petty revenge tow tow-truck truck trucks towing car cars thief thieves neighborhood payback revenge revenge-story stories reddit deserved justice

'Justice served': Tow truck driver turns vigilante when thieving kids start stealing catalytic converters, ends up towing their car straight to the junkyard

This tow truck driver worked closely with local law enforcement after getting the catalytic converters stolen out of his car, converting thievery into cold, hard justice.
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family drama family aita parents parenting adult children living at home am i the ahole Mother daughter daughters

28-year-old daughter angered mother won't "rewatch" the TV show "Gilmore Girls" with her: 'It is a show about a very entitled and bratty mother and daughter who constantly yell and scream at each other'

When this mother's 28-year-old daughter, Jessica, moved back in with them after a breakup, she asked her mother to partake in a “rewatch” of the popular 00's TV show “Gilmore Girls” with her. The mother didn't know much about the show outside of the fact that she was not a fan regarding the titular characters as being “very entitled” and remarking that the show relies on the viewer finding their “yelling matches” to be “endearing.” Keep reading to see her account of events as she shared with th…
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karens lobby guests hotel guest hotel front desk demanding tales from the front desk hotel room karens in the wild entitled hotels karen story karen entitled people - 37293829

'Just be a professional, okay?': Hotel front desk employee turns away impolite guest before he can even check in

This hotel front desk worker is testing out their limits as an employee. It appears that a lot of hotel workers are allowed to turn away guests at their own discretion. For example, if a guest wants to check in, and they're clearly rowdy and disruptive after partying all night, the hotel worker is allowed to turn them away if they think that guest will be a disruption to others at the hotel. There are other times when guests treat the hotel staffers really poorly, shouting at them or berating t…
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Man demands neighbor to detach their hose from his water supply after a month of freeloading, neighbors refuse to acknowledge their wrongs

‘My wife only uses like 3¢ of water’: Greedy neighbors freeload off of man's water supply for a month without his knowledge, then throw a fit when he puts his foot down

"Even if he really is correct about it being a minute amount of money, that means that it shouldn't be any problem for *them* to pay it."
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'In which I prepare a trap': Non-guest trying to steal the complimentary breakfast at a hotel almost gets away with it, until he makes one thought-less mistake

'In which I prepare a trap': Non-guest trying to steal the complimentary breakfast at a hotel almost gets away with it, until he makes one thought-less mistake

Breakfast is for paying guests ONLY...
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HOA fines new homeowners for violations from the previous owner: 'The guy we bought the house from had been fighting the HOA for YEARS'

HOA fines new homeowners for violations from the previous owner: 'The guy we bought the house from had been fighting the HOA for YEARS'

There's nothing worse than being forced to clean up someone else's mess. These new homeowners assumed everything was good to go regarding compliance with HOA rules and regulations. However, just three months after buying the home, they were suddenly slapped with a ton of HOA fees for violating the bylaws. They tried to communicate that they had not made any adjustments to the house since they purchased it and therefore should not be held accountable for violations that the previous owner must h…
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parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS stepmother stepparent coparenting

Step-mother won't drive 12 and 13-year-old step-daughters to dance class 50 minutes away, painting her as the villain, she wonders if she's wrong: 'Their mom's negativity changed how they treat me'

Family dynamics are always tough, even in the best of circumstances… Parenting teenagers is difficult enough when they're your own flesh and blood or they're otherwise your sole charge and are obligated to follow your direction. It gets infinitely more difficult when you have another adult who is influential in your life—especially one of their parents who is undermining you and just generally poisoning the well and encouraging them to be toxic towards you at every possible chance. You'd think…
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Boss forces employee to accept $1 raise while doubling their workload, employee refuses, informs boss to take it up with their lawyer: ‘He lost it’

Boss forces employee to accept $1 raise while doubling their workload, employee refuses, informs boss to take it up with their lawyer: ‘He lost it’

Don't you sometimes wish you could say whatever you want to your boss, without thinking of the repercussions? Perhaps we could come up with a workplace ‘purge day’, in which everyone could do and say whatever they wanted at work, and then all will be forgotten the next day. Some employees don't need a day like that, as they are not afraid to put people in their place, even their bosses. Take the employee in this Reddit story for example. If I were told by my boss that I have to accept a $1 rais…
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'Boss had thrown the rest of my lunch away': Employee gets even with disrespectful boss after she disapproves of his lunch smell, he stinks up her office

'Boss had thrown the rest of my lunch away': Employee gets even with disrespectful boss after she disapproves of his lunch smell, he stinks up her office

This employee seems to think that he and his boss are friends, but let's be real: friends do not treat one another like this. Many folks in the comments section of this Reddit thread called their so-called healthy friendship dynamic into questions, even when it came to their carpooling. Some folks wondered if they even alternate or if the employee is always doing the boss's bidding. The two share an office, and one day, the boss made a snide remark about the smell of the employee's sandwich his…
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Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Dealing with kids is one obstacle, but dealing with their parents is almost always more challenging. Teachers can attest to this, and parents themselves are likely to agree. This dynamic becomes particularly transparent during gatherings and events, and Halloween is no exception. Here, we have a neighbor who was, for better or for worse, known by everyone to be a good baker. News travels fast in the suburbs, so it did not take long for the entitled Karen Mom who just moved to the neighborhood t…
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university Professors professor teacher teachers Terrible Teacher group projects homework

Professor demands student presentations adhere to strict schedule, student vows to hold them to their word: 'We’re presenting now, to an empty room, or you’re giving us [a] 100'

Everyone probably remembers the anxiety of having to present in front of the class, nervously watching the clock ticking as you await the carrying out of your sentence.
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server servers lemons server life restaurant server karens drinking water waiter karen-customer karens in the wild karen story karen - 37293061

'I stood up for myself, and I won': Restaurant server tells entitled customer their honest opinion of her drink request, stuns customer

This customer had some pretty entitled demands of her server. Many such cases! It seems like waiters and waitresses are always dealing with customers who insist on getting the best service, expecting their servers to go above and beyond, all while these customer treats them really impolitely. Up next, this recruiter had a big laugh after finding out that one of their candidates decided to “ list their typing speed at 270 WPM ," making them the literal fastest typist in the world if true (spoile…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor hoa members hoa stories hoa scandal homeownership landowner

Homeowner finds a "well loophole" allowing them to leave their HOA by connection to municipal water: 'We rallied 44 people on our street'

We all answer to a higher power, but the more that we can pretend we don't and have some control and agency over our own lives, the happier we tend to be. Whether it's the plain old government authority boss, coach, parents, or that pesky HOA having or at least feeling like you have some control over your own life, the better you're going to feel about it.
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‘Fine, keep the money’: School demands students pay deposits for laptops, then refuses to give the money back, leading students to keep the laptops for themselves as payback

‘Fine, keep the money’: School demands students pay deposits for laptops, then refuses to give the money back, leading students to keep the laptops for themselves as payback

When we were kids, we were constantly told to always listen to the adults in our lives, most importantly to our parents and teachers. We were raised in the belief that adults always knew what was right and wrong, so we should take their words as guidance through life. Unfortunately, that is often not the case, and surely now we can all think of examples of times adults were very much in the wrong, and went as far as taking advantage of their seniority over the kids in their lives, leading to ve…
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‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

‘I know. The audacity!’: Entitled choosing beggar asks her neighbor to give her his house for free

Imagine having the sheer confidence of this choosing beggar. She had the chutzpah to leave a letter in a former neighbor’s mailbox asking for him and his wife to buy her a house. What was in it for them? Nothing! Of course, we have plenty of sympathy for folks who are trying to make ends meet and to realize their dreams of owning property. It’s hard out there! However, this Redditor was not even remotely wealthy enough to own a second home and give away one of those homes to a total stranger at…
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'Sue me, then': Employee quits after failing to stand up to micromanagement, boss demands they pay back all their bonuses, employee refuses and walks out

'Sue me, then': Employee quits after failing to stand up to micromanagement, boss demands they pay back all their bonuses, employee refuses and walks out

Nobody likes to admit defeat, it is an extremely difficult challenge, to acknowledge that you tried your best, but there is nothing more you can do. In a workplace environment, this challenge might be twice as hard, because not only do you lose your pride, but you might lose your job in the process. It's much like what happened to the employee in this Reddit story. OP (original poster) tried their best to stand up to their toxic management until they realized there was nothing more they could d…
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