

Time to take the dog to the park. Or the kid, or maybe even just yourself. Time to smell some fresh air and dodge frisbees and footballs as you try to find a nice quiet spot. So find your happy place with these turfed-up puns and jokes just for you.

park funny Video - 50527745

Portland's Smallest Park is the Most Portland-iest Thing Ever

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Portable Park WIN

bench cars convenient park trailers - 6616922112
Via Bits and Pieces

Park Visitor WIN

animals park photo op pigeon - 6322187776

Hacked IRL: Surreal Growth

colors hacked irl nature park Street Art surreal trees trippy - 5301113088
park bike Video - 68303873

This Massive BMX Park is Completely Underground!

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Chair Balance WIN

balance bench chair park skill studying - 6019229440
Via Reddit

Hacked IRL: Getting Out of a Tough Spot

graffiti hacked irl Hiking park safety - 6133474048

Duck Steps WIN

awww bridge cute ducks park - 6039834624
Via Reddit

Giant Clothespin WIN

art earth grass installation park sculpture - 5196441344
Via Flavorwire

Planting a Tree WIN

animated construction gardening gifs park tree - 6189479168
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