

Office Fort WIN

Office fort cardboard - 7234993408
Via Reddit

Left Work Early!

trolling cardboard - 7196827904

Sidewalk Repair

drains sidewalks cardboard - 7155954176
Created by Unknown

How Do You Sit Down in That?

homemade clothes dress cardboard - 7104538880

Sure, You Can Borrow My A/C!

ac cardboard air conditioner - 7055758848
Created by Unknown

Dry Engine

car hood grill engine cardboard - 6993718528
Created by Unknown

Cardboard Street Art WIN

Street Art hacked irl cardboard - 6959533312
Via Illusion

Cardboard Unit WIN

anime design nerdgasm cardboard g rated win - 6938280960
Via Neatorama

Garage Door and MORE!

garage garage door cardboard - 6905112064
Created by guitarer

Duct Tape, Cardboard, And Plastic Bottles

plastic bottles duct tape cardboard - 6854546176
Created by themna

Cardboard Boy WIN

nerdgasm DIY video games gameboy cardboard - 6848273664
Via Obvious Winner

I've Heard of Crusts Tasting Like Cardboard Before, But This... THIS...

cardboard - 6591716096

TV Like New!

cardboard TV - 6553428736
Created by michaelhb

We Really Needed the Fan...

cardboard desk fan fan - 6553889024
Created by peterkeuning

Office Pranks: Yes, This is Brofort, Over

cardboard office pranks - 6529373440

There I Fixed It: Yeah, It's Basically a Drag Racer

cardboard g rated there I fixed it - 6497617920