

AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

'How many days do we have for a 45 day return?': 20+ Customer questions that were complete nonsense

'How many days do we have for a 45 day return?': 20+ Customer questions that were complete nonsense

Customer service workers , you're doing the world a favor every time you politely answer the silliest question you've ever heard. They won't train you for this in most customer-facing roles. You think that customers will more or less know what's going on… but that's not the case. In fact, it seems like many jobs just require the worker to answer the same customer questions over and over and over. Some customers are special, though. They're so confused that their questions make the workers pause…
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22 hilarious and entitled stories from job interviews that led potential employees to withdraw their application

‘The final round was with the CEO of a startup at 2 AM’: 22 insane job interview red flags as told by prior prospective employees

Are you available 25 hours every day?
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'Is this a joke?!': Micromanager demands constant availability from part-time employee and issues write-up for not answering the phone on day off

'Is this a joke?!': Micromanager demands constant availability from part-time employee and issues write-up for not answering the phone on day off

If one wants to hold onto their job and advance in the company, they should treat it seriously. Having said that, do you still owe your manager an explanation of what you are doing and with whom when you are not in the office? The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP) receives hourly pay for his part-time job at the local gym. At first, everything was going smoothly, and OP was enjoying working with the fitness enthusiasts. However, things took a terrible…
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'[He] changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard': 15 Odd circumstances that led employees to get fired

'[He] changed his job title to Ninja Computer Wizard': 15 Odd circumstances that led employees to get fired

When it comes to the pizza delivery driver who was fired because he couldn't find the house and just ate their pizza order instead… I understand where he's coming from. I'm not saying he did the right thing, because there's a family out there who ordered pizza and didn't get it. I just think he's relatable: it's hard to follow directions sometimes, and it's easy to get lost, and well, pizza is tasty. He probably got paid for one shift, and got to eat a free pizza in the meantime. He's an agent…
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Micromanager fabricates write-up for job security until he is caught red-handed by employee's secret recording

Micromanager fabricates write-up for job security until he is caught red-handed by employee's secret recording

Providing customer service is never an easy task for a number of reasons. The hardest part is the fact that you cannot predict who you'll run into or what type of attitude they're going to have. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP), who is employed in retail, was hit with threats over a $1.63 charge. But rather than standing with OP and protecting the worker from the enraged client, management decided to stick by the client and reprimand OP for suppos…
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'He said... my plant was not "food grade"': 20+ People who realized they're aren't dating the smartest person

'He said... my plant was not "food grade"': 20+ People who realized they're aren't dating the smartest person

One person realized their spouse wasn't that bright when they declared, “I thought we could just buy tickets at the airport on the day we leave.” Their spouse literally thought that showing up at the airport, bag in hand, with no ticket, would still get them on a plane with any certainty. Only if they're lucky would they wind up on an aircraft! And that person isn't the only one who's been a bit surprised at their significant other's intelligence deficits… At least 14,000 people had stories to…
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‘Don’t try to fool me…’: Entitled couple fakes lost ticket to steal man's prepaid plane seat

‘Don’t try to fool me…’: Entitled couple fakes lost ticket to steal man's prepaid plane seat

When traveling, whether it's for business purposes between states or a long-distance trip to the chilly alpine slopes of Switzerland, it's necessary to adhere to airline etiquette. The story below is an account of a frustrated traveler. The original poster (OP) had just returned home to Seattle from Florida. In the story that follows, OP describes his interaction with an entitled couple who attempted to steal his designated seat. They tried to claim the seats as their own at first, but when tha…
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boss antiwork employee job work coworkers i quit askreddit reddit thread Reddit company funny employment - 35792133

20+ Hilarious work fails these employees made on the job: 'I felt like such an idiot'

Have you ever messed up at work before? A lot of us have, whether we let a project slip through the cracks, forgot we had to give a presentation, or even forgot to mute our mics during a video call. We're human; it happens. But what about a fail so bad your coworkers still bring it up years later? Or a work fail so embarrassing you had no choice but to change jobs? These are the kinds of mistakes that become office legends, the stories that get told and retold at every company gathering. Imagin…
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Employees share their favorite workplace payback stories that'll empower you to take a stand

‘I started an exodus’: Former disgruntled employees reflect fondly on the payback they unleashed on toxic bosses before leaving their jobs for good

When dealing with toxic management, there's nothing like giving them a final surprise before your not-so-gentle departure.
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'[She]... asked if Mickey Mouse was a cat or a dog': 25+ Odd musings from people who were wildly misinformed

'[She]... asked if Mickey Mouse was a cat or a dog': 25+ Odd musings from people who were wildly misinformed

If you've been the victim of your older sibling telling you a falsehood you believed for decades, you may be entitled to compensation. Surely these people must've had that experience, since a lot of them grew up believing things like “horses lay eggs” or “stare into the sun." If not for an older sibling messing with their head, maybe some people just didn't pay attention in school, or were misled by some kind of movie or TV show. There are clearly lots of reasons why someone might not be knowle…
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25 moments people realized their partners were not bright: '[He was] 27 years old and didn't brush his teeth on the weekends'

25 moments people realized their partners were not bright: '[He was] 27 years old and didn't brush his teeth on the weekends'

According to the laws of probability, everyone is guaranteed to end up on at least one date with someone who is out of their mind or wildly misinformed. It's about as common as the probability of getting food poisoning. It's going to happen in your lifetime at least once… If you're lucky, you'll have the epiphany that the person sitting on the opposite side of the restaurant table is a moron before there are any notable strings attached. Ideally, you'll catch it on the first date so that neithe…
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opinion ask reddit karens funny stories finance friends askreddit wealthy entitled family out of touch funny money karen opinions - 35704837

'How am I supposed to live on $300,000 a year?': 20+ Out of touch people who were totally oblivious to their privileged life

Some people are blissfully unaware of the world they live in. If they've lived a sheltered life, they may not know about the ordinary things that lots of people deal with on a daily basis. If you've ever had a friend who makes more money than you, maybe you already know this feeling. Naturally, no friend group is all going to be making the same exact salary. Some people in the friend group are probably just paying rent and living paycheck to paycheck in a lifestyle with no frills. Meanwhile, th…
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'You've got to be kidding me...': Micromanager demands employee clock out during downtime, yet demands on-site availability ‘just in case’

'You've got to be kidding me...': Micromanager demands employee clock out during downtime, yet demands on-site availability ‘just in case’

The workspace is equally, if not more, significant than the task at hand. It is essential that the people in charge of overseeing you truly want you to succeed. Still, how would you respond if, in an attempt to save a few bucks, your manager tried to clock you into and out of the shift every time there was an off-peak hour? The story below is an account of a confused employee. The original poster (OP) works at a kayak launch. He'd been employed by the same company for a considerable amount of t…
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Weirdest first dates in memoriam: ‘We ended up crashing her ex's wedding by mistake.’

‘He took me to a funeral as his plus-one’: 21 Weirdest ways first dates went downhill

What's worse than having an awkward first date at a restaurant? Having one at a funeral.
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FAILS cringey marriage drama cringe Awkward askreddit proposal couples reddit thread Reddit funny dating - 35640837

'I proposed to my girlfriend at a family gathering and she said no': People share stories of what happened after their marriage proposals were rejected

When you propose to someone, it's a pretty big deal. There are some people who have dreamed their whole lives of having the perfect proposal in the perfect location with the perfect ring with the perfect person, and other people who could care less how they are proposed to, as long as it's with the right person. No matter what kind of proposal you hope to have, no one wants to be asked when they're not ready. So that's why if you're the one about to propose, you better make sure your fiance is…
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'Someone put a chicken in Jello': 25+ Potluck dinners gone wrong

'Someone put a chicken in Jello': 25+ Potluck dinners gone wrong

While planning your potluck dinner , be sure to invite the right friend group! Maybe invite the friends whose homes you've eaten in before, or those who claim to be great cooks already. If you invite the wrong people—the kind who ignore safety protocols or just have zero idea what they're doing in the kitchen—you may wind up giving your whole party food poisoning. You should still invite your friends who can't cook , but just tell them to bring a dessert. That's pretty hard to mess up! Unless y…
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