Poorly Dressed


Let's get some shoes. Shoes are what separates us from a banana. That and a few genetic twists. Shoes have become a global sensation for young and old collectors alike. If you're all about that footwear and everything that has to do with it, fantastic. But not flip flops or sandals, get out of here with that nonsense.

Not Disturbing at All

shoes poorly dressed Barbie - 8030006784

I Heard He Likes Shoes

shoes poorly dressed McDonald's - 8363134464
Via Whoelseisbored

The Circle of Fashion Revealed

fashion shoes - 7990233600

The Daily What: T-Rex High Heels

dinosaurs fashion shoes t rex - 6609747968
Via Doobybrain

OMG Check My New Shoes! (Ignore My New Bracelet!!!11!!!1!)

boots bracelet shoes whoops - 6391703040

The Bigger the Shoe...

shoes wtf pointy - 6938443264

Excuse Me, I Think Lisa Frank Threw Up on Your Shoes. . .

shoes funny poorly dressed g rated - 7483114752

He Didn't Decide to Dress Up Till He Got to the Shoes?

shorts shoes poorly dressed - 8126054144
Via Big10Tens

No Place Like Home Shoes

shoes funny poorly dressed g rated - 7634691584
Via Dominic Wilcox

What a Lovely Couple

forever alone shoes trolling - 7240288512

Clearly the World of Fashion Needs These

shoes fashion - 7819711488

Broken Foot? You Can Still Match!

shoes poorly dressed converse sneakers chuck taylors - 8312868096
Via theCHIVE

These Shoes Are Part of a Complete and Balanced Breakfast

shoes poorly dressed eggs bacon - 8381596672
Via Izismile

Ever Wish Your Shoes Were More Absorbent?

shoes nike pad poorly dressed - 8083676160
Via NoWayGirl

John, Go Change Your Shoes

color orange pants shoes wtf - 4133071104

For the Athletic Cowboy

shoes poorly dressed boots cowboy boots sneakers - 8284825600
Via theCHIVE