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'I walked out of my interview today': Candidate walks out of an interview after interviewer is 15 minutes late

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'I gagged, took my apron off, and left': Jaded employees recall the horrors of when they quit a new job on the first day

'That's what she wants to have': Customer wants to pay more money for smaller cell phone plan

'That's what she wants to have': Customer insists on paying more money for smaller cell phone plan after refusing to listen to customer service rep

'While I appreciate the sentiment... I'm not doing that': Employee pushes back against coworkers' plan to buy boss a birthday gift

'While I appreciate the sentiment... I'm not doing that': Employee pushes back against coworkers' plan to buy boss a birthday gift

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

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'Our boss has told me to stay out of her way': Clueless graduate reports coworker to HR for refusing to answer her endless questions

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'There is no way that question disqualified me': Woman loses out on a job she's overqualified for based on her honest answer

'I was hungry': Spouse eats wife's food before she photographs it

'I was hungry and unwilling to wait': Spouse eats wife's food before she photographs it, she says it 'ruined her cooking project'

Director told me I had to prove myself for a promotion. So I proved myself to another company for a 25% base pay increase and double the bonus

'A 25% base pay increase': Worker gets denied promotion, gets a new job instead... effectively promoting themself, others share their stories

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'[Now I can file] a Wage Claim': Vet tech turns the table on the manager who fires her after she finds out WHY her last paycheck is so late

'You'll have to... work without the benefits': Employee surprises boss with vacation request

'You'll have to... work without the benefits': Employee surprises boss with vacation request after boss refuses to give them a raise and benefits

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'I terminated her husband's lease': Karen client loses it at customer service rep, her family loses their lease and their business

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'I wasn't getting paid enough for my effort': Company brings in analyst to justify firing worker, they get a $10,000 raise instead when they pretend to quit and disable their automated tasks

20+ Funny Office Pranks To Pull On Annoying Coworkers

20+ Funny Office Pranks To Pull On Annoying Coworkers

'Phone must be off during work? You're the boss': Employees lose customers for hours after their bosses insist they turn off all mobile phones

'Phone must be off during work? You're the boss': Employees lose customers for hours after their bosses insist they turn off all mobile phones

'Today is your last day': Employee gets kicked off their own layoff call after company revokes their access

'Today is your last day': Employee gets kicked off their own layoff call after company revokes their access too quickly