
customer demands hot sauce

Delusional Customer Demands Her Son Get To Taste Hottest Hot Sauce In Store, Learns Lesson

New owner tries to micromanage his employees, fires one employee on the spot, so the rest of the team walks out on him.

New Owner Tries To Micromanage, Fires Employee On The Spot

AskReddit users share some, "I can't believe I'm getting paid for this" moments.

People That Couldn't Believe They Got Paid For Their "Work"

Bully boss tries to withhold an employee's last paycheck, so they take him to court and win $5,000.

Bully Boss Tries To Withhold Employee's Last Paycheck

Redditors share what the last straw was for them at work before they rage quit their jobs.

Rage Quitters Share What Their Last Straws Were At Work

Incompetent Karen The CFO gets fired by her CEO after he realizes that she's been calculating company finances with a calculator that doesn't follow the order of operations.

Incompetent "Karen The CFO" Uses Calculator That Doesn't Follow Order Of Operations, Gets Fired By CEO

Dealership employee has an abusive boss so he drives a traded car until it's broken.

Dealership Employee Drives the Life Out of a Car to Spite His Awful Manager

Employee who works for manufacturing company takes his revenge on new manager by not working extra hard, and the whole operation falls apart.

Employee's Company Tries To Make Him So Miserable That He Quits, So He Resorts To Malicious Compliance

Woman asks people on Reddit if she was wrong for not shaving her legs for work, after her boss confronted her.

Woman's Boss Confronts Her At Work For Not Shaving Her Legs

Woman's boss accidentally sends her a crude text that was meant for his buddies, and she decides to hire an attorney.

Woman's Boss Mistakenly Sends Her Crude Text, She Hires An Attorney

Guy takes revenge on his pen thief co-worker by switching out a pink ink cartridge in a black pen.

Guy Catches Pen Thief Co-Worker By Hiding Pink Ink Cartridge In His Black Pen At Work

doordash, customer service, employee, frustrating

DoorDash Employee Encounters Terrible Support Service While Working

Twitter users write haikus to demonstrate their workplace complaints.

Twitter Users Write Haikus For Their Workplace Complaints

malicious compliance, work drama, liars, hypocrisy

Hypocrite Lies To Get Out Of Mopping Duties, Ends Up Getting Caught Red-Handed

Post office employee takes a satisfying revenge on his co-worker by putting in his two week notice for right when he'd planned on taking his honeymoon.

Post Office Employee Gets Back At Lying Co-Worker By Quitting On His Honeymoon

Woman asks people on Reddit if she's a jerk for getting a personal trainer fired after discovering that she takes people of obese people training at the gym.

Woman Learns That Bully Trainer At Her Gym Posts Pictures Of Obese People Working Out