

‘I was fired on the spot’: Top Reddit Stories of Employees Getting Fired

‘I was fired on the spot’: Top Reddit Stories of Employees Getting Fired

If you've never gotten fired, have you even lived? I remember the absolute shame and frankly, heartbreak (I was 16, and very dramatic) I felt when I was called by a manager and promptly fired after being accused of fighting with his wife on the job. The story goes as such: I was looking for a job while I was in high school. I was not a very good student and didn't attend any of my classes, so there were weeks I would stay at home, instead of going to school, and boy was it boring . Eventually,…
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‘The difference is massive’: Senior employee finds out a coworker is making $16K more than them, asks for a raise which they are denied

‘The difference is massive’: Senior employee finds out a coworker is making $16K more than them, asks for a raise which they are denied

Coworkers talk. And I am a firm believer that this is a good thing. It's your right to keep your salary to yourself, but I think there isn't anything wrong with sharing how much you make with fellow coworkers. Companies should have to deal with the repercussions of giving one employee way more than another, despite them both having the same qualifications. In this oh-too-familiar case, OP found out that they were making a whopping 16 THOUSAND dollars less than one of their coworkers, who was wo…
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‘You can’t discuss your pay': Manager tells employee they can't discuss wages with coworkers, employee reports them to HR and district manager

‘You can’t discuss your pay': Manager tells employee they can't discuss wages with coworkers, employee reports them to HR and district manager

It is not in a company's best interest to have their employees gather and hold a discussion about how much they are being paid, but it is certainly in the employee's best interest. Back when I was floor manager at a restaurant, I remember finding out that people who were way newer than I was at the job were getting about one dollar more than me. It doesn't really matter that it was one dollar (that adds up, by the way), it matters that this dollar is symbolic! Why should people who have fewer q…
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'I armed a multi-million dollar financial nuke': Worker quits and goes full scorched earth on the way out

'I armed a multi-million dollar financial nuke': Worker quits and goes full scorched earth on the way out

It's always a good policy in life to take the high road, but when that's not an option, the low road will do just fine—just make sure to set fire to every metaphorical bridge you might cross along the way. This full scorched earth policy isn't the way you should normally go about doing business; for one thing, it's (usually) unethical, and it's not going to make you many friends or get you very far. For that reason, you should always aim to leave things on good terms when you leave a job—you ne…
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‘One week notice became zero weeks notice’: Employee quits, then calls in sick every day in order to get even with manager

‘One week notice became zero weeks notice’: Employee quits, then calls in sick every day in order to get even with manager

Quitting your job often requires a one to two-week notice, which you normally give your boss with a grin on your face, knowing that soon enough, you'll be put out of your misery. Unless of course, you like your job, in which case, never mind. In this case, OP was working as a head bartender and got a new job as a senior bartender at another company. So, OP did what everyone else does when they decide they're going to quit: he informed his manager, giving in his one-week notice. His manager sat…
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‘HR quashed the employee’s raise': HR override manager who approves employee's request for 8% raise, employee quits, company crumbles

‘HR quashed the employee’s raise': HR override manager who approves employee's request for 8% raise, employee quits, company crumbles

Tsk, tsk, questionable decisions are being made by management and HR all around the world at this very moment, and you never know the consequences it will bring… In this case, OP explained how he was going to 'jump ship' as soon as possible due to HR in his company, who were doing everything in their power to micromanage the company's employees to a ridiculous degree. An employee at OP's workplace who was working in IT asked for an 8% raise, showing their boss salaries in the area where people…
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories in-the-workplace hr workplace-story manager funny story tales-from-the-workplace coworkers workplace-discussion human resources managers workplace entitled creativity in the workplace coworker entitled people - 21129733

'She demanded I hire her': Manager's old company calls begging him to hire his useless ex-coworker to get her off their hands

Imagine having a coworker so terrible that when you get a new management role and poach the members of your old team, your old HR manager actually gets mad at you for not poaching the awful one. That's a scenario that boggles the mind so completely it's hard to imagine this scenario actually playing out in real life. Yet, that's exactly what his manager reported experiencing in a story that they shared on Reddit. In their account of events, they tell how—a few months after leaving their old job…
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single mother single-mother slacker lazy work employee coworker manager workplace reddit antiwork entitled entitled-people work-ethic excuse lame hr

'She demanded I hire her, but I refused': HR tries to dump a slacker employee on a hard-working manager; they get denied even after they try to pull the 'single mother' card

Slacker people like to hide behind their perceived shortcomings in order to validate their lack of work ethic. The biggest problem with that is that they are immediately discrediting other hard working folks in the same situation, while making themselves a pity case for everyone around them. In this story, one slacker employee found refuge in her workplace by playing the ‘single mother' card, using the same excuse for every one of her deficiencies as an employee and a coworker.
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tattletale snitch story hr harassment workplace toxic work work-story reddit coworkers coworker terrible worst comedian not-funny crude joke revenge female male

'He dared you to call his hand; You called and raised': Entitled employee harasses his female coworker gets bamboozled when she calls his bluff and takes him to the cleaners with HR

Working with insufferable coworkers is tantalizing on its own, but when your raunchy, abrasive colleague starts to test your patience with crude jokes and terse taunts, it's hard not to go full vigilante on them.
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'She must go on leave and I won't hear any excuses!': Worker gets double leave when Karen boss forces them to take leave and forgets to document it

'She must go on leave and I won't hear any excuses!': Worker gets double leave when Karen boss forces them to take leave and forgets to document it

Throughout your life, your superiors' insistence that you adhere to cumbersome processes and procedures will be a literal thorn in your side, causing you wasted hours and undue stress as you attempt to follow them. But—occasionally, things might just work out in your favor. When they do, it's usually owing to the fact that the superiors, who are insisting that these processes be followed, aren't nearly as good at following them themselves as they would like you to believe. In fact, they may rev…
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'She tells me I am going to be fired': HR Karen changes dress code to try and fire workers, they comply by wearing women's clothing

'She tells me I am going to be fired': HR Karen changes dress code to try and fire workers, they comply by wearing women's clothing

Sometimes it's important to take a step back and take a look at why you're doing something—especially when it negatively impacts other people. If you can't come with anything other than “because I want to” or “because it's better for me personally” then maybe you should reconsider and not do that thing. For one, you should never have the audacity to think that you can think that you have the authority and skill to rewrite an entire policy by yourself overnight… Add the incompetency of this empl…
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‘If you do that again, you’re fired’: Employee flips the script on Ccworker who attempts to get them fired via HR complaint, then gets promoted

‘If you do that again, you’re fired’: Employee flips the script on coworker who attempts to get them fired via HR complaint, then gets promoted

What managers fail to realize time and time again is that they are creating a bitter environment for employees when they decide to micromanage them, leading to a drop in production, and an overall yucky atmosphere. OP was working in a sanitization department for a hospital, working on the upkeep of cleanliness of the general areas of the hospital. Unfortunately, OP had a coworker, Steve, who wasn't even a manager, yet micromanaged the rest of the staff as if he were one. There is nothing worse…
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‘We get 5 days a year of PTO’: Employee gets forced to resign after requesting a 2 week vacation; audacious boss encourages him to reapply for the same position when he gets back

‘We get 5 days a year of PTO’: Employee gets forced to resign after requesting a 2 week vacation; audacious boss encourages him to reapply for the same position when he gets back

We all dream about the day our best friend wins the lottery and buys you tickets to an unforgettable European vacation. In this case, OP actually has this fantasy come to life when they were gifted a once-in-a-lifetime vacation from their rich friend. Who could say no to that? However, OP was in for a rude awakening when they requested two weeks off for their dream vacation and their boss subsequently took that as their resignation.
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‘I’m getting fired': Employee finds out boss intends to fire them after stumbling across job listing, boss offers new hire $5 rate increase despite initially refusing to give employee raise

‘I’m getting fired': Employee finds out boss intends to fire them after stumbling across job listing, boss offers new hire $5 rate increase despite initially refusing to give employee raise

Not only is approaching your boss and asking for a raise legitimate, but it is also inevitable, especially when you find yourself doing many more tasks than your original job description entailed. Unfortunately for OP, they were denied a $1 raise from their boss, even though they were working two job descriptions instead of one. OP had no choice but to look for another job in addition to the one they were already doing. Lo and behold, OP's company was more than willing to pay that extra dollar,…
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'You can't fire me; you should fire her instead': Employee gets boss fired during HR disciplinary hearing designated for himself

'You can't fire me; you should fire her instead': Employee gets boss fired during HR disciplinary hearing designated for himself

When management fails to step up and do what is required of them to create a change in an employee's behavior, you bet it won't go unnoticed, even if by the employee themselves. In this case, an employee we'll call Ivan was the type of hopeless that not even a boot camp could fix, and the only employee more hopeless than him was his own boss, who we'll call Karen. Ivan was called into a disciplinary hearing by HR along with OP, Karen, and a few other employees after having 50 complaints filed a…
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'You can't use your work phone unless you're on the clock': Company suffers drop in production following employees' conformance to new guidelines, HR fails to mediate

'You can't use your work phone unless you're on the clock': Company suffers drop in production following employees' conformance to new guidelines, HR fails to mediate

It's quite something when incompetent leadership and management destroy initiative and morale. In this case, OP was working at a job that required a lot of communication and coordination. Often, a lot of things required from them were time-sensitive. The employees all had a work phone, which they would use for work calls outside of work hours, as well. One day, the company decided to forbid its employees from using their work phones outside of work. They would use scare tactics to make sure the…
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