

'I offered a solution': Student requests algebra teacher regrade paper, teacher gives her lower grade

'I offered a solution': Student demands algebra teacher regrade paper, teacher gives her lower grade

This student was very insistent about her grades … maybe she should've also been a little nicer to the professor, though. U/Ancient_Educator_76 is a college professor who is, in their own words, super petty. However, they claim they're also nice to their students, and since they realize their students are trying their hardest, they tend to be kind when they're grading papers and tests . It's all about manners, though. The professor has a student named Mara who asks inane questions, interrupts t…
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'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' plan draws attention to his leadership

'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' outrageous plan draws attention to his leadership

This superintendent decided to give the student government a project. That was his first mistake! U/The_Bee_Sneeze shared this interesting tale from their high school days as an overachiever. The OP writes that they were in the student government for the same reasons everyone else is: because it looks good when you're applying to colleges. It looks great on a resume, and the only things you really do are things like planning the Homecoming Dance or putting up flyers around the school. However,…
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'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

One teacher was asked to take a closer look at a student's paper ---the student wasn't happy with their B minus grade. College professors do a lot of work for a little bit of money. This person, u/sushkunes, writes that when they were a “poorly paid and overworked adjunct professor,” they had an experience with an entitled student that stuck with them. After you read this story, check out this guy who decided to call their HOA every single time they put their trash out to the curb.
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'Had a student write down "hand shoes" instead of "gloves"': 25+ Students whose tests answers made their teachers laugh out loud

'Had a student write down "hand shoes" instead of "gloves"': 25+ Students whose tests answers made their teachers laugh out loud

Teachers must have to try so hard not to laugh out loud at the answers their students give. According to the teachers on this r/AskReddit post, who have some hilarious stories to share, their student's answers surprise them every day. As a teacher in America , you're responsible for guiding students through a full year of reading, discussions, tests, and pop quizzes. Elementary school teachers work with the same kids all day long, while in most middle and high schools, teachers specialize in on…
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'I don't know the sound a lemon makes': 35+ Students who had creative answers to their teacher's questions

'I don't know the sound a lemon makes': 35+ Students who had extra creative answers to their teacher's questions

“I mean, it was a true answer, just not what I was looking for,” one teacher admitted.
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school-faculty teaching teachers-meeting back to school new teacher teaching-staff principals - 21744901

'It’s like I told a room full of kindergartners that Santa wasn’t real': Veteran teacher blurts out in disagreement with the boss that they are in fact NOT family, they are coworkers

Management always claims to respect the work-life balance sentiment, but then go around telling everyone that they're “like a family around here." You can't have both. Would you lay off the least productive family member if things started to get tough? So, basically get rid of the youngest kid once food prices soar too high. No. Only in a work environment is that acceptable. When times get tough in the family, mom and dad will make sure their kids get feed before they feed themselves. Does uppe…
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‘You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it’: Professor gets even with Dean after being ordered to make a speech for 150 students

‘You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it’: Professor gets even with Dean after being ordered to make a speech for 150 students

The power struggle between different forces in high school is real… in this case, OP relayed a high school experience that left them in everlasting awe of their mechanography teacher. Whenever an important date approached, all the students would line up in the courtyard, standing still in formation as one of the teachers would do a speech about whatever day it was and the importance of it. Said speeches would amount to maybe 10-15 minutes, which was fair, because keeping 150 teenagers lined up…
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school students teaching dnd teachers dnd memes teacher story reddit thread dungeons and dragons - 20932357

'What are you even doing?': Principal gets owned by students for trying to break up teacher's DnD game

There's something to be said about leaving things you don't understand well enough alone. We see this often in workplaces when some new-fangled manager comes along who doesn't understand the technical work of the people reporting to them; rather than seeking to understand (or admitting that they don't understand), they try to apply their existing mental framework to the situation—often with disastrous results. This situation is no different; when working with kids, you're going to find yourself…
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firing school jobs fired toxic-workplace job teaching teachers teacher employees workplace unemployment unemployed employment - 20850437

'Now they want a resignation notice': Teacher gets fired, then ordered to submit a resignation

Getting fired sucks; having your means of income suddenly dissipate leaves you in a pretty vulnerable situation, forcing you to dig into your savings in order to keep yourself afloat—which, considering how hard it is to save at the moment… probably doesn't leave you with a lot. Luckily, there's unemployment (if you uniquely qualify), which can help bridge the gap and keep you off the streets while you find new work, which your previous employer must pay a part of—unless they can devise a way to…
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school toxic-workplace teaching work coworkers teachers awesome teacher teacher workplace - 20768005

'My next paycheck was $3500 more': Administration's attempt to dock teacher's hours makes them realize they're not being properly paid

Sometimes, in the effort to save $1, you lose $10—like when you buy an older bicycle, but it turns out, with all the work needing to be done to it, you should have just bought a newer one instead. Life's like that sometimes, and if you're trying to dig up ways that employees are screwing you to save money, you'd better be darned sure you're not actually screwing them, or else that might cost you—big time. When the administration tried to tell this teacher that she was having her hours docked fo…
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60 Times Fed-Up Teachers Had to Deal with Ridiculous Reasons Why Parents Were Mad at Them

60 Times Fed-Up Teachers Had to Deal with Ridiculous Reasons Why Parents Were Mad at Them

Did you know that Karens are also parents?...
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antiwork teaching teachers teacher workplace Horrible Bosses - 17516805

School Fires Teacher When They Try to Give Notice, So They "Burn" Their Grade Book and All Records

A teacher gave notice and was swiftly fired by a vindictive principal, who then wanted access to their teaching records. The teacher taught a night class part-time “just for some extra cash.” They taught this class for a few days every week in addition to their full-time role and the local high school. They report that they enjoyed their time at this school until a new principal came on board. After handling constant nitpicking about insignificant things, they had had enough. The teacher, Reddi…
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Teacher Shares the Realities of Getting Roasted Daily by His Gen Z Students, Gets Bullied for Not Drinking a Beverage With His Lunch

Teacher Shares the Realities of Getting Roasted Daily by His Gen Z Students, Gets Bullied for Not Drinking a Beverage With His Lunch

It's not easy dealing with this generation
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teacher memes

Teaching Memes That Are At Least Better Than Homework

Oh, public schools.
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new principal tells teacher to quit job, so they quit teaching job

New Principal Tells Teacher To Quit Second Job, Quits Teaching Job

Do the math.
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pro revenge ask reddit malicious compliance teaching revenge stories Reddit karen - 16408837

Teen Piano Teacher Outsmarts Idiot Karen Who Accused Them of Overcharging

Are you smarter than an 8th grader?
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