

‘I want him fired': Boss attempts to fire employee following employee's refusal to answer work calls on weekend, HR flips the script and orders boss to give employee company phone

‘I want him fired': Boss attempts to fire employee following employee's refusal to answer work calls on weekend, HR flips the script and orders boss to give employee company phone

Many companies expect their employees to be on the clock 24/7, and that can be at the expense of their personal time; it's no wonder so many employees feel bitter towards their boss. OP was working at a small factory where he had the managerial role of logistics and purchasing. Now, anyone who has had to deal with trucking brokers will know that the road isn't always exactly smooth. Sometimes it can get pretty bumpy, and that can result in a lot of phone calls for a manager. OP was receiving so…
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'[I] was terminated for the third time': Beloved and overworked employee gets fired for "underperforming," sparks professional dialogue on how to bounce back

'[I] was terminated for the third time': Beloved and overworked employee gets fired for "underperforming," sparks professional dialogue on how to bounce back

When it comes to looking for a job, it is not easy these days. The amount of experience required, combined with education standards, edict, etc. in this economy is outrageous. Back in the day, as long as you were wanting to work, you could usually find a job. Now, even if you want to be a cashier at your local fast food restaurant, you need at least five years experience. So when you find somewhere you enjoy working, you don't want to let it go. However, sometimes that simply is just not your c…
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‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

Employees working minimum wage jobs are remarkably gifted at identifying customer Karens from a mile away; their posture, the way they present themselves, and the superior tone in their voice as they begin a sentence with an entitled demand. These customers don't go on hiatus, they do not take breaks in their dedicated work to ruin people's day. In this case, a Karen entered a petrol station, eyed the other customers in line, decided her request ranked worthiest, and passed them all, strutting…
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'I was instructed to stay at my desk, so I did' Company crumbles due to drop in production following boss's orders for employees to ‘stay at their desk’ in uniform, despite being short-staffed

'I was instructed to stay at my desk, so I did': Boss orders employees to ‘stay at their desk’ in uniform, company crumbles due to drop in production

Genius managers are a dime a dozen, and those in head office have a particular knack for annihilating systems that work, attempting to 'better the work environment' for ego's sake. Brilliant ideas range from inefficient procedures, changing working hours, or introducing a new, uncomfortable uniform that doesn't suit the 'work environment' they're trying so hard to fix. In this case, OP was working in an industry that they claim is logically equivalent to the warehouse industry. OP mainly did ad…
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A coworker called me a s technician. I reported him to HR and got him fired.

'I reported him to HR and got him fired': Hardware tech accuses IT coworker of 'cheating the system'

This IT worker was tired of being insulted for no reason at all.
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"I knew it was a 'You're fired' meeting...": Employee plays long game of revenge on boss via malicious compliance, leads to gross misconduct, HR gets involved, boss gets demoted

"I knew it was a 'You're fired' meeting...": Employee plays long game of revenge on boss via malicious compliance, leads to gross misconduct, HR gets involved, boss gets demoted

Malicious compliance can quickly get ugly and lead to you getting fired… if you're not careful. This employee made sure he had a long paper trail to cover his own tracks when the inevitable ‘You’re fired' meeting arrived. He made sure he had someone to point the finger at, and in this case, it was his boss, who didn't hesitate to throw him under the bus when HR got involved. The employee worked at a call center that had a ticketing system they used to escalate cases to different teams. Sometime…
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‘I checked the HR manual; I realized quickly Karen was lying’: Karen manager served malicious compliance on a plate by hungry employee

‘I checked the HR manual; I realized quickly Karen was lying’: Karen manager served malicious compliance on a plate by hungry employee

Managerial roles are not meant for everyone, yet somehow the most unfit people seem to land them anyway. It quickly becomes apparent when somebody is not a good fit to manage people, and in this case, it was more than apparent. In this instance, u/According-Air5665 explained there was a woman at her previous job that became a total Karen after she got promoted. Prior to her promotion, she'd gotten along with the team. But afterward, it was a whole different story. She made it her mission to cut…
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terrible coworkers karens work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired hr toxic-workplace toxic coworkers i quit human resources coworker karen toxic-work-environment - 19859205

'I quit.' Manager quits after lazy Karen subordinate reports him to HR

It's incredibly frustrating when someone in your workplace gets away with downright obscene behavior, and no one is doing a thing about it. You might think that that's what the HR department is for, but in a lot of organizations, they're content to sit on their hands and let the worst offenders get away with anything but murder—just as long as they don't have to deal with any conflict or rocking boats. As a manager, this can present an incredibly difficult problem; you can be as accommodating a…
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workplace-stories jobs hr toxic-workplace employees workplace-discussion human resources workplace Reddit employment - 2018055

Employer demands employee's son's birth certificate despite them not taking paternity leave

Having an employer who thinks they own you is nothing new, but now they want your children too. What with certain unnamed protections being lifted recently in certain unnamed locations … It will only be a matter of time before the children return to the mines that they yearn for! I mean, what else are kids good for? They're small and able-bodied, conveniently fitting into tight locations that are often found in confined work spaces like mine shafts and maintenance corridors. Sounds like wasted…
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corporate memes nepotism relatable work sucks boss wheel office manager hr cubicle

Best Corporate Memes for Office Plebs Who Can't Stand Another Day in Their Cubicle

Being a corporate suit is like being a hamster in a cage. Your life is pretty plushy, but at the end of the day, all you do is run around on that little wheel of yours, while you mindlessly imagine what it's like in the real outdoors. The corporate cage turns nepo babies, rich folks, and country club members into feral wolves, while it turns the rest of us into handsome blonde rodents with a 2 year life span . Hang in there, Hamtaro, the wheel will keep spinning even when you stop running, so p…
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staff work-story workplace-stories hr workplace-story manager work employees human resources managers workplace employment - 19687941

Update: '[I] am completely confounded': Worker claims they're unable to use Microsoft Windows OS due to their religion

There are a lot of people in this world with a lot of different beliefs, and we would do well to seek to understand and accept them. Still, there are some things in this world that just don't seem to add up to any rational sort of thinking. It's all well and good to follow a belief structure that carries a sense of morality and ethics. But what do you do when that structure prohibits you from using the tools of your trade? Is it your organization's responsibility to cater to these needs? Or is…
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work-story workplace-stories hr revenge work petty revenge human resources workplace - 19466245

HR Makes Salaried Employees Fill Out Time Cards, Costs Them Big

There's an age-old saying that can—although said in many different ways—be summarized as: If you're going to break the rules, don't break two rules at the same time. It's a simple, logical rationalization that boils down to mitigating risks. When you break multiple rules simultaneously, you just multiply your chances of being caught. In addition to that, when you get caught for one… you're probably going to get caught for both—and pay the price for both. There's also the added risk of more peop…
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employees workplace employment work-story workplace-stories employee hr malicious compliance revenge petty revenge human resources story - 19629573

Worker gets one over on vindictive HR by following workplace guidelines

It's no secret that the human resource department isn't as benevolent or employee-focused as we might have once been led to believe. At the end of the day, that seems pretty obvious, and we find it hard to believe that the wool could ever be pulled over our eyes. After all, it's in the name . It's an entire department of the company that exists solely to manage and mitigate one of its most costly resources… humans—aka you . Still, HR managers manage to either be the sweetest, most hospitable pe…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories hr i quit human resources workplace story Reddit employment - 19644165

'Ok, then I quit.': HR tries to make employee work weekends after learning they work a side hustle, they quit

It's no secret that some employers think they own your soul just because they pay you for your work. Somewhere between now and the 15th century, they got lost in time and mistakenly thought they were feudal lords. Unfortunately, there are more comparisons between peasant working conditions in medieval Europe and today than we would care to admit. This viral thread was shared to Reddit's r/antiwork community by the worker, u/InfiniteMaf. With a bewildering level of forwardness, the company's HR…
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‘HR emailed me about a bug in the ERP system, and I wished them good luck’ : Employee maliciously complies with boss after he tells him to stick to his 'job title'

‘HR emailed me about a bug in the ERP system, and I wished them good luck’ : Employee maliciously complies with boss after he tells him to stick to his 'job title'

The correct response to an employee doing good work outside of their job title is ‘thank you’, but there was one supervisor who has apparently lived under a rock his whole life, instead getting mad at an employee who did exactly that. See, this employee was working at a construction company, his job title being related to inventory. He quickly became good at it and took it upon himself to study the company's cloud-based ERP service that they used for all internal and external transactions. He q…
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'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

HR exists for various reasons, one of them being they oversee employee relations, but it isn't often that you come across HR that has an employee's back. Especially if the employee is maliciously complying… But when said malicious compliance results in loss of profits, you bet they're gonna have the worker's backs — perhaps not for the right reasons, but a win is a win! This employee in particular deserved a big win, and although it took some time, karma did its job — well, I might add. OP work…
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