to find work due to a legal incident 15 years ago, a retired father stepped in to help. He hired his son at the family business, hoping to set him up for success. The father, now 74 and mostly retired, still enjoys working occasionally and earns a commission for his efforts. But things have taken a turn. The son, now running the business, has started withholding hi…
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'I'm not lying, I don't work here': Store manager confuses flight attendant with employee, insists that she stop playing 'tricks' and start working

'I'm not lying, I don't work here': Store manager confuses flight attendant with employee, insists that she stop playing 'tricks' and start working

This manager was clearly not in his right mind because the flight attendant he thought was his employee was wearing a completely different color than the store uniform. Of course, entitled people do not like to be proven wrong, so when the flight attendant tried to explain that she didn't work there and was a customer, the manager dug his heels into the ground and doubled down. Finally, when he realized that she was not, in fact, lying, the manager reprimanded the customer for trying to play tr…
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family families drama dad dads siblings kids children love-child affair-child college college-fund brother sister brothers sisters mom mother father drama aita reddit story

Siblings Refuse to Pool Their College Fund With Dad's Love Child, Tension Crackles as He Guilt-Trips the Whole Family

There's not much a deadbeat dad can do that'll make his children think less of him–except crawling out of the woodwork years after announcing he had a secret family only to ask them to share their college fund with his love child.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee employment-discussion job work employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 37349125

Boss gives manager more work after they complain about their workload which includes covering vacant positions: 'Those employees quit 8 months ago'

Being consistently overloaded with work in an organization where the expectations are completely out of touch with reality is a soul-sucking experience… always falling short, no matter how much time and effort you put in. Let's face it: if your team is “understaffed” for a long enough period of time, it's pretty safe to say that your employer has no intentions of hiring anyone else, and they consider it to be an ideal staffing level. It's only when productivity and customer satisfaction start s…
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‘He didn’t even challenge [me]’: Entitled hotel guest makes one false move and gets kicked out before he can even make it to his room, still gets charged

‘He didn’t even challenge [me]’: Entitled hotel guest makes one false move and gets kicked out before he can even make it to his room, still gets charged

Don't mess with the employee checking you in a hotel. They hold the power!
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Boss accuses employee of quiet quitting, employee responds by actually quitting: 'Here's to now making $20k more/year!'

Boss accuses employee of quiet quitting, employee responds by actually quitting: 'Here's to now making $20k more/year!'

Remember when everyone in the media freaked out at the concept of quiet quitting? This term came to prominence, of course, around the time of returning to in-person work, yet the idea behind quiet quitting has existed as long as offices have. As many typically younger folks pointed out, quiet quitting is not really doing the bare minimum; it's doing your job exactly as you have been instructed to do it while also placing boundaries between your work life and your personal life. It's a rejection…
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Cheezburger Image 37341445

'Her attempt to save $5 ended up costing her': Entitled parent lies that her kids are 13 years old to get them into a movie, quickly regrets her decision

There's nothing like a day at the movies with some friends. Whether you're 13 or 65, going to a movie is one of life's finest simple pleasures. Although some chain theaters have become quite pricey, there are often smaller local theaters where you can get a ticket, popcorn, and a drink for under $15. You can also find some good deals for matinee films—it's no good if you work a typical 9-5, but if you happen to be free at 11 AM on a Tuesday, you can probably find a fantastic deal on a movie. Th…
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'You want a one page assignment? I'll give you a one page assignment': Professor makes college student shorten 11-page document, student maliciously complies

'You want a one page assignment? I'll give you a one page assignment': Professor makes college student shorten 11-page document, student maliciously complies

Every professor should be careful about how they phrase their instructions. Here , we have a student who was asked to deliver a proposal for a research paper, so they did their due diligence and submitted an 11-page document as their assignment because there were no specific instructions yet about length. When the professor was taken aback by the length of the student's submission, he insisted that the student redo the assignment and submit a one-page document instead. Now, the student was well…
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work working working-woman drama workplace employee employees lawyer office office-drama job business company kid kids parent parents parenting bad reddit

'I'm the talk of their office [now]': Lawyer snaps on a feral 7-year-old kid after 'hands-off' parents let them terrorize the entire office building

A not-so-gentle approach to mitigate a lack of parenting
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family drama teenager wedding drama sibling rivalry teenagers siblings family feud parenting wedding family weddings aita - 37347077

16-year-old teen daughter backs out of sister's wedding because she doesn't like the $1000 dress fits, wants mom to pay for it

Weddings have a way of bringing out the strain in families, and the pressure of executing a single greatest day of the bride and groom's life really ups the ante. Meanwhile, you're trying to keep all your unpredictable extended family in line and making sure everything goes according to plan, leaving plenty of opportunity for something to go wrong. Of course, it can also bring out festering underlying dynamics between siblings too… This 16-year-old was meant to be a bridesmaid at her older sist…
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