

Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

25 tell-tale signs a couple is on the verge of breaking up: 'Constantly plastering their relationship all over social media'

25 tell-tale signs that a couple is on the verge of breaking up: 'Constantly plastering their relationship all over social media'

When you know, you know . This is, of course, what everyone says when they find the partner with whom they may want to share the rest of their lives. However, this sentiment very much applies to couples who are on the verge of falling apart. As a third party, you can often see the signs that two people are not meant to be. Sure, there are the obvious signs: fighting, infidelity, etc, but when it comes to the subtle red flags, that's when side remarks, body language, and social media posting bec…
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Guy goes to Coachella to get back at cheating ex, makes petty post online: 'I saw every single one of his favorite artists'

Guy goes to Coachella to get back at cheating ex, makes petty post online: 'I saw every single one of his favorite artists'

In a perfect world, one should know that success is the best form of revenge and there's no need to go any further than that, but this is not a perfect world. Sure, if you know that you've found success and happiness following a breakup, then there should not be a need to publicize that in any way in order to feel gratification. Knowing that you're happy in and of itself should be enough. However, some moments are just too perfect that you have to post about them on all social media platforms t…
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20 wholesome stories where people accepted their partners' bizarre habits: 'I have never seen this wonderful woman completely close a door in 13+ years'

20 wholesome stories where people accepted their partners' bizarre habits: 'I have never seen this wonderful woman completely close a door in 13+ years'

It's perhaps the understatement of the century to say that learning to live with your significant other can present itself with challenges. We all form habits, some of which date back to how we were raised, and it's not until you share space with a partner that all those habits reveal themselves. Suddenly, you wonder if how you do the dishes or get ready for bed makes you incredibly bizarre. Or perhaps you start wondering how you managed to fall for somebody who sleepwalks. Perhaps you're rethi…
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20 petty ways people got back at their exes: 'Put non-vegan meat in her sandwich'

20 petty ways people got back at their exes: 'Put non-vegan meat in her sandwich'

Some breakups do not call for maturity. Some exes are so deserving of payback that it would be a grave injustice if you chose not to do something. Obviously, the sensible thing to do following a breakup is to take the high road and to trust that the best revenge is success and happiness. That being said, we cannot expect the anonymous folks from this Reddit thread to do the sensible thing in these situations. We can only expect drama and unnecessary overreactions because, let's be real here, th…
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20 instant red flags on dating app profiles: 'I don't understand why it says I'm 39, I'm actually 58'

20 instant red flags on dating app profiles: 'I don't understand why it says I'm 39, I'm actually 58'

In theory, swiping through potential partners on dating apps should not be the soul-crushing activity that it is. It should be thrilling to assess potential suitors, to scroll through their pictures and profile information while imagining what a relationship with them could look like. Unfortunately, reality has made it nearly impossible to enjoy the eternal misery of swiping on the apps. Perhaps it's our fault for always opening these apps during moments of loneliness and general low points. We…
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20 strange habits people discovered after moving in with their significant others: 'He would bite his nails and drop the little pieces all over the apartment!'

20 strange habits people discovered after moving in with their significant others: 'He would bite his nails and drop the little pieces all over the apartment!'

When you move in with your partner, all their quirks and eccentricities come out. Perhaps they've been hiding that they like to trim their toenails on the couch without cleaning up the remains afterward. Perhaps they've been hiding their inability to clean dishes or their tendency to fold and put away wet towels. All of these strange habits are included in the screenshots below, which were compiled from the following Redditors who boldly shared their stories of what happened after moving in wit…
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'He got a puppy and realized he couldn't balance that with dating': 20 ridiculous reasons why people got dumped

'He got a puppy and realized he couldn't balance that with dating': 20 ridiculous reasons why people got dumped

They say every breakup is unique. That would be true if these anecdotes serve as any indication. Sure, there are the standard reasons why people split up: infidelity, different life goals, timing, location, etc. And then there are these folks who shared their breakup stories via the following r/AskReddit thread. Some of my favorites include the girl who was dumped because her now ex-boyfriend got a dog and realized he couldn't balance the two. Then, there is the person who got dumped because th…
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25+ signs that couples are going to break up: 'Couples who post about how much they love each other on social media -[always] break up'

25+ signs that couples are going to break up: 'Couples who post about how much they love each other on social media [always] break up'

It's never easy to spot red flags when you're actually looking for them. Often, we see them in hindsight or when it's far too late. What gets in the way of catching these obvious signs? Tunnel vision, social pressures to be in a serious relationship, or perhaps the other person is legitimately a convincing pathological liar. Here's the thing to remember if you think this applies to you or a close friend: ignorance is actually not bliss. The illusion of happiness and stability is still just an i…
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'This is going on your permanent record': 20+ lies kids were told by their parents and teachers

'This is going on your permanent record': 20+ lies kids were told by their parents and teachers

Sure, it's true that kids will do and say crazy things, but let's take a look at all the crazy things parents and teachers say to them. Perhaps craziness begets craziness. After all, and this will annoy all the anti-musical theater folks out there, but it was Stephen Sondheim who said “children will listen.” If you tell an impressionable eight year old that toilets are evil creatures trying to swallow you whole, that eight year old may very well believe you. And what happens when they believe y…
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20 times people discovered their partners were not bright: 'She thought the Statue of Liberty was made of plastic'

20 times people discovered their partners were not bright: 'She thought the Statue of Liberty was made of plastic'

There comes a time in everyone's dating experiences when you realize that the person with whom you have been spending time is a complete and total doofus. When this happens, you have three options. First, you can give them the benefit of the doubt. You let whatever silly comment they made slide, you try to explain why they are mistaken, and you move on. Sometimes, people simply do not know things because they have yet to be exposed to them. You taught your partner something. Isn't that a produc…
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The Most Entertaining Dating App Posts of the Week

The Most Entertaining Dating App Posts of the Week

Swipe left, swipe right, but whatever you do, don't stop swiping.
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'We know you're single. Can you come in [for] an extra shift tonight?': 15+ Valentine's Day dinner disasters, as told by servers

'We know you're single. Can you come in [for] an extra shift tonight?': 15+ Valentine's Day dinner disasters, as told by servers

Everyone knows that there are just as many disastrous Valentine's Day dinners as great ones. Something about the commercialism of the fake holiday creates a bizarre mix of emotions, unrealistic expectations, and a weird amount of stakes despite, you know, the meaning of the holiday to be virtually empty. However, instead of hearing about all the Valentine's Day fails from the perspective of the couples themselves, let's looks at these dinners gone wrong from a more objective viewpoint. These se…
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'We were on a break!': 15 newly single people share their ex's version of the breakup

'We were on a break!': 15 newly single people share their ex's version of the breakup

Everyone wonders what their ex is saying about them to their group of friends, so it's not uncommon to imagine what those conversations might sound like. Sometimes, your ex was so “in the wrong” that it will take a tremendous amount of creativity to fabricate another reason why things fell apart. Other times, the reasons behind the split remained nuanced, and both parties may still have wildly different perspectives years after all the drama went down. These newly single folks shared what they…
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‘He made an idiot of himself’: Boyfriend tries to take revenge on girlfriend's roommates via social media, girls band together and kick him out

‘He made an idiot of himself’: Mooching boyfriend tries to take revenge on girlfriend's roommates via social media, girls band together and kick him out

It's 100% normal to date the wrong person many times in your life. That's how dating works. You start to see someone you like, until you realize you actually don't click at all. Eventually, you find someone you click with and all the ups and downs of the relationship are worth it. That's when you are able to look back at past heartbreaks and wonder, “What in tarnation was I thinking??” Hindsight is 20/20, after all.
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DnD player gets banned from sessions for trying to slide into DM's sister's DMs: 'I told him not to come to any more sessions'

One of the great things about playing role-playing games—apart from the suspense of disbelief—is taking massive, audacious risks and watching them pay off in real time. This is both thrilling and rewarding, as there's really no real-life risk involved. However, it would be foolish to think that just because there's no real-life risk in the game, you can translate your character's behavior into real life. Basically, just because you're roleplaying as a charismatic womanizing bard doesn't give yo…
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'I still cringe': 20+ online dating mishaps from hopelessly single folks

'I still cringe': 20+ online dating mishaps from hopelessly single folks

Without physical and social cues, dating can get lost in translation really quickly. When written incorrectly, a joke can get easily misinterpreted, sarcasm can remain unclear, and the potentiality for a first date can go down the drain in an instant. This is the reality of how most relationships begin in this day and age. It's sort of like how actors and performers discuss the differences between auditioning and working on a play or film. Mastering the art of auditioning is its own craft, sepa…
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