

Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

'Having the appetite and dietary desires of a 5-year-old boy': 30 chaotic reasons to immediately stop dating someone

'Having the appetite and dietary desires of a 5-year-old boy': 30 chaotic reasons to immediately stop dating someone

We all know the classic dating red flags, but everyone has their own individual pet peeves. Sure, lying about being single or being a stalker are dealbreakers, but pet peeves can have the same power to immediately disqualify someone from being in your life. Personally speaking, I have several red flags that I would always watch out for in my ‘first date’ days. Let's start with the people who say that they are ‘open books." No one who says that is an actual open book. The dates who say that are…
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An Awkward Bucket Load of 21 Cringey Dating App Conversations

An Awkward Bucket Load of 21 Cringey Dating App Conversations

It is a Friday night, you have surrendered to your sofa, turned on the TV, and put on some garbage reality show, just to get bored enough to pull your phone from the wooden living room table posted in front of you. Have you gotten a text? No sirree. Just one missed phone call from your mom. You will call her back, you say to yourself. Soon, for sure, totally. Oh, an email from work. Would you look at that. Your eyes move slowly across the different icons… until they reach one specific one. You…
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'She had 22 cats': 20 first dates that made people say 'I'm out of here'

'She had 22 cats': 20 times people walked out during the first date

Everyone says it's important to be your full self on a first date, but let's be honest: some people should absolutely not follow that advice. Their full selves are far too bizarre, ridiculous, and outlandish for any stranger to encounter without a serious advanced warning. I suppose showing all those true colors is good for the other person to make an immediate judgment, and in all of these cases, that immediate judgment was a hard no. Personally, I have never had a date that went so poorly I c…
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'Everyone he knows, including his wife': Spurned woman exposes the romance scammer who tricked her

Dating is a hard game and seems to only become more so the further down the path of life you tread. And, it makes sense we, arguably, only become more complex as people, carrying the weight of more experiences, which often make us weary and hesitant to trust potential suitors. And, rightfully so, it's hard to trust someone based on the image they project of themselves during the “get to know you stage.” Several dates are a mere drop in the bucket compared to the vast ocean of lives that you bot…
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'She cheated and... blamed the great American eclipse of August 2017': 25 People with excuses for acting out

'She cheated and... blamed the great American eclipse of August 2017': 25 Cheaters with absurd excuses for acting out

Cheating on your partner is a serious offense to most, but these people took it in stride.
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'Bringing my kid with me on the first date': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (September 2, 2023)

'Bringing my kid with me on the first date': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (September 2, 2023)

Now that the summer is coming to a close and now that no one had the summer flings they really wanted, it's time for our weekly roundup of the top Tinder moments, courtesy of Reddit's endlessly entertaining r/Tinder subreddit. There has to be something about the August heat that makes people become especially forward on dating apps, or perhaps people are always like that now and we're just grasping at straws for excuses. The reality is the summer drought has made us all thirsty for the change o…
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'No effort to learn basic tasks': Dude calls out his fiancée's weaponized incompetence and refusal to correctly do certain tasks

The topic of “weaponized incompetence” has become a hot one in online discussions any time relationships are mentioned. With relationship "gurus" singling out the behaviors of partners who refuse to learn basic tasks or household chores—or otherwise pretend that they can't do the task so that their partner gives up on asking them to do it and goes back to doing it themself. There's a notable distinguishment in behavior between being unable to do something—or honestly failing to learn it—and pre…
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'My parents disapproved of him': Woman sets her judgemental parents straight by disclosing how much her fiancé's construction company earns, upsetting both parties

It's frustrating when someone can't keep a secret, especially when you've literally just finished telling them that secret, and the words are barely out of your mouth before they're sharing it with everyone. Of course, you learn to never disclose your secrets to that person after being burned once by their blabbermouth, but it's a little more complicated when that person is your spouse. It's also never easy living with a family who disapproves of your spouse due to their own haughty bias and pr…
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'We end up cutting our meal short': Parent defends new girlfriend from tween daughter

'We end up cutting our meal short': Parent defends new girlfriend from tween daughter's accusations

This parent has a question about their dating life , and they aren't going to like the responses he got. U/sasisgsbseb asked if they're wrong for the way their girlfriend has been treated by their daughter. The whole situation went down when the OP took their 12 year old daughter to lunch with the 47 year old OP's 33 year old GF. “My girlfriend does not particularly like interacting with waiters or waitresses ,” the OP admitted. While the GF's prior bad experiences with waitstaff might have mad…
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Top 20+ Bold Hot Takes and Pickup Lines from Online Folks with Rizz

Top 20+ Bold Hot Takes and Pickup Lines from Online Folks with Rizz

Part of being a single person in the digital age requires big swings online.
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'My date asked if we knew each other': Guy goes on cringe first date when he discovers his waitress is the other girl he was messaging that day

'My date asked if we knew each other': Guy goes on cringe first date when he discovers his waitress is the other girl he was messaging that day

It's not exactly easy to play it cool in a situation like this. Picture this: you wake up one morning and you scroll on social media for a bit. Then, you complete your lazy morning routine by checking out your dating app matches and messages. You start to message someone new, you exchange witty texts, and you agree to catch up later because you both have to get ready for work. You then check in with the person you had already been messaging for quite some time now because the two of you have a…
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'So far, she hasn't noticed the smell': 25+ Memorable times people got even by using noteworthy tactics

'So far, she hasn't noticed the smell': 25+ Memorable times people got even using petty tactics

Don't get upset, get even!
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Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 5, 2023)

Top 20+ Choosing Beggars of the Week (August 5, 2023)

It's remarkable how people can be demanding and desperate at the same time. One has to wonder what possesses these choosing beggars to be so audacious. Not that I am envious of this complete lack of self-awareness, but I do have to consider what life would be like if I had that level of confidence to just demand things with literally no leverage whatsoever. Perhaps there's a “nothing left to lose” mentality that comes with being a choosing beggar. Perhaps
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Update: 'We are taking a break.': Wife beats insecure husband on online IQ test, it ends their relationship

Talk about the fragility of some people's egos. If your entire ego is built around feeling superior to your partner in intelligence, and that superiority can be shattered by something as innocuous as a phony online IQ test—well, quite frankly, you deserve however that makes you feel—you totally set yourself up for that one. (Especially when you were the one insisting that your wife take it.) Online exams of any type are useless—unless they're to find out which Disney princess you are. Sure, the…
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'He wouldn't stop singing Hamilton': 30 Reasons People Dumped Their Exes

'He wouldn't stop singing Hamilton': Top 30 Funniest Reasons People Dumped Their Exes

Sometimes, things don't work out for bizarre reasons.
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Funniest Dating App Flops That Hit Rock Bottom

Funniest Dating App Flops That Hit Rock Bottom

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