
work from home

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'My boss keeps calling me when I'm home with pneumonia': Boss texts sick employee 15+ times asking for 'quick tasks'

There are bosses with empathy, and then there's this dude. U/yodascousinkevin told this surprising story of what happened when they came down with a bout of pneumonia, only to find out their boss just would not leave them alone. We all want to feel unique and special and irreplaceable at our jobs . We want to think that the work we do is exceptional, and that the place just wouldn't run the same without us. In reality, everyone is replaceable. No one told that to the OP's boss, though, who is a…
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'[I] handed my two weeks notice': Manager makes employee travel three hours to change work outfit, employee returns with letter of resignation

'[I] handed my two weeks notice': Manager makes employee travel three hours to change work outfit, employee returns with letter of resignation

Here's hoping this manager learned that her power trip was certainly not worth it.
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'8:24am- Sneezed, got tissue': Micromanaging boss gets exactly what he asked for when a sassy employee fills out his timekeeping card with over-detailed accuracy

Working when your boss is looking over your shoulder is not only irritating, but makes your productivity way worse. Obviously work speed is going to suffer when you have a nepo-baby clipboard-poker breathing heavily at your back and judging your every move. but for some reason, management doesn't get that concept.
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'My coworker [...] needs to grow up': Coworker keeps sleeping through meetings, asks for feedback, employee gives it to her straight

'My coworker [...] needs to grow up': Coworker keeps sleeping through meetings, asks for feedback, employee gives it to her straight

She asked for honesty, and honesty is what she received.
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Top TGIF Memes for Employees Running on Empty Who Need it to be the Weekend ASAP

Some work weeks hit harder than others. This week, the wind was sucked out of your sails and you're spiraling towards Earth with nothing on your mind except happy hour drinks on Friday at 5PM. Thank god it's Friday!
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'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote cal after thinking he was on mute

'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote call after thinking he was on mute

Everyone has had that moment of panic on Zoom when you thought you were on mute but you weren't.
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15+ Relatable Work From Home Memes for Pajamafied Employees With Who Can't Survive Another Zoom Call

I'm all about that sedentary lifestyle, baby
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FAILS wholesome work from home FAIL work reddit thread Reddit Cats - 20398085

'I had been broadcasting my baby talk to my entire team': Employee does baby talk with cat while unmuted on work call

Rarely do we come across stories that are embarrassing and wholesome at the same time. But thankfully, this story is proof that both kinds of content can coexist. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/tifu subreddit by u/SaltyDalty21 , an employee who works from home and is accustomed to taking professional video calls remotely. However, one day, her cat decided to be a trickster and crawled all over her work setup. In the process, her cat literally unmuted her on the call without her knowledge.…
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'Expect my resignation by EOD': Micromanaging boss tries to force her top salesperson to commute to the office 3x a week, he refuses and quits

'Expect my resignation by EOD': Micromanaging boss tries to force her top salesperson to commute to the office 3x a week, he refuses and quits

Working from home has changed the way that businesses operate, but micromanagers everywhere are rolling in their graves over the fact that they can no longer survey their employees like they used to. Micromanaging bosses are absolutely livid that their crew can work from the comfort of their home, proving that they are 10x more productive without middle management watching their every step.
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20 Distracting Work From Home Memes for Pajamafied Employees With ADHD

When you get distracted when you work from home, managers will consider you an unproductive employee. When you work in an office, those same distractions are called “company culture”.
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Work From Home Memes for Pajamafied Employees Unaffected by Daylight Savings This Week

What is time?
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20+ Funniest Work From Home Memes for Antisocial Employees Who Love Daytime Pajamas and Having Their Pets As Coworkers (March 9, 2023)

Commuting to work must be the biggest waste of time known to man. You sit in traffic on the freeway for 45 minutes with a stale drive through coffee in your hand, meetings to panic about, and road rage in your heart . Now imagine if your office was only 10 steps away from your bedroom? 20 steps away from your kitchen and fully stocked cupboard? Not only do you have full access to all of the luxuries of home (snacks, good coffee, comfortable pants, and your pets), but your "commute" takes about…
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Work from home memes wfh memes relatable working sucks zoom employee remote

Funniest Work From Home Memes for Antisocial Employees Who Love Daytime Pajamas and Having Their Pets As Coworkers (March 3, 2023)

Just make sure you always have your mic and camera off during a Zoom call
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zoom call work from home memes wfh meme antisocial relatable working boss manager break room breaks funniest introvert

Funniest Work From Home Memes for Antisocial Employees Who Love Daytime Pajamas and Having Their Pets As Coworkers (February 16, 2023)

I need to close all the job application tabs before sharing my screen on Zoom
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employee exacts petty revenge when he maliciously complies to his toxic upper management rules and gets five-day weekends for an entire year

‘Don’t Want Me to Have Three-Day Weekends? Don’t Mind if I Do’: Employee Combines Petty Revenge With Malicious Compliance and Gets 5-Day Weekends All Year in Spite of Toxic Bosses

Working from home is quickly becoming a very common practice. Since the pandemic in 2020 forced everyone to stay at home, companies finally started to see how work still got done. It's now considered an antiquated way of thinking if you force your employees to come to an office every single day to do work they could perfectly do from home. Many millennials and Gen Z are even refusing to do jobs that aren't WFH. Recenly, a man took to Reddit to share his satisfying petty revenge/malicious compli…
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pto wfh malicious compliance freak out work drama work from home corporate manager micromanager micromanagement boss horrible ceo the worst fail work sucks

'I guess we're off then': Hardworking Hybrid Team Gets Payback on Micromanaging Boss After A Vicious Attack On Their Productivity

For decades, office employees have been prisoners of their cubicle, pretending to “work” whenever their boss walks by. Ever since the pandemic, a lot of jobs have realized the practicality of adjusting office scheduling and having their employees work remotely. Even though employees that work from home save costs for their company and are typically more productive, for some reason, companies are resistant to the idea. Perhaps they're obsessed with micromanagement? Managers either don't trust th…
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