horrible bosses

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Viral Thread: Worker Quits on Second Day After Lies From Interview Are Exposed

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Woman Fired From Cellphone Store For Refusing to Clean Up Other People's Dishes

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Greatest Hits: Boss Yells At Intern For Taking Personal Call, Sparks Mass Resignation

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Thread: Recruiter Wants to "Negotiate" Lower Salary, Actually Wants to Trick Candidate Into Taking Lower Pay

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Greatest Hits: IT Head Steals Important Email Address, Sets Off Chain of Events That Get Them Fired

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Arrogant Boss Tries to Trick Worker Into Extending Notice Period, So He Walks Out Almost Naked

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Update: Arrogant CEO Demands IT Contractor Serve Him A Cup of Coffee, Contractor Walks Out

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Sergeant Major Ruins VIP Event With Stupid Demands

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Employees Team Up to Get Abusive Boss Fired

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Viral Thread: Employee Tries to Take Mental Health Day, Employer Has Terrible Response

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New Manager Cancels Overtime, Supervisor Leaves Them to Wrap-Up Alone

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Update: Supervisor Fired After Forcing Cancer Patient to Turn on Their Web Camera

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Viral Thread: Worker Fired For Being Late For the First Time, Coworkers Take Action

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Employee Always Early, System Says They're Late, Boss Freaks Out

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Viral Thread: Manager Tells Worker to Find Cover or Delay Putting Their Dog Down, Worker Quits

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Guy Shares Story of Most Bizarrely Terrible Interview He's Ever Had