neighbor neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama drama story bad bad-neighbor reddit lawn garden gardening revenge deserved getting-even payback satisfying

'I turned his yard into a swamp': Veggie gardener gets even with his lawn-loving neighbor, 'Grumpy Greg', taking drastic action when a neighborhood scuffle goes nuclear

You reap what you sow in life– and that's never more true than when we're literally talking about gardening.
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Clever job candidate outsmarts potential employers who post job listings that don't exist so they can use their assignments, getting them to pay thousands of dollars in compensation

Clever job candidate outsmarts potential employers who post fake job listings to collect free assignments, getting them to pay thousands of dollars in compensation

Finding work is never an easy task. It would be an understatement to say that there are times during the interview process when it feels overwhelming—it appears like a never-ending process that only the lucky few are able to complete. The story that follows centers on a clever lawyer who happens to stumble upon a job posting seeking a research lawyer. The Original Poster (OP), a research lawyer by profession, applied for the job immediately. Upon submitting his application, he was requested to…
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'Red flags start appearing from the very first minute I arrive': Startup hires employee for impossible project, then vows to cut their salary in half

'Red flags start appearing from the very first minute I arrive': Startup hires employee for impossible project, then vows to cut their salary in half

This person got roped into a job that was full of red flags from the very beginning. But when you're a college dropout desperate for work, those red flags might be easy to ignore. You've got to be careful with startup companies . While some are reputable and have bright futures ahead of them, most fail. You've probably heard the old adage that about 90% of startups fail, and that most fail within their first five years of business. That's because some are created by people like Chad, the boss i…
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workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion contractors manager job workplace Horrible Bosses contractor employment in the workplace - 25182213

'No': Middle manager demands contractor attend "mandatory" meeting, contractor replies with a simple "no"

Contracting is a tough gig, yet it is becoming increasingly common as companies seek to shift further towards a low-cost, low-obligation workforce. The thing is, as a contractor, you have fewer benefits and less guarantee of income, but while that uncertainty can be hard to manage, it makes up for that in flexibility. See, when you're a contractor, your “employer” (clients) really can't make you do anything outside of the contracted production they're paying you for. They can't set when or how…
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‘Fix your mess’: IT worker skillfully complies with micromanager, puts in 16 hours on a two-hour task, resulting in client's refusal to pay the hourly rate

‘Fix your mess’: IT worker skillfully complies with micromanager, puts in 16 hours on a two-hour task, resulting in client's refusal to pay the hourly rate

Large companies function like machines. The managers and employees are in charge of keeping the machine operating as efficiently and profitably as possible. But occasionally, people become so engrossed in their work that they lose sight of what needs to get done right now and what can wait. In the story below, a devoted IT worker has had enough of his supervisors' ridiculous expectations. Since the Original Poster (OP) has been employed by the same company for quite some time, he is familiar wi…
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'You want petty? How's this?': Guy gets back at annoying coworker by making the elevator stops at every other floor

'You want petty? How's this?': Guy gets back at annoying coworker by making the elevator stop at every other floor

Everyone has had an annoying coworker at some point in their professional career. You know, that one person you irrationally dislike and who always makes you struggle to not roll your eyes visibly in their face. There are a myriad of qualities that can lead to becoming that annoying coworker. There's the one who thinks they're slightly senior than you are based on absolutely zero evidence. There's the one who plays loud music, eats obnoxiously, or types like they want everyone to pay attention…
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First-time homebuyer and single mom shares foreboding story about purchasing on one-income: ‘I do not regret buying… [But] please think about worst-case scenario’

First-time homebuyer and single mom shares foreboding story about purchasing on one-income: ‘I do not regret buying… [But] please think about worst-case scenario’

You never think the worst case scenario could happen to you, until it does…
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neighbor neighbors neighborhood drama downstairs upstairs noisy complaint message passive aggressive cookies awkward weird strange interesting funny reddit

'She's nuttier than those poisoned cookies': Fake-nice neighbor leaves a cryptic message using baked goods, sparking a stalemate between floors

Chocolate chunk with an extra dash of revenge?
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cake meals guests wedding party wedding shaming meal wedding dinner wedding cake food eating dining weddings - 25160709

'I legit thought I was in elementary school lunch': 20+ Memorably bad wedding-day meals

No couple wants to have the wedding that people remember as “the one with the terrible food.”
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'I made him too insecure': Guy dumps girlfriend after she scores higher on IQ test

'I made him too insecure': Guy dumps girlfriend after she scores higher on IQ test

It's no secret that people can feel insecure in relationships. This can manifest in many ways, but when it comes to intellectual insecurity, sometimes there is nothing you can do to make your partner feel secure in their own intelligence. Perhaps it's all in their head, in which case, this person is too insecure to date. Whatever you do, do not dumb yourself down for this person. Or perhaps none of this in their head, and your partner really is not the brightest bulb. If that's the case, depend…
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'Hair salon learns the meaning of the Streisand effect': Customer puts hair salon on blast after spending $2k on extensions

'Hair salon learns the meaning of the Streisand effect': Customer puts hair salon on blast after spending $2k on extensions

The only thing worse than getting a bad haircut is paying thousands of dollars for that terrible hairdo. This person, u/Hot_Door7211, found themself in that exact situation after paying a cool two grand for their hairstyle! Until you have a reliable stylist, looking for the best place to get your hair styled can take some time. You never know if the stylist will do a good job or not until after they've already clipped your hair. And of course, it's not like you can glue the hair back on once yo…
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'I cost my ex-employer $500,000': Boss makes employee take on the work of a whole team, rejects his request for a raise, employee makes the company tank

'I cost my ex-employer $500,000': Boss makes employee take on the work of a whole team, rejects his request for a raise, employee makes the company tank

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to always get it done in writing, folks! Unfortunately, this employee learned that the hard way but was still able to walk away triumphant at the end of this toxic workplace drama. When the Redditor's coworker had to leave a big project in order to take care of his father, their boss asked the Redditor take the lead on the project moving forward. The original poster should have seen this as a red flag in and of itself, as his employer was essentially…
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‘I'm getting fired, aren't I?’: Sole QA employee gets blamed for a mistake that affects thousands of customers, CEO refuses to take responsibility for team being understaffed

‘I'm getting fired, aren't I?’: Sole QA employee gets blamed for a mistake that affects thousands of customers, CEO refuses to take responsibility for team being understaffed

The constant threat of getting fired from a job is looming on pretty much any employee. Even if you only made a tiny mistake, or even if you haven't made a mistake at all, it always feels like someone is watching you and that someone is not happy. So when you do make a mistake, possibly a huge mistake that might affect the entire company, well, then you might as well pack your bags and leave without a word. Much like the employee in this Reddit story. The employee (OP, original poster) is an ov…
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‘Please come back': Programmer laid off in favor of new college grad hire, management desperately attempts to rehire him after finding out all their files are deleted

‘Please come back': Programmer laid off in favor of new college grad hire, management desperately attempts to rehire him after finding out all their files are deleted

People get laid off all the time. Especially when you're over 40. See, companies like to hire new kids, fresh out of college, ones who will conform easily to policies, and accept jobs for way less pay. Then, the companies realize their mistake, and they pay dearly for it. Because these new hires have no idea what they're doing. They can't code, build prototypes, and make the customer happy. This senior programmer was laid off after new management swooped in and hired a new kid. The programmer k…
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'That was the first job I ever quit': 15+ Fed-up workers explain the exact moments they decided to quit their toxic jobs

'That was the first job I ever quit': 15+ Fed-up workers explain the exact moments they decided to quit their toxic jobs

No matter how patient someone is, everyone has their breaking point. Most people who quit a job on the spot don't quit because of an isolated incident. Instead, a lot of people can only handle customers complaining to their faces so many times. You can only work so many tables that tip zero dollars before you start to lose your marbles. There are only so many times a Karen customer can confront you about prices that aren't in your control before you start to daydream about unemployment. These k…
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employment job jobs Horrible Bosses work workplace i quit quit quitting antiwork workplace-stories employment-discussion workplace discussion employment issues in the workplace quiet quitting quiet quit - 25164037

'My raise was 0.5%': Plant operator quiet quits after receiving "insulting" low raise

Getting denied a raise stinks, but at least you've left your thoughts and intentions on the table for consideration, hopefully setting yourself up for a pay bump in the near future when the next round of budgeting is finalized. Of course, this isn't always the case, and your employer may go the route of stonewalling you indefinitely—or gaslighting you by dangling the potential of a raise in front of you like a carrot on a stick in order to get you to do more work. Still, in most cases, it's alm…
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