
customer service

Karen customer tries to score free meal from restaurant for third time a row, manager teaches her unforgettable lesson

Karen customer tries to score free meal from restaurant for third time a row, manager teaches her unforgettable lesson

Jobs in customer service are never simple. Yet the task is made even harder when a client is trying to take advantage of you in order to earn a fast profit. An employee of customer service recounts his frustrations in the story below. The original poster (OP) has a long history of employment in the hospitality sector. Therefore, he acquired the ability to interact with an extensive selection of people. But after a particularly entitled customer sought a free supper for the third time in a row,…
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'She is very happy with the results until she reaches ours': Customer service worker gets thrown under the bus by "unprofessional" boss, holds a grudge for two years

'She is very happy with the results until she reaches ours': Customer service worker gets thrown under the bus by "unprofessional" boss, holds a grudge for two years

Giving your overworked employees even more work: what could possibly go wrong? This person, u/TheMightyGalah, found out exactly what happens, but they were glad to watch their boss get her comeuppance. Good managers will be beloved by their team. You can tell when someone's an exceptional supervisor by the way their team talks about them: do they dread that manager seeing their work and results, or do they look to the manager for support and help? Some managers don't really manage much at all.…
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Customer enacts petty payback on barista for refusing to let him order off the kids menu: 'So you’d rather I not order anything [...] than give you business because of a silly rule?'

Customer enacts petty payback on barista for refusing to let him order off the kids menu: 'So you’d rather I not order anything [...] than give you business because of a silly rule?'

Why is the kids menu always the best? There should not be an age restriction for eating tater tots, chicken tenders, and pigs in a blanket. Those are objectively great-tasting dishes that all humans are entitled to enjoy, and yet, in this instance , we have a coffee shop that denied service to an adult customer simply because he wanted an item on the kids menu. Look, one might assume that there are more important issues than a 29-year-old adult getting denied the right to a bagel because of his…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job retail work customers customer workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35728133

'Your adherence is non-negotiable and mandatory': Customer service rep's authoritarian emails go viral sparking discussion online

This reads heavily like someone chucked a prompt into an AI and just let it rip without any proofreading or comprehension of the output. Still, someone at least must have added something to the prompt along the line of “make this statement as authoritarian as possible" without understanding the direction of Everyone has encountered this customer service rep before who has handled one customer too many and is now on a warpath. Usually this types of attitude is a requirement for doctor's office r…
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tip tips tipping tipping-culture gratuity restaurant restaurants server servers service waiter waiters waitress customer customers reddit thread

'Fine, 0% tip it is then': Tipping scandal ensues when a restaurant tries to force customers to tip by covering the ‘no tip’ option on their payment device

Here comes the Yelp review
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Karen loses it over lawn mover price after getting duped by a fake ad online: 'Your price is wrong! These are $9.95!'

Karen loses it over lawn mover price after getting duped by a false ad online: 'Your price is wrong! These are $9.95!'

Don't trust everything you come across online, folks! This male Karen customer did not comprehend that the obviously false advertisement he saw for a lawn mower on social media was, well, not real. We trust the Redditor in this scenario when they claim that this was a poorly Photoshopped ad for a $9.95 lawn mower when in reality, the lawn mowers they were selling at the store cost upwards of $200. Like any entitled customer when they are not given what they want, this Karen lost it. In fact, it…
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mc malicious compliance reddit thread interesting funny deserves customer service customers karen kevin epic revenge justice

''Turn my service off RIGHT NOW'... Ok': Customer service agent uses malicious compliance to force the hand of a money-grubbing customer, proving a point with one fell swoop

The arrogant customer in our next story who tried to swindle his customer service rep over the phone, money-grubbing for an extra $200 credit on his Internet bill. But for the working man struggling to keep his cool over the phone, this customer presented a particularly satisfying opportunity for malicious compliance that only comes once every blue moon.
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Male Karen customer demands for data to be deleted and to receive free chargers, employee maliciously complies: 'A shame I no longer [could] send him those chargers'

Male Karen customer demands for data to be deleted and to receive free chargers, employee maliciously complies: 'A shame I no longer [could] send him those chargers'

There is a fine line between a wronged customer advocating for themselves and an entitled one demanding special treatment. If you're a self-aware human, every so often you will find yourself in situations when you come up against the “system” and have to demand to be treated fairly. As you stand up for yourself, you may feel your body contorting into that of a Karen, but if this is a rare occurrence for you, then you're probably not like this customer. This dude thought he could call up the cus…
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'Since there's nothing wrong with it you can buy it:' Customer's vehicle keeps malfunctioning, car dealership keeps saying it's fine, malicious compliance ensues

'Since there's nothing wrong with it you can buy it:' Customer's vehicle keeps malfunctioning, car dealership keeps saying it's fine, malicious compliance ensues

There is nothing more frustrating than being told something is fixed when you know in your soul that it is still not working. Most of the time, when this happens, the item that's malfunctioning is minor, such as a sink faucet. In this case, however, we're talking about someone's car. This customer kept trying to get his vehicle fixed because he was consistently receiving error messages. After dropping $2,000 to get it repaired, he retrieved his vehicle and was specifically told that everything…
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customer service employee job blue collar worker story customer baby boomers boomers bartender workers entitled 1970s karma karen entitled people 1980s - 35700229

Customer contacts entitled Karen's boss after she drunkenly accused bartender of stealing her credit card, causing a scene: 'He already told you 3 times you gave him your business card'

There's nothing worse than going to a bar and encountering a group of intoxicated people being disruptive and picking fights with anyone who crosses their path. This was exactly the scene one customer found himself in, sitting next to an entitled and drunken Boomer, whom he quickly dubbed a "Karen." The customer, a regular at the bar and friends with the bartender, shared his story of that chaotic night and the Karen's satisfying karma. The Karen in question was causing a scene, screaming and a…
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customer service ask reddit karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 35670533

30+ People share the biggest public tantrums they've witnessed from adults: 'She actually stamped her foot and said we had ruined her Christmas'

Working retail gives you a fantastic seat center stage to bear witness to some of the most incredible performances, teeth-gritting rage complete with bulging temples and flying saliva—unfortunately, this show requires audience participation, and the rage is almost always directed at you… Never mind the fact that you're just a lowly cashier, literally the lowest ranking member in the organization… you're going to be the one to suffer the full wrath of their immature and impotent frenzy. The biza…
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Customer gets owned when an employee gives back $85 of change in $1 bills for a funny retaliation

‘Such a boss move in my opinion’: Entitled customer throws tantrum over cashier checking their $100 bill, so employee gives back $85 of change in $1 bills

Customer service can be really draining sometimes. This employee decides to “give back” to an entitled customer who has a lot to say.
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'Want us to stop calling? Absolutely': Fed-up call center worker gets even with impolite customer

'Want us to stop calling? Absolutely': Fed-up call center worker gets even with impolite customer

This call center worker is fed up. You can just tell that they've absolutely had enough of their job by the way they're talking to customers. Although this story doesn't come from the r/AmItheA****** subreddit, people on the interwebs had some strong opinions about this story. U/tharealmouse shared a tale that happened while they were working at a call center and had to deal with an impolite customer. Why was that customer not being polite? She didn't want to talk to someone on the phone (under…
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Hotel employee cleverly complies with higher ups' demands to never use spare key, leaving millionaire client stranded on biggest event of the year

Hotel employee cleverly complies with higher ups' demands to never use spare key, leaving millionaire client stranded on biggest event of the year

Collaborating with managers is not always easy. There are situations in which workers should quietly submit to commands and obey them with humility, even if doing so might not produce the most favorable results. The story below is an account of a clever hotel employee. The original poster (OP) has worked in the hospitality sector for a considerable amount of time. Even under the best of circumstances, the management overseeing the hotel's day-to-day operations was, at best, subpar. To increase…
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‘Just because you’re on hold doesn’t mean we can’t hear you’: Employees share insightful industry hacks that customers aren't supposed to know

‘Just because you’re on hold doesn’t mean we can’t hear you’: Employees share insightful industry hacks that customers aren't supposed to know

When you start working in a new industry that you never worked in before, you inevitably begin learning how those industries actually work, and how little you knew about it as a customer. It is surprising how much information companies try to keep from their customers even though that information can often be extremely beneficial for them and sometimes even life-changing. That is why, once one starts working in a new industry and learns some tricks and hacks, they should share that information…
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customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance karen-customer work customers client workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35575301

Client demands their contract be serviced by worker's in an office, get footed with a hefty bill for remote workers' increased compensation and time: 'Turns out the contract was very clearly written and the client had to pay'

When making demands from someone who you're paying to provide you with a service, you'd do well to be certain that you know what those terms are. See, industries that work for clients on a contract basis have a habit of not notifying you that your additional requests will be incurring additional charges once the original terms of the agreement have already been agreed to. And why would they? You've already agreed to them, so it's fair to assume you already know the cost of what you're requestin…
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