

38-year-old refuses to host Thanksgiving dinner for 20 guests this year, causing major rift in family: 'I’m tired of being treated like their personal chef'

38-year-old refuses to host Thanksgiving dinner for 20 guests this year, causing major rift in family: 'I’m tired of being treated like their personal chef'

As Thanksgiving approaches, countless family members across the country are clenching their jaws and growing more and more tense about the logistical and social pressures of impending family gatherings. Here, we have a 38-year-old woman who has been hosting Thanksgiving dinner for her 20-person extended family every year for the majority of the last decade. She used to enjoy these hosting responsibilities, but as time went on, she became resentful of the complete lack of support she received fr…
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hilarious scammer FAIL kids revenge reddit story grandchildren parenting scams petty family grandparents Reddit payback funny children - 37411077

Childless man gets scam calls from 'grandson' for 7 years straight, shares hilarious ways he messes with the scammer: 'I’ve started extending the conversation to save the next person some grief'

Scam calls are nothing new, but in recent years, scammers have been getting more creative with their tactics... and creepier. One scam that's been on the rise involves someone pretending to be a family member in trouble, often a child or grandchild, needing urgent financial help. With AI now able to mimic voices, it's become even more unsettling. But for this childless man, who's been receiving the same scam call twice a year for the past seven years, it's less of a scare and more of a chance t…
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aita reddit story etiquette reddit thread parenting Parenting Fail parents community center entitled parents gym - 37425925

23-year-old woman scolded by entitled mother for not "teaching" young child to swim who was left alone in deep end of swimming pool: 'She told me that it wasn't nice that I wasn't helping her'

It takes a village to raise a child, though some people have taken this too literally apparently and have taken it to mean that they need not raise their child themselves. Or at least that's how it seems with the number of feral children that are allowed to run rampant in public spaces while their parents either sit idly by… or are nowhere to be seen at all. Some parents expect bystanders to raise their children for them, demanding a “teachable moment” from the stranger who dares call into ques…
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family family drama Family feud brother siblings sibling rivalry parents entitled parents parenting step father step brother teenagers

Mom and Stepdad insist 17-year-old spend late father's inheritance on step-siblings' education: 'I said no and I told them I wouldn't change my mind'

Money between family and friends is a tricky thing, but giving money to help out can be a huge blessing when times are tough. Still, it's often said in these situations that you should never lend money that you expect to see back, essentially considering it to be a gift. When that money comes from the loss of not one but two close and important family members, it really shouldn't be treated like a bonus that needs to be burned, and it's not an “easy come, easy go” type of situation. That money…
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entitled entitled people entitled parents karen karens karens in the wild karen-customer customer service customers aita public transportation public transport bus reddit thread reddit story etiquette

23-year-old woman wonders if she's wrong for refusing to give her seat to 8-year-old boy and his "late 30s" mother: 'A few people gave me dirty looks, and I felt awkward'

What is the etiquette these days when it comes to public transport? Not to sound like an "old man shouting at clouds," but it really does seem like etiquette—along with mutual unspoken respect and other social decorum—has gone completely out the window. Still, along with that, and theoretically causal of the previous issue is that people just seem generally more entitled and individualistic, it's all about “me me me” and “what can be done that benefits me” rather than partaking in the upholding…
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30+ Amusing Parenting Tips for Folks Who Are at Their Wit’s End

30+ Amusing Parenting Tips for Folks Who Are at Their Wit’s End

For all the parents out there, we understand that sometimes you need a break, even if it's just a nap. Of course, when you have a bunch of little kids screaming, running around, and making messes, it's hard to unwind and get a moment of peace. You probably tell yourself to power through the day, that you'll get some sleep once you put the kids to bed (if that ever ends up happening). Let's be honest, folks. Sometimes you have to get creative in order to take care of yourself and recharge. Somet…
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family drama aita reddit story etiquette family reddit thread teenagers amitheahole teenager parenting

Dad and new stepmother want 15-year-old son to sign "family contract" to "accept" their new family and waive right to objection: '

Family is… family—something that sort of just happens. Springing naturally through strong connections by blood, intentions, reciprocal care, or shared experiences. (Insert any of a number of quotes from Don Toretto about not turning your back on family and/or something about family being the most important thing here.) It's not something you can just force into existence, hoping that by sheer willpower, you'll convince the other members of the family you're trying to build that they should also…
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family drama boss best of employee fired drama revenge work family business reddit story parenting workplace entitled family Reddit company business son Father - 37344517

'I'm tired of his lack of commitment': Retired man gives family business to struggling son, then fires him for entitled behavior and takes it back

They say you should never mix family and business, and this story might just be the perfect example of why. After his son struggled to find work due to a legal incident 15 years ago, a retired father stepped in to help. He hired his son at the family business, hoping to set him up for success. The father, now 74 and mostly retired, still enjoys working occasionally and earns a commission for his efforts. But things have taken a turn. The son, now running the business, has started withholding hi…
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family families drama dad dads siblings kids children love-child affair-child college college-fund brother sister brothers sisters mom mother father drama aita reddit story

Siblings Refuse to Pool Their College Fund With Dad's Love Child, Tension Crackles as He Guilt-Trips the Whole Family

There's not much a deadbeat dad can do that'll make his children think less of him–except crawling out of the woodwork years after announcing he had a secret family only to ask them to share their college fund with his love child.
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work working working-woman drama workplace employee employees lawyer office office-drama job business company kid kids parent parents parenting bad reddit

'I'm the talk of their office [now]': Lawyer snaps on a feral 7-year-old kid after 'hands-off' parents let them terrorize the entire office building

A not-so-gentle approach to mitigate a lack of parenting
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family drama teenager wedding drama sibling rivalry teenagers siblings family feud parenting wedding family weddings aita - 37347077

16-year-old teen daughter backs out of sister's wedding because she doesn't like the $1000 dress fits, wants mom to pay for it

Weddings have a way of bringing out the strain in families, and the pressure of executing a single greatest day of the bride and groom's life really ups the ante. Meanwhile, you're trying to keep all your unpredictable extended family in line and making sure everything goes according to plan, leaving plenty of opportunity for something to go wrong. Of course, it can also bring out festering underlying dynamics between siblings too… This 16-year-old was meant to be a bridesmaid at her older sist…
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family drama family aita parents parenting adult children living at home am i the ahole Mother daughter daughters

28-year-old daughter angered mother won't "rewatch" the TV show "Gilmore Girls" with her: 'It is a show about a very entitled and bratty mother and daughter who constantly yell and scream at each other'

When this mother's 28-year-old daughter, Jessica, moved back in with them after a breakup, she asked her mother to partake in a “rewatch” of the popular 00's TV show “Gilmore Girls” with her. The mother didn't know much about the show outside of the fact that she was not a fan regarding the titular characters as being “very entitled” and remarking that the show relies on the viewer finding their “yelling matches” to be “endearing.” Keep reading to see her account of events as she shared with th…
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parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS stepmother stepparent coparenting

Step-mother won't drive 12 and 13-year-old step-daughters to dance class 50 minutes away, painting her as the villain, she wonders if she's wrong: 'Their mom's negativity changed how they treat me'

Family dynamics are always tough, even in the best of circumstances… Parenting teenagers is difficult enough when they're your own flesh and blood or they're otherwise your sole charge and are obligated to follow your direction. It gets infinitely more difficult when you have another adult who is influential in your life—especially one of their parents who is undermining you and just generally poisoning the well and encouraging them to be toxic towards you at every possible chance. You'd think…
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Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Entitled Karen orders neighbor to bake healthy snacks for Trick or Treating, neighbor maliciously complies: ‘[She] handed the kids a little bag of… chopped carrots’

Dealing with kids is one obstacle, but dealing with their parents is almost always more challenging. Teachers can attest to this, and parents themselves are likely to agree. This dynamic becomes particularly transparent during gatherings and events, and Halloween is no exception. Here, we have a neighbor who was, for better or for worse, known by everyone to be a good baker. News travels fast in the suburbs, so it did not take long for the entitled Karen Mom who just moved to the neighborhood t…
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teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS family family drama Family feud brother

42-year-old mother upset that 18-year-old daughter won't be her "emotional support" at family gatherings: '[She] said I’m being selfish'

When we're young, we assume that our parents and other adults in authority are infallible, generally taking them at their word and assuming that all adults conduct themselves in mature, non-biased, morally upright, and ethical ways. You come to find, as you age, that even the paragons of your youth are, in fact, fallible, imperfect people. This realization will often first cause you to feel resentment before you eventually come to accept as you age further that they were nothing more than peopl…
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neighbors kids homeowner yard neighborhood-drama parenting karens in the wild backyard entitled property Bad Neighbor karen children - 37219589

'Things got weird': Entitled Karen upset when neighbor demands she and her kids stop using his pool without consent, she responds with a list of ridiculous pool rules

Things got weird fast when a man generously allowed his Karen neighbor and her kids to use his pool. At first, it was no big deal—she would ask, and he didn’t mind. But things took a turn when she started showing up unannounced, even using the pool when he wasn’t home. The final straw came when he returned from work one day to find Karen throwing a full-blown pool party with her friends, complete with floaties, snacks, and loud music. He confronted her, explaining that she couldn’t just use his…
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