
entitled people

'All 4 wheels on my car were stolen': 20+ vacations gone wrong due to mildly infuriating circumstances

'All 4 wheels on my car were stolen': 20+ vacations gone wrong due to mildly infuriating circumstances

No vacation ends up going according to plan. Sometimes, what tarnishes the experience of a trip is completely out of your hands. Recently on a trip to London, my partner and I discovered while about to board our return flights that our flight was overbooked and our assigned seats were merely taken as a request. We ended up not getting seats on that flight and found ourselves temporarily stranded abroad at the end of what would have been the first trip of mine to go according to plan. We should…
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impatient patient employee satisfying drama job nurse emergency room hospital work doctor entitled people karma workers entitled reddit thread Reddit ER entitled people - 35963909

'He outright yelled at everyone': Entitled ER waiting room complainers upset when new patient gets treated first, employee rightfully sets them straight

We can all agree that no one likes making a trip to the emergency room. It's highly inconvenient, usually overcrowded, and let's not even get started on the cost. But what's almost just as bad as visiting the emergency room yourself would be the poor workers who have to deal with irritated patients all day long. They are already unhappy to be in your presence, not to mention they are in immense pain (I mean, they are in the emergency room, for crying out loud). And when you're in a lot of pain,…
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'All he had to do was be normal… He's not getting a refund now': Entitled hotel guest tries to whine his way into getting 1 free night, was about to get it until he turned into a Karen

'All he had to do was be normal… He's not getting a refund now': Entitled hotel guest tries to whine his way into getting 1 free night, was about to get it until he turned into a Karen

Kindness can go a long way, but so can pettiness.
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Karen customer tries to score free meal from restaurant for third time a row, manager teaches her unforgettable lesson

Karen customer tries to score free meal from restaurant for third time a row, manager teaches her unforgettable lesson

Jobs in customer service are never simple. Yet the task is made even harder when a client is trying to take advantage of you in order to earn a fast profit. An employee of customer service recounts his frustrations in the story below. The original poster (OP) has a long history of employment in the hospitality sector. Therefore, he acquired the ability to interact with an extensive selection of people. But after a particularly entitled customer sought a free supper for the third time in a row,…
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Manager refuses to reimburse client for wrongful charge, client cleverly complies with their no refunds ‘rule’

Manager refuses to reimburse client for wrongful charge, client cleverly complies with their no refunds ‘rule’

Exhausted from work and hunting for the perfect meal to satisfy your munchies, you might not bother looking over the bill to ensure you were not billed more than is needed. However, there are times when you do notice, and what do you do then? Do you give up and brush it off as simply another example of something that ‘is not worth your aggravation’ or do you fight for a refund? The story below is an account of a clever consumer. The original poster (OP) relates how he managed to outwit the near…
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'Quit watching HGTV': Professional contractors and tradesmen share the biggest issues they experience with homeowners

'Quit watching HGTV': Professional contractors and tradesmen share the biggest issues they experience with homeowners

Are you planning on hiring a professional for some work around your home? Then you better read up!
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employee refuses to work unpaid over time because he was denied WFH privileges, company only wants him to WFH when it's unpaid

Employee outsmarts toxic management's unreasonable free labor expectations after denying him WFH privileges: ‘My contract says that I am prohibited [from] work[ing] from home’

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'Not my responsibility bro...': Family vacation is derailed by brother's outburst after his sister refuses to dog sit, starting a blame game among the siblings

'Not my responsibility bro...': Family vacation is derailed by brother's outburst after his sister refuses to dog sit, starting a blame game among the siblings

Your family should always come first. Conversely, setting boundaries and declining help when necessary is perfectly reasonable. The story below is an account of a confused sister. Every year, the original poster (OP) and her family take trips together. OP, however, informed her family that neither she nor her spouse would be able to attend because of her current unemployment. Things were going well at first, but when her brother insisted that she take care of his five dogs the entire journey, t…
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Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

Karens spar at a restaurant after after one overhears the other's loud phone conversation: 'I could hear everything'

The only thing that can ruin a restaurant meal more than bad food is the presence of an unruly customer. Sometimes, they are clearly lonely and enjoy eavesdropping and inserting themselves into your dinner conversations. When this happens, you tend to indulge them with a few polite exchanges, only to realize that you are going to have to endure this for the next 45 minutes (at least) because you are simply too simply polite to ask them to leave you alone. Other times, your meal is interrupted b…
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male karen gets owned when he realizes that hotel is not liable for his damaged car, gets banned from the premises because of his treatment of hotel employees

‘The hotel is not liable for any damaged or missing property’: Male Karen threatens to sue front desk employee after his car is damaged in the wrong parking spot, gets banned from the premises as a result

Make sure to read the signs very carefully.
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new tech employees mess up and try to cover it up, other employees call them out on their sneaky behavior and it backfires on the new tech employees

‘Crashed the site’: New tech leaders try to cover up a massive mistake by blocking employees from downloading software, employees retaliate beautifully

Own up to your mistakes or things can get very messy!
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PTO debacle leaves manager feeling unwanted at the company, that's what happens when you force staff to use paid leave

‘He didn't start off well’: New narcissistic manager tries to force man to use accumulated paid leave, gets a taste of his own medicine when it doesn't go as planned

PTO is yours to use at your own discretion.
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Woman forced to move out of her apartment after unemployed roommate invited his brother to live with them, resulting in her paying rent and bills alone: ‘I'm done here’

Woman forced to move out of her apartment after unemployed roommate invited his brother to live with them, resulting in her paying rent and bills alone: ‘I'm done here’

Living with your best friends can go one of two ways – Either extremely great or terribly wrong, and you can assume that most people will tell you that it usually goes the latter way. There is something about sharing a space that is just so specific for everyone involved, that even if you love each other and enjoy each other's company, it does not mean that you will enjoy living together. The main problem is that you will not know until you try, and that is why most people would recommend simpl…
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wild karen yells at front desk employee about outrageous requests, gets served when he revokes her discount

‘Ma'am you have the lowest rate on the property this evening’: Karen customer repeatedly berates hotel employee with outrageous requests, employee claps back hard

“I have dealt with a lot of people and you are downright nasty and disrespectful.”
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‘I get a rush when I “lose” the things’: New mom gets treated like trash by mother-in-law, so she secretly donates every baby gift her MIL gives

‘I get a rush when I “lose” the things’: New mom gets treated like trash by mother-in-law, so she secretly donates every baby gift her MIL gives

Need a quick and easy way to stick-it to your mother-in-law? Well, here ya go!
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family drama entitlement drama kids reddit story family feud parenting debt dad arrested entitled family reddit thread daughter Reddit mom karma children entitled people - 35917317

'I am about $60,000 in debt because of them': Daughter has parents arrested after discovering they took loans out in her name to pay off their debt

Having debt is a major burden. Whether you took out student loans for college , bought a car, or bought a house, you name it, no one likes having debt over their heads. But how would you feel if one day you found out you were $60,000 in debt and had absolutely no clue? And it's not due to negligence on your part, but rather, someone was taking advantage of you? That's exactly what happened to the woman in this story. She was doing just fine on her own, about to graduate college and enter the 'r…
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