

Nature Sculpture WIN

art nature sculpture spider wincation - 6250756864
Via Colossal

Persepective Sculpture WIN

clever craft design perspective sculpture table - 5230588416
Via Dudecraft

Tire Lion WIN

art lion Recycled sculpture tire - 5702868992

Sculpture of the Day: "Threshold" is a Sculpture That Looks Like Three Different Numbers Depending on the Viewing Angle

IRL perspective sculpture - 8228169472
Via Creative Review

Shadow Art WIN

shadows art illusion design sculpture - 6666810368
Via Colossal

Ice Cream WIN

dessert Flower food g rated ice cream rose sculpture win - 5574317312

The Sculpture That Makes a Silhouette

gif nifty sculpture - 8028538624
Via Colossal

Pencil Art WIN

art sculpture design pencils - 6727296512
Via Inthralld

Everybody Walk the Dinosaur WIN

art dinosaur sculpture wait what weird - 5869888256
Via ChainsawMLT

Snow Sculpture WIN

awesome sculpture sharks snow winter Winter Wonderland - 4845774592
Created by Snake73

Paper Dragon WIN

art dinosaur dragon origami paper papercraft sculpture - 5226592512
Via My Confined Space

Snow Fort WIN

fort ice igloo sculpture snow winter - 5596972032

Sand Sculpting WIN

sand castle art sculpture Pirates of the Caribbean - 7187545600

Growing a Car WIN

art cars design growth park sculpture - 6566592256

LEGO Typewriter WIN

lego nerdgasm retro sculpture typewriter vintage - 5452529408
Via Flavorwire

Bigfoot WIN

sculpture snow - 5103764224
Created by catasaurus84

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