

AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

Man seizes brother's house after shameless bid for free renovations, sparking heated family feud

Man seizes brother's house after shameless bid for free renovations, sparking heated family feud

It's commonly believed that it's improper to mix business and pleasure. However, what would you say if, after all of your effort, your sibling refused to compensate you for your labor and time? The story below is an account of a frustrated brother. For a living, the original poster (OP) remodels houses. So when his brother asked whether he would be willing to refurbish his house, he immediately said yes. OP even gave his brother a discount in exchange for his devotion and good name. However, th…
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 petty work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories coworker terrible coworkers employee employees working work stories askreddit Opinion opinions funny funny stories ask reddit

'Instead of quitting...people started eating donuts in front of management and being fired on the spot': 20+ Ultra petty reasons people got fired from their jobs

Management doesn't always make the best decisions for their team. Next up, read about some outrageous HOA rules that'll make you roll your eyes, like one that decided “They want a $10 fee for overnight guests.”
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Entitled boss gets what he deserves for not believing employee's injury, has to pay employee a week of sick leave instead of the requested one day

‘He got his note’: Employee sprains ankle and requests one day of paid sick leave, boss demands to see a doctor's note and ends up paying a week of leave per doctor's orders

"This gets met with more attitude so I ask if I’ll be getting paid sick time for the day I missed yesterday. He says no, not without a doctors note. . ."
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'You are a real pain on Fridays!': 20+ messy teacher moments for the back-to-school season

'You are a real pain on Fridays!': 20+ messy teacher moments for the back-to-school season

Back-to-school season is among us, which means that we are officially dealing with the best and worst teachers among us. Look, as the child of a teacher, I have an immense amount of sympathy for most educators. However, in every industry, there are people who are straight-up trash at their jobs. You can find these individuals in business meetings, behind the front desk of a doctor's office, and in our classrooms. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for stopping some people from being bad at t…
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Entitled manager pushes employee to resign, backtracks on their workplace maltreatment and tries to convince her to stay, even though she has already found a better job

‘Never make that mistake again’: Employee resigns after multiple instances of workplace mistreatment, manager backtracks on prior reprimands and refuses to ‘accept’ her two-week notice

"I spilled coffee onto my clothes. Never make that mistake again. I brought brownies in. Never do that again, people could have allergies."
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'[He threw] his burger at the wall': Top ridiculous outbursts from entitled Karens and Kevins

'[He threw] his burger at the wall': Top ridiculous outbursts from entitled Karens and Kevins

The reality is that everyone has a short fuse once in a while and is therefore bound to have an unnecessary and potentially unprompted outburst. We suppose that it's human nature to snap… within reason, of course. For instance, who hasn't had a friend get snippy with you when clearly you intentionally or unintentionally struck a nerve? Usually, when this happens, you can take a step back and both parties can assess what led to this momentary meltdown. However, sometimes these moments do not hap…
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'My mother's lawyer argued... that I had to add my mother as a Facebook friend': 10+ Confounding courtroom arguments that couldn't convince a judge and jury

When you find yourself in hot water with the law, it always helps to have a good lawyer by your side. We all hope to avoid legal trouble for all our days. Whether it's a small offense like arguing a speeding ticket, or a bigger offense that could result in jail time, having some legal counsel can help you avoid big mistakes. People who decide to represent themselves in court often make their situations much worse. I know that the urge to stand up and defend yourself is strong, but in these case…
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 rules opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories school funny stories work askreddit workplace funny opinions

'No Oreos in the library': 20+ Ridiculous rules that make no sense at all

They say that the rules are the rules for a reason. For every hyper-specific rule in place, you can bet that there's a person who irritated management into creating that requirement. Up next, these homeowners found the strangest things in their new homes, like one person who was stunned to find “an entire tribe of raccoons living in the attic .”
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Vindictive manager gets what's coming to them after he berates employee and doesn't back up his promises, employee finds new job offer and considers making a scene while quitting

‘So I switched my LinkedIn back on’: Employee signs remote offer right before RTO mandate is enacted, gets unicorn job offer and considers loud-quitting to spite vindictive manager

"I’ve accepted (pending paperwork) so I’ll be the second lead this company has lost in as many years due to this same person."
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'A guy drove past me and yelled..."Your mustache doesn't suit you!'": 20+ Creative quips to use on people you want to critique with caution

If you've ever wanted to appear smart as you get back at someone who's getting on your nerves, you've got to read these clever quips . There are some times you just can't say what's on your mind, like when you're at the workplace, or when you're talking to family members you don't get along with, or even when you're dealing with someone you dislike, but it'd be super impolite to diss them out of nowhere. In cases like this, you need some low-key insults. You've got to pull out the best quip you…
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You Won't Believe These 30+ Ridiculously Simple Things That Somehow Needed Explaining to Grown Adults: 'I wish I was lying'

Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself, how have you made it this far in life with such little intelligence? For your sake, we hope you haven't. But sometimes you are around a person with so few brain cells, you can't help but mentally facepalm at some of the things that come out of their mouth. With that being said, get ready to be amazed (and a little horrified) by these 30+ ridiculously simple things that somehow needed explaining to grown adults. It's like the universe has a twis…
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UPDATE: Incompetent hospitality employee has a major boomer freakout on employee who filled her old position, walks out for a second time: ‘Bessie went boom again’

UPDATE: ‘Bessie the Breakfast Boomer’ is rehired in a different role, has a major freak out on employee who filled her old position and walks off the job, again

"Bessie went boom again."
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'They spent nearly 200k...': Daughter withdraws financial support after learning her contributions were spent on estranged brother instead of parents' retirement

'They spent nearly 200k...': Daughter withdraws financial support after learning her contributions were spent on estranged brother instead of parents' retirement

Your first focus should always be your family. Having said that, how would you respond if you started to suspect that your family is taking advantage of your goodwill and generosity? The story below is an account of a frustrated daughter. The original poster (OP) moved to the US in order to advance her career. Since leaving her home country, she has been sending money to her parents as a token of appreciation for all of their support throughout the years. Though initially everything was well, t…
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Hospitality employee bests ‘Bessie the Breakfast Boomer’ after he refuses to do her job for her, resulting in a classic boomer meltdown

‘Bessie the Breakfast Boomer’ has a classic meltdown and gets fired after employee refuses to do her job for her

"After that every morning when Bessie comes in she throws her tantrum screaming about how lazy young people are, no one wants to work, all the usual boomer greatest hits."
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 work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories askreddit Opinion opinions funny funny stories ask reddit

'He decided to get rid of people... a month later, critical systems were failing': 25+ New managers who majorly messed up their workplaces

When there are changes in management at a workplace, the whole vibe can suddenly shift. A new manager can change a workplace without even trying, although, as these people shared, a lot of managers try their hardest to act in charge at their new place of business. While we're on the subject of hiring new people, read about the HR folks who were surprised by these odd resumes, like one person whose “ resume had a skills sectio n...only thing listed was ‘calculator.'”
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Tech support employee fakes a client's major data deletion to prove that he knows what he's talking about, save all their data but waits for them to come crawling back

Tech support employee prevents major deletion of client's data despite being asked to remove their subscription, maliciously complies by faking the deletion of data to prove a point

Trust that the employee knows how to do their job.
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