
'Do the job I have hired you to do, and deliver my bagels': Law firm hires and fires chef in the same day

'Do the job I have hired you to do, and deliver my bagels': Law firm hires and fires chef in the same day

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs student university workplace-story job students malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace - 22586373

'Enjoy the end of your law career': College student pizza guy ends law student boss's career before it starts

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace - 22586629

'[They said] I intentionally sabotaged their event': Client gets mad after touching the single button sound engineer told them not to press

workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22586885

'He's being paid "too much"': Horrified worker shares how company wants to fire valuable veteran worker to cut costs

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace employment issues antiwork employment-discussion i quit quit Horrible Bosses quitting - 22585861

'I wasn't playing games': Oil rig worker calls their boss's bluff and quits when they're denied the chance to go home and visit their family

'I dunno, I’ll have to ask my mom':  30+ Job interviewees who didn't get the job after answering questions wrong

'I dunno, I’ll have to ask my mom': 30+ Job interviewees who didn't get the job thanks to their hilariously wrong answers

workplace discussion ask reddit employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace employment in the workplace - 22550533

'They put little weights in [...] to make them feel more expensive': 30+ Professionals share their industry secrets

'I hung up and ignored all calls from my boss': Restaurant boss asks employee to walk five miles in below zero temperatures, critiques their 'work ethic'

'I hung up and ignored all calls from my boss': Restaurant boss asks employee to walk five miles in below zero temperatures, critiques their 'work ethic'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace quit quitting - 22500101

'Now you expect me to give him pointers?': Worker gets passed up for promotion and asked for help by the successful candidate

Update: 'I wish I saw her face when she heard about the complaint': Manager leaves new hire to wait tables alone, customers call in to complain that managers were 'sitting on their phones'

Update: 'I wish I saw her face when she heard about the complaint': Manager leaves new hire to wait tables alone, customers call in to complain that managers were 'sitting on their phones'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace - 22498053

'I don't need your help': Guy disregards event credential worker, falls victim to his own hubris and gets to wait

'I'm not taking an hour off. I'm leaving. For good': Boss tells employee she could be 'fired for no cause,' employee plans their escape plan

'I'm not taking an hour off. I'm leaving. For good': Boss constantly tells employee she could be 'fired for no cause,' employee plots their escape plan

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'She [now] thinks everyone is out to get her': Dude gets back at lunch-stealing coworker by leaving undercooked food in the fridge

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace retail service industry - 22478853

'You guys can't come bothering us for a walkout when we are having a meeting': Server shares how their manager forces them to wait after clocking out

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 22497029

'[I] saw an angry email from my boss and decided... nope!': 10+ Workers share why they quit their jobs to look for new opportunities

europe salary boss shift workplace-stories jobs manager job bosses work coworkers hours workplace overtime bad bosses - 22511365

'I have to stop you right here... My day is over': Salaried bank worker starts working stricter hours after bosses criticize them for leaving ten minutes early