

AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

'He wasn't happy, but the rest of us were laughing so hard': 20+ Moments of hilarity when people couldn't contain their laughter

'He wasn't happy, but the rest of us were laughing so hard': 20+ Moments of hilarity when people couldn't contain their laughter

I bet there's a phrase that instantly cracks you up. It's probably just a few words—a reference to a place or a person—that instantly reminds you of a funny situation in your life. When you hear that magic phrase, you'll get the giggles uncontrollably, and if your friends are nearby, good luck trying to stop laughing for the next few hours. Getting the giggles is one of the best feelings in life… unless you happen to be at a funeral, or a play, or a serious wedding speech. You know, one of thos…
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'[He] liked to dip his hands into the sugar... the sugar bandit': 20+ Awful employees who made their boss's lives a nightmare

'He left sugar fingerprints on everything...the sugar bandit': 20+ Awful employees who made their boss's lives a nightmare

Bold is the coworker who calls out, then posts their beach day to their Instagram story. Why people do this baffles the mind. Why would you call out of work sick and then go out on the town, leaving a digital footprint behind you? Or worse still, the person goes out to their own workplace, as if their boss will welcome them with a big smile instead of a writeup . The bosses of Reddit decided to reveal the craziest things that their worst employees ever did in response to u/RoryC's question. The…
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‘Silence is golden…’: Employee scolded by micromanager for disclosing high salary to underpaid coworkers

‘Silence is golden…’: Employee scolded by micromanager for disclosing high salary to underpaid coworkers

In certain situations, managing people might force you to diffuse awkward situations. The topics of discussion could include pay—or lack thereof—and dismissing competent workers due to the financial challenges facing the business. That being stated, how would you react if your manager reprimanded you for discussing your salary with a coworker? The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) spent a significant length of time working for the same company. OP is pai…
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15+ awkward zoom calls for people who still don't know how to mute themselves: 'A colleague activated a filter that turned them into a potato for the entire team meeting'

15+ awkward zoom calls for people who still don't know how to mute themselves: 'A colleague activated a filter that turned them into a potato for the entire team meeting'

Who hasn't had a paranoid thought during a Zoom call? Perhaps you're wondering if you really are on mute or if your screen is still being shared and someone saw that passive-aggressive text you sent about your boss. Perhaps this paranoia is legitimate because something like this actually happened to you. Over the past several years, we have all had to adjust to these remote calls, and some employees are just not built for it. This collection of Zoom mixups and mishaps ranges from workplace dram…
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'I had a couple fight over a Settlers of Catan scorecard': 20+ Lawyers who fought over the pettiest items imaginable in divorce court

'I had a couple fight over a Settlers of Catan scorecard': 20+ Lawyers who fought over the pettiest items imaginable in divorce court

These legal fights have gotten unbelievably petty. It turns out that you can hire a lawyer to fight for you to get back almost any belonging from your ex, including tiny things like shower curtains or door knobs. Who knew?! Going through a divorce is never ideal, and having to split up your belongings after years of sharing everything can be a lengthy process. The lawyers who replied to u/ChronicWatcher1456's question have some stories to tell… A surprising amount of them have found themselves…
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‘Just because you’re on hold doesn’t mean we can’t hear you’: Employees share insightful industry hacks that customers aren't supposed to know

‘Just because you’re on hold doesn’t mean we can’t hear you’: Employees share insightful industry hacks that customers aren't supposed to know

When you start working in a new industry that you never worked in before, you inevitably begin learning how those industries actually work, and how little you knew about it as a customer. It is surprising how much information companies try to keep from their customers even though that information can often be extremely beneficial for them and sometimes even life-changing. That is why, once one starts working in a new industry and learns some tricks and hacks, they should share that information…
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ask reddit tech support talesfromtechsupport technical difficulties technology it askreddit IT guy Tech - 35576069

20+ IT workers share the strangest thing and most incompetent technological blunders they've witnessed at work: 'An outgoing software dev put an easter egg in our ERP before he left...'

It feels like the more specialized someone is at one thing, the worse they are at others, and the more educated and specialized they are, the more surprising the things they can't do will be.It's almost as if living your life with a singular drive and focus leaves you as a not-very-well-rounded individual, probably one of the reasons celebrities are being consistently picked apart in the landscape of the modern social media levels of exposure they're placed under. We're quickly reaching a point…
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15+ memorable wedding debacles: 'Bride's stepmother and mother got into a fight. Stepmother bit the mother'

15+ memorable wedding debacles: 'Bride's stepmother and mother got into a fight. Stepmother bit the mother!'

It's nearly impossible for a wedding to go entirely according to plan, but these ceremonies really went south in the most unexpected ways. As someone who attended more weddings last year than one ever should, I can attest to the fact that no matter how prepared the couple is, there will always be some kind of inevitable drama. It could be a family member going rogue or a force majeure situation. It could be that someone gets sick or the florist messes something up. Anyone who has been involved…
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Micromanager seeks to prevent 'unnecessary' expenses by making employees pay for the water costs of 'poor' outdoor laborers

Micromanager seeks to prevent 'unnecessary' expenses by making employees pay for the water costs of 'poor' outdoor laborers

Knowing your rights as an employee is essential. Your management has a duty to provide for some essential needs; other needs are voluntary, but depending on the manager-you relationship, they may have an impact on your future in the organization. The story below is an account of a frustrated worker. The original poster (OP) goes to Reddit to ask for guidance on whether his employer is infringing on his fundamental rights as an employee. For background, OP clarifies that some employees work indo…
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management boss antiwork jobs good advice employee employment-discussion manager job work coworkers askreddit reddit thread Reddit company employment in the workplace - 35483141

27 Jobs that are much less enjoyable than employees expected: 'Working in a small company that likes to think they are a big company will destroy the fiber of your being'

The grass always seems greener on the other side. But the truth is, that's not always the case. Sometimes, we can be going through a tough time at work and find ourselves questioning if this is really the right industry for us. When we're young, we're told we can be anything we want, and there are so many professions out there that sound interesting—doctors, vets, teachers, chefs, etc. But then, once you get into the field, it's not as glorious as you were hoping.
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'Then a chicken walks out of the back room': 15 Home installation workers share the craziest things they've peeked at in stranger's homes

'Then a chicken walks out of the back room': 15 Home installation workers share the craziest things they've peeked at in stranger's homes

Home is where the heart is, and it's also where all of your strangest belongings remain. No one knows this better than folks who have jobs that require them to randomly step foot inside people's homes , often with very little warning. Say, for example, a plumber. Maybe your shower isn't draining or your toilet just won't work. You have to call the plumber, and there's usually a set timeframe during which they'll show up to solve your issues. But for some reason, people won't clean up their home…
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'They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard': 20+ HOA rules that were petty and useless

'They told us we couldn't use hoses in our backyard': 20+ HOA rules that were petty and useless

The HOA patrols are back out in force, ready to protect your neighborhood from things like trucks parked in driveways, or trash cans left outside on trash day. These heroic homeowners associations are always ready to save the day by… doling out large fines designed to stress families out. They're doing things like helping the victims of house fires. Wait, scratch that: they actually had the nerve to fine a family who had a house fire because they thought the place looked unsightly. Wow, it's al…
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'It was amazing, still the best work email I’ve ever received': 20+ Rage-quitters who left their jobs on the spot

'It was amazing, still the best work email I’ve ever received': 20+ Rage-quitters who left their jobs on the spot

So you're stuck at an awful job, and you can feel the pressure of it starting to build up. Day after day with an overbearing boss, or maybe you have the world's worst coworkers who won't stop bothering you at your cubicle. Some bosses refuse to respect your time off, meaning you're constantly checking your phone and emails even when you're off the clock. You start to daydream about quitting . Maybe you start looking around on job sites to see what's out there. If you don't quit soon enough, you…
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‘They would clock in and then go home’: HR managers share the wildest reasons why they had to fire an employee

‘They would clock in and then go home’: HR managers share the wildest reasons why they had to fire an employee

Working in HR must be a challenging experience, as they have to deal with a lot of office drama, both from the managers and the employees. But with all that drama, there must be hilarious moments and stories that those HR people will remember for their entire careers. Plus, having the opportunity to fire someone when they actually deserve it, can actually be an extremely interesting and yes, even funny, experience. This is what brought on the topic of this AskReddit prompt, in which HR workers…
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‘I drove two hours just to turn their printer back on’: IT workers share the most ridiculous tech requests they had to deal with at work

‘I drove two hours just to turn their printer back on’: IT workers share the most ridiculous tech requests they had to deal with at work

Being an IT (information technology) worker has many challenges. First, many of us will admit we do not know much about the technological devices we use on a daily basis, and if we were to encounter any error with one, we would be lost with what to do. IT workers have to be able to identify every single technological issue that they might encounter and even to possess a way of fixing it. Second, Not only do IT people have to deal with these tech issues, they also have to deal with people, who u…
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'Is that real fire?': Renaissance fair workers reveal the funniest things guests have ever said to them

'Is that real fire?': Renaissance fair workers reveal the funniest things guests have ever said to them

The employees at these Renaissance Fairs love their jobs, and they have a few eyebrow-raising stories to share. Out of all the jobs in the world, working at a Ren Fair seems like one that could be endless fun. Sure, the costumes get hot in the summer heat, and sometimes people act up, but it seems like most of these actors really enjoy their work. They show up every day in historically accurate costumes and interact with guests. When done right, it's an immersive LARP experience that's fun for…
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