
Horrible Bosses

Guy keeps getting spam calls from phone's previous owner. then discovers the owner is his shady boss: 'He had almost 20 cases filed against him'

Guy keeps getting spam calls from phone's previous owner. then discovers the owner is his shady boss: 'He had almost 20 cases filed against him'

Imagine being infuriated by a mystery person for years only to discover that this mystery person is also your boss. It's a bizarre coincidence that is both surprising and unsurprising, in this case, given this dude's temperament and behavior at work. Before we get into the employee's revenge, some backstory is necessary first. When the Redditor got their new phone, they immediately started getting a barrage of calls and messages from the phone's previous owner, who lived in the same town. He en…
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Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

This manager has no one to blame but himself. How much more do we need to evolve culturally for managers to understand not to question employees when they tell their bosses they are sick? It's simply not worth the risk. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/Retired_DG_Key , who got the stomach flu from his roommate's kid and tried to call in sick to the managers of his four jobs. Two of those managers were decent humans. The others forced the employee to get a doctor's note or find a replacemen…
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'He asked why I was back since he fired me': Guy gets fired by manager for throwing away his soda, gets reinstated by manager's boss

'He asked why I was back since he fired me': Guy gets fired by manager for throwing away his soda, gets reinstated by manager's boss

Getting unjustly fired has never felt so good. Here, we have a fast food employee who saw a half-finished soda can and asked everyone working, including his manager, if it belonged to anyone before he tossed it in the trash before the end of his shift. Apparently, his direct manager was not paying attention because he was too busy talking on the phone with his girlfriend while on the clock. So, when he was done with his personal call, he went looking for his soda only to learn that it had been…
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Manager refuses to reimburse client for wrongful charge, client cleverly complies with their no refunds ‘rule’

Manager refuses to reimburse client for wrongful charge, client cleverly complies with their no refunds ‘rule’

Exhausted from work and hunting for the perfect meal to satisfy your munchies, you might not bother looking over the bill to ensure you were not billed more than is needed. However, there are times when you do notice, and what do you do then? Do you give up and brush it off as simply another example of something that ‘is not worth your aggravation’ or do you fight for a refund? The story below is an account of a clever consumer. The original poster (OP) relates how he managed to outwit the near…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 36013317

Boss shows up in new Cybertruck before announcing no one is getting paid: 'He [made] us all go outside into the parking lot'

When you owe someone money, nothing is going to go over like a lead balloon, quite like showing up with something new and shiny to show off. You probably even did it at least once to your parents as a kid when they gave you money for lunch, and you went out and bought Pokemon cards instead. You know the type, that friend who you loaned 100 dollars to for rent, yet they still somehow have new clothes every time you see them. Your roommate who borrowed money for groceries but always seems to have…
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employee refuses to work unpaid over time because he was denied WFH privileges, company only wants him to WFH when it's unpaid

Employee outsmarts toxic management's unreasonable free labor expectations after denying him WFH privileges: ‘My contract says that I am prohibited [from] work[ing] from home’

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Manager cancels company's social benefit to boost sales, employees foil plan and outmaneuver the managerial team

Manager cancels company's social benefit to boost sales, employees foil plan and outmaneuver the managerial team

The business world is calculated and vicious. Whether on purpose or not, there are always some who want to take advantage of your hardship and struggle. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. For a significant duration, the original poster (OP) was employed by the same company. The social perks that the company provided, such as the number of vacation days that could be carried over to the following year, were among its most notable benefits. Every worker received a total of th…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 35989765

Employee brings cookies in for their coworkers, boss sells them instead, employee quits: '[He] decided to sell my gift to my coworkers for a profit'

Most people in this world fall into two camps: Those out to make things better for everyone and those in it for their own gain and to meet their own ends. Sure, this concept sounds quite reductive (it is), and the reality is things aren't quite so black and white… It's more than likely people will play to both sides depending on their current needs and motivations. Still, ultimately, I maintain that if you distilled people down to their true purpose and intention, you'd find the original statem…
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new tech employees mess up and try to cover it up, other employees call them out on their sneaky behavior and it backfires on the new tech employees

‘Crashed the site’: New tech leaders try to cover up a massive mistake by blocking employees from downloading software, employees retaliate beautifully

Own up to your mistakes or things can get very messy!
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PTO debacle leaves manager feeling unwanted at the company, that's what happens when you force staff to use paid leave

‘He didn't start off well’: New narcissistic manager tries to force man to use accumulated paid leave, gets a taste of his own medicine when it doesn't go as planned

PTO is yours to use at your own discretion.
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses Tech contractor employment in the workplace - 35940613

Boss directly blocks tech contractor's raise due to lack of "leadership" despite them not being in a leadership role at all: 'I was genuinely taken aback'

There was a time and a place when staff retention was an organization's top priority, and it was a point of pride and honor to have and care for long-standing employees. My grandfather worked for the same company his entire life—though he was famously mocked towards the end of his career by a notorious executive (who would go on to publicly defraud the large corporation for millions.) My father was nearly the same, working for the same organization from before I was born until his retirement wi…
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Company refuses to reimburse employee's work travel expenses, claiming he spent too much, prompting employee's $1000 retaliation and resignation

Company refuses to reimburse employee's work travel expenses, claiming he spent too much, prompting employee's $1000 retaliation and resignation

The majority of workers fantasize about taking business trips. You are free to follow your own career path and see different cultures around the globe. Nonetheless, when an employee travels only for work, it is customary, if not required, for the company to cover the necessary costs to ensure the worker enjoys a pleasant stay. So, how would you respond if the business declined to cover necessities such as food? The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) descr…
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Boss takes away construction workers' stereo, middle manager defends the team and buys them a new one: 'He didn't expect me to advocate for them'

Boss takes away construction workers' stereo, middle manager defends the team and buys them a new one: 'He didn't expect me to advocate for them'

Imagine being such a micromanager that you feel the need to enforce what music your employees can listen to while they work. As I am sure you are all well aware, music is one of the few things that can provide momentum and levity through the difficult monotony of the workday. What's more, the employees in this scenario are construction workers. They have to do tough manual labor, oftentimes in the heat, day in and day out. If they want to listen to music on a stereo while they work, they should…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job retail work customers customer workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35728133

'Your adherence is non-negotiable and mandatory': Customer service rep's authoritarian emails go viral sparking discussion online

This reads heavily like someone chucked a prompt into an AI and just let it rip without any proofreading or comprehension of the output. Still, someone at least must have added something to the prompt along the line of “make this statement as authoritarian as possible" without understanding the direction of Everyone has encountered this customer service rep before who has handled one customer too many and is now on a warpath. Usually this types of attitude is a requirement for doctor's office r…
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CTO calls CEO out after pushing for an RTO mandate, doesn't show up when everyone else goes into the office

‘Guess who wasn't there?’: Hypocritical CEO tries to revoke WFH system, is a no-show when whole company goes into office

Don't push for a return-to-office mandate if you can't follow it yourself.
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 Micromanager’s criticism backfires as junior employee withdraws support, prompting boss’s desperate plea for help

Micromanager’s criticism backfires as junior employee withdraws support, prompting boss’s desperate plea for help

Every business has a different hierarchical structure that is exclusive to it. The account provided in the story below comes from a former student. The original poster (OP) was a university student majoring in English. During her time as a student, she launched the department newsletter and helped with the editing and publication of the annual literary journal. She significantly improved the newsletter and the magazine, but since she was still viewed as a junior editor, she was expected to perf…
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