

AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

'Interviewer... quit right in the middle of the job interview': 20 Interviews that went so badly it turned away the job candidates

'Interviewer... quit right in the middle of the job interview': 20 Interviews that went so badly it turned away the job candidates

Imagine getting the jitters as you show up to a job interview , only for the interviewer to barely ask you any questions about yourself. Or imagine if you arrived ready to explain your qualifications, but then the hiring manager decided to blabber on about his wife's career, and how you'd be better at her job instead! It sounds crazy, but a lot of people have had incredibly bad job interviews that let them know almost immediately that these roles weren't right for them. Some of them walked out,…
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'I left pool noodles outside on accident': 20+ Confounding reasons people got fired

'I left pool noodles outside on accident': 20+ Confounding reasons people got fired

These people couldn't believe what they were hearing when their bosses told them they were fired . That's because these workers were let go for some pretty off-the-wall reasons. The usual reasons people are fired are things like repeated latenesses, complaints from customers, talking back to management, or being put on a PIP (performance improvement plan) without improving. Most companies try to avoid firing people if possible, but sometimes it's avoidable. At least you're not the person who go…
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20 times awkward people messed up simple social interactions: 'Maintaining eye contact. I just can't do it'

20 times awkward people messed up simple social interactions: 'Maintaining eye contact. I just can't do it'

It's no secret that being a socially anxious person can make the simplest of social interactions feel like a Sisyphean undertaking. Whether that's calling someone on the phone and speaking to an actual human being or making small talk with your boss about what you had for lunch, if you're an anxious person you are likely to be considering the infinite number of ways you might end up making the conversation weird, strange, or impossible to end. It was the great Wendy Williams who once gave an in…
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'He deleted the entire company's website by accident': 20+ Foolish managers whose employees roll their eyes at their antics

'He deleted the entire company's website by accident': 20+ Foolish managers whose employees roll their eyes at their antics

If you think your boss is goofy, just wait until you hear about how other peoples' bosses act.
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'In health class, we had to plan a wedding': 20 useless things people actually learned in school

'In health class, we had to plan a wedding': 20 useless things people actually learned in school

Every school has its unique quirk within the curriculum that makes absolutely no sense. If there is one universal truth to education that extends from pre-K age through senior year of high school, it's that at any given moment, you are likely to encounter a head-scratching methodology to the way a certain subject is taught. Health class is always common fodder. Ensuring that everyone knows how to square dance is another bizarre lesson. I'm sure when students reach adulthood and are trying to wr…
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'That was the first job I ever quit': 15+ Fed-up workers explain the exact moments they decided to quit their toxic jobs

'That was the first job I ever quit': 15+ Fed-up workers explain the exact moments they decided to quit their toxic jobs

No matter how patient someone is, everyone has their breaking point. Most people who quit a job on the spot don't quit because of an isolated incident. Instead, a lot of people can only handle customers complaining to their faces so many times. You can only work so many tables that tip zero dollars before you start to lose your marbles. There are only so many times a Karen customer can confront you about prices that aren't in your control before you start to daydream about unemployment. These k…
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'Cheese from the dollar store': 30+ Purchases people will never make again

'Cheese from the dollar store': 30+ Purchases people will never make again

These people had buying experiences that were so bad, they had to share it with the world. And thank goodness they did, because now we know a bunch of items that just aren't worth wasting money on. Buying a new thing only to have it not work is infuriating. Lately I've stopped buying things from the billion-dollar company named after a rainforest, because the stuff I get from there just does not work. You really do get what you pay for, sadly. I bought a few headphone accessories from one selle…
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20+ bizarre food delivery stories: 'A grown man [who] insisted that I refer to him as Snow White'

20+ bizarre food delivery stories: 'A grown man [who] insisted that I refer to him as Snow White'

Who hasn't had an embarrassing late night delivery story? We all get food cravings, especially after a long day or a night out. Sometimes, it's the only time you allow yourself to eat certain things. For me, that would be cookies and McDonalds. It happens more frequently than I'd like to admit, and when it does happen, I like to destroy all the evidence of the delivery once I'm finished eating and pretend like nothing ever happened. I mean, do calories even count after 11 p.m.? Though my intent…
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'The groom's Dad stood up and loudly said, "It's not too late, son!"': 25+ Wedding ceremony objectors who couldn't resist halting the ceremony

'The groom's Dad stood up and loudly said, "It's not too late, son!"': 25+ Wedding ceremony objectors who couldn't resist halting the ceremony

You know what they always say at weddings: “Speak now, or forever hold your peace.” In most cases, the phrase is just ornamental. It seems obvious that in most cases there's nothing to speak about, because it's really only the newlyweds' opinions which matter on their special day.
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industry service industry story workplace-stories secret toxic-workplace work coworkers askreddit workplace - 25111045

'Everyone is incompetent and lazy': 30+ People share the "dirty little secrets" from the industries in which they have worked

Working a job can open your eyes to all sorts of things that you'd never even imagined were possible. Unfortunately, most of these—at least the ones that stand out in your memory—will make you never want to use that service or buy that product ever again. Once the curtain is lifted, it's impossible to close your eyes to the reality of the world as you now see it. Having previously worked in fire alarm maintenance in another life, you'd be horrified how many buildings are non-compliant to local…
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opinion ask reddit workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace job funny stories work working askreddit interviews hiring human resources workplace job interview funny opinions - 25064197

'I work better in a slow-paced environment': 25+ Job candidates who flubbed their interviews

There are few life experiences that are more humbling than going through a job interview.
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'Brittany, you're beatiful-ish': 25+ Hilarious conversations people overheard

'Brittany, you're beautiful-ish': 25+ Hilarious conversations people overheard

These people could hardly hold back their laughter after overhearing some odd conversations . They say that kids say the darndest things, but so do adults who are chatting in public, thinking that no one can hear them. It’s one of life’s joys to yap a little while you’re on the subway or in an elevator. Maybe there are people around you, but they’re strangers, so who cares if they overhear you? When I am that stranger, I always listen in to other people’s conversations . Maybe I’ll never see yo…
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'He got a puppy and realized he couldn't balance that with dating': 20 ridiculous reasons why people got dumped

'He got a puppy and realized he couldn't balance that with dating': 20 ridiculous reasons why people got dumped

They say every breakup is unique. That would be true if these anecdotes serve as any indication. Sure, there are the standard reasons why people split up: infidelity, different life goals, timing, location, etc. And then there are these folks who shared their breakup stories via the following r/AskReddit thread. Some of my favorites include the girl who was dumped because her now ex-boyfriend got a dog and realized he couldn't balance the two. Then, there is the person who got dumped because th…
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'Millionaire CEO thinks hiring 3 nannies is relatable': 20+ Out of touch people who think they're normal

'Millionaire CEO thinks hiring 3 nannies is relatable': 20+ Out of touch people who think they're normal

A lot of folks are not in touch with reality . They just live in their own blissful little bubble, unaware of life's hardships. These people are usually wealthy. Money can help you solve any problem, or ignore almost anything. Got kids? Hire three nannies ! You're working too hard? Just take a long vacation and then earn more money! See, it's so easy! On r/askreddit, u/mouldygoldie asked people to share the most severe cases of being out of touch with the world. There were some hilarious exampl…
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'My husband picked up a shift at work on our wedding night': 20+ Unforgettably bad weddings

'My husband picked up a shift at work on our wedding night': 20+ Unforgettably bad weddings

Maybe you can't recall the best wedding you've ever been to, but the worst one probably comes to mind instantly. Every couple wants their wedding to be memorable in the right way. They want guests to gush over the decorations, talk about how delicious the food is, and dance late in the night until their feet are sore. It's supposed to be fun… but a lot of weddings end up being so much work that the guests hardly get to enjoy themselves. A common factor seems to be the brides and grooms who plan…
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'If there are adult diapers, why aren't there adult strollers?': 25+ unintelligent thoughts people actually said out loud

'If there are adult diapers, why aren't there adult strollers?': 25+ unintelligent thoughts people actually said out loud

Has anyone had one of those horrendous “did I just say that out loud" realizations? If you haven't, you must be some sort of genius because the rest of us common folk have likely felt foolish and unintelligent in public settings countless times.
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