
non-karen reasons that someone may have actually been right in asking to speak to the manager

19 Moronic Reasons Customers Demanded to See the Manager

work mistake

Corporate Employee Tries To Edit Livid Coworker's Headshot Without Permission And HR Gets Involved

employee costs work thousands of dollars after pressing space bar

Panicked Employee Costs His Company Thousands Of Dollars After Pressing The Spacebar

woman lives real nightmare and goes to job interview without pants

Shocked Woman's Story About Her Pantless Job Interview Gone Wrong Is Everyone's Worst Nightmare

awkward meetings, cringe

20 Cringeworthy Times Meetings Descended Into Extreme Awkwardness

people reach their breaking point

15 Frustrated People Share Their "F*ck This, I Quit" Moment

choosing beggar goes from annoying to scary

Conversation With Choosing Beggar Goes From Annoying To Scary Real Quick

tifu employee didn't fill out $2K questionnaire

Newly Broke Employee Lives To Regret Not Filling Out A $2K Questionnaire

sewer job gas farting construction story leak mistake dangerous funny construction workers - 7749637

Powerful Construction Worker's Gas Station Burrito Gas Shuts Down Job Site

guy fails first day of work

Embarrassed Guy's Carelessly Hilarious Fail On His First Day At Work, Goes Viral

tifu employee discovers boss is anti-vaxxer in worst way

Employee Makes Cringeworthy Discovery That His Pregnant Boss Is An Anti-Vaxxer

customer service surprised manager job retail work cringe askreddit ridiculous funny - 7664389

10 Flabbergasted People Share When They Seriously Needed To Speak To A Manager

signs you're in a bad workplace

19 Big Red Flags to Watch out for at a New Job

askreddit stories about how employees look busy at work when they're not working

15 Deceptive Ways Employees Appear Busy At Work While Doing Fun Stuff Outside The Job

tifu guy almost gets fired for making girl laugh too hard

Guy Almost Gets Fired After Making Girl He Likes At Work Laugh Dangerously Hard

bank job work ridiculous superheroes reaction Spider-Man funny - 7614469

Guy Resigns From Working At Bank And Pulls Heroic Stunt On His Last Day