

AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

'[They] tried to get sole custody of both of their children...who are in their 20s': 15+ Wild divorce cases

'[They] tried to get sole custody of both of their children...who are in their 20s': 15+ Wild divorce cases

These divorce lawyers and divorcees have seen tough times. In divorce law, you see all kinds of marriage drama, as numerous legal professionals told u/DarkFander in response to their question. This person wanted lawyers and divorced people to share their “evil, funny, dumb” ways that a spouse tried to get back at the other . Divorce law is known for being an immensely petty kind of business. Two people go from saying their vows and promising to love each other forever, to fighting over their ho…
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opinion ask reddit teens class school funny stories testing kids classes teaching learning papers teachers askreddit high school funny writing grading opinions - 26034949

'I never learned this, just fail me': 20+ AP test proctors who got the funniest papers to grade

Standardized testing is no fun for students, and yet every year, great importance is heaped upon these tests. It takes time away from actual learning, since teachers are forced to teach to the test instead of highlighting information they want their students to learn. No one really likes these tests, but many kids take AP tests get into colleges or to gain college credits. When I was in high school, our school introduced a new standardized test, even though we already had a few others we also n…
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'Old lady putting a plate full of chicken wings in her purse': All You Can Eat Buffet servers share their craziest customer stories

'Old lady putting a plate full of chicken wings in her purse': All You Can Eat Buffet servers share their craziest customer stories

Anyone who has frequented an All You Can Eat Buffet establishment knows that things can get out of hand really quickly. Customers stay far too long, they overeat, they get sick, they eat more, and servers are left to clean up after everyone. It feel like a modern version of Roman Empire mayhem. Sure, it sounds lavish and over-the-top in theory, but in practice, it's all borderline disgusting. When I was in college, we had an All You Can Eat sushi place that once a year, had a Special Discount d…
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'[He] showed up 4 hours late because he "overslept"': 25+ Workers reveal the reasons everyone at their workplace dislikes 'that one colleague'

'[He] showed up 4 hours late because he "overslept"': 25+ Workers reveal the reasons everyone at their workplace dislikes 'that one colleague'

Every workplace has at least one person who is somehow employed there, leaving everyone else baffled as to how that could’ve happened. You’ll know exactly how this feels if you’ve ever had to work with someone who doesn’t take care of their hygiene. When a coworker comes to the office and reeks, it’s hard not to take notice. Maybe it’s that one coworker who keeps biking to work on the hottest days of the year, showing up drenched in sweat. Other people seem like they just never brush their teet…
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'[He] just wanted to see how many free burgers he could eat before getting canned': 20+ People who couldn't make it through a single day of work before getting fired

'[He] just wanted to see how many free burgers he could eat before getting canned': 20+ People who couldn't make it through a single day of work before getting fired

If you ever feel like you're failing at your job, these stories will make you feel like a model employee in comparison to the folks who couldn't make it a single day. That's right, some people get fired from their jobs before they can even meet everyone in the office. It's rare, but it happens, and it's often memorable. You know it's memorable when more than 23,000 people replied to u/roor1337's query: “People who got fired on the first day of the job, what happened?" Up next, an impatient DIYe…
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'A really nice car with tires that have no tread': 20 Foolproof ways to spot people who are faking being rich

'A really nice car with tires that have no tread': 20 Foolproof ways to spot people who are faking being rich

Some people just love flexing how much money they have . They can't help it. They've made good money, and they want everyone to know about it. Oftentimes, people like this will pick a particular name brand, and then buy a bunch of bags and shoes and clothing all with that branding on it. It can get a little ridiculous when that person is dressed from head to toe in one brand. Other people spend every penny they have on expensive cars . There's nothing wrong with being a car person, but some peo…
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‘Landlord bought an expensive boat and then tried raising my rent’: 15+ Financial decisions that made no sense whatsoever

‘Landlord bought an expensive boat and then tried raising my rent’: 15+ Financial decisions that made no sense whatsoever

In life, only you can control how you spend your money. It’s one of the best and worst parts of adulthood! You get that fresh paycheck in your bank account, and it feels like the world is your oyster. Time to treat the besties to brunch, or have an extended shopping spree over a weekend. But once that money is gone, you get that pit in your stomach that makes you realize you have bills to pay still…Oops! Everyone has a different approach to their finances. Some people save every penny, and save…
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20+ guests share the most bizarre house rules they have encountered: 'No closed doors. Bedroom, bathroom, closet, whatever'

20+ guests share the most bizarre house rules they have encountered: 'No closed doors. Bedroom, bathroom, closet, whatever'

Being a guest in someone else's house means adjusting to new rules, some of which can be, well, ridiculous. Sure, there are the common ones that visitors are used to, such as taking off your shoes at the front door or house rules regarding how pets are treated (how they're fed, where they're allowed to go, etc.). Unfortunately, these folks had to deal with a lot more than the average house guest. For instance, one of these guests had to endure leaving doors open at all times. Yes, that included…
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'He made me order off the dollar menu': 15+ Disastrous dates that went completely wrong

'He made me order off the dollar menu': 15+ Disastrous dates that went completely wrong

What's your worst first date story? We all have one. Some people fumble before the date even ends, while others make their date uncomfortable after the fact. After that, read about the company CTO who demanded to “ see every line of code in this project ” after becoming suspicious of his coders.
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Top 10+ stories of technologically incompetent parents: 'My mother [uses] FB status as a search engine'

Top 10+ stories of technologically incompetent parents: 'My mother [uses] FB status as a search engine'

Trying to teach a technologically incompetent parent how to do something with their phone and/or computer can feel like a Sisyphean task. Personally speaking, I would rather endure a day at the Department of Motor Vehicles. For me, the most upsetting part about watching my technologically incompetent family members try to do anything remotely tech-heavy is the way they behave when they can't get something to work. Everyone starts shouting at one another, or someone just starts pressing random b…
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'A used sweater with spaghetti stains': 25+ Bad gifts that were unforgettably weird

'A used sweater with spaghetti stains': 25+ Bad gifts that were unforgettably weird

Getting a really bad present can throw you for a loop. On your birthday, you probably expect the usual gifts: books, some candles, or maybe a nice tee shirt. The people in your life who know you best will sometimes get you some excellent gifts, like tickets to see your favorite band live in concert, or an expensive video game that you've been wanting for ages. After receiving all of these good and amazing presents, it takes you by surprise when you get a really awful gift. The people below told…
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'I can mimic that sound perfectly': 20+ Crafty workplace pranks that totally fooled coworkers

'I can mimic that sound perfectly': 20+ Crafty workplace pranks that totally fooled coworkers

Boring workplace? Time to liven it up with a few pranks! That's what these people did, and they shared the resulting hilarity with r/AskReddit. If you've ever gotten to prank your coworkers , you know how funny it can be. If you're on the receiving end of a stapler encased in jello, you might be a little miffed. But everyone around you will remember your surprised face, and they'll get a great laugh out of it too. It's an entertaining way to build camaraderie. And for a lot of the people below,…
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FAILS FAIL funny stories askreddit stupid people dumb genius funny fails dumbest stupid - 25798917

30 People share the stupidest things they ever witnessed : 'I saw a woman ditch her stroller with the child inside because a bee was flying nearby'

During our time on this earth it's pretty safe to say that, even through sheer force of chance alone, we've each witnessed some darn ridiculous things. In the same way that an infinite number of monkeys hitting keys at random could reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare, meeting an infinite number of individuals in your life means that you'll inevitably witness something incredibly stupid. While these individuals might not be breaking any records or winning any awards (save but one) for thei…
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20 wedding mishaps that led to divorce: 'The bride [...] showed up in a bright pink track suit'

20 wedding mishaps that led to divorce: 'The bride [...] showed up in a bright pink track suit'

Of course, we want our friends' weddings to be joyful and stress-free, but the reality of the matter is there's always something unexpected. Most of the time, it's minor and something everyone can laugh at in the moment or a few weeks down the road. However, every so often, some revelatory piece of information is uncovered that becomes a point of no return for the couple. Luckily, I have yet to witness this kind of madness occur at a friend's wedding. However, last year, I had the great fortune…
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'My landlord installed cameras because she took him to court so often': 20+ Extra petty neighbors

'My landlord installed cameras because she took him to court so often': 20+ Extra petty neighbors

If you have good neighbors , count your blessings. As the people in this thread below can tell you, having bad neighbors can interfere with your life in endless ways. U/Collins71514 was curious to know people's stories of the pettiest things their neighbors ever did . There were a surprising amount of stories with a common theme: neighbors who were determined to move their property line. It doesn't matter if it's just a couple of inches or a few feet. These people were utterly determined to get…
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opinion ask reddit funny stories askreddit funny opinions regrets jet ski vehicle technology cars clothes video games - 25712389

'I bought $40 wire elf ears. I have worn them zero times': 25+ Times people spent good money on terrible products

We all make a few big purchases in our lifetime that we end up regretting. Some people do this as teenagers, which makes sense, because at that age you're new to budgeting and knowing the price of things. When you get that first paycheck from your retail job, it's hard not to blow it all at once! The people of r/AskReddit shared their stories of the “absolute worst purchase” they've ever made, and there's a wide variety of items that people regret getting. For some people, buying a new vehicle…
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