AITA for not wanting to accept my "birthday gift" from my boss?

'[My boss] sent me home for being rude': Employee rejects workplace birthday party, but boss insists

In a divisive post, one employee asked if he was actually the bad guy for spoiling his own workplace birthday party . In the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit, people usually decisively call the OP an a**hole or not. But in this case, commenters are split on the etiquette involved in this dude's scenario. The OP wrote that he's having a rough few weeks – expensive car troubles, a pounding headache, and because he forgot to take his birthday off work, he had to go in. Once he got there, he felt depresse…
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flight-issues karens airline-passenger failblog airplane-scene bad-flight airline airline-issues karens in the wild entitled hysterical-karen toxic-customer Reddit karen airplane - 2024455

'Today at the airport a Karen tried to recruit me into being a Karen with her and I was not having it' : Airline passenger delivers epic one-liner that shuts down Karen trying to throw a tantrum

Wow. Just wow. This was an amazing one-liner that this person hit a Karen with—and it actually worked! There is nothing worse than someone being a total jerk to everyone around them, and then they turn to you like you two are friends and they try to get you onto their side, as if you look like someone who would understand them. Like, what? No, no, no! We are not together . There is a big difference between you and a Karen and that is that a Karen is an entitled immature a-hole who has zero gras…
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family drama aita mother family feud family reddit thread daughter Reddit - 19624709

'[She] slammed it 5 times as hard as she could': Rebellious teenager keeps slamming door, parents take the door off the frame

I mean, they do say actions have consequences...
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Work from home wfh work memes funny relatable commute traffic driving the worst office home office meme tgif

20+ Funniest Work From Home Memes for Antisocial Employees Who Love Daytime Pajamas and Having Their Pets As Coworkers (March 9, 2023)

Commuting to work must be the biggest waste of time known to man. You sit in traffic on the freeway for 45 minutes with a stale drive through coffee in your hand, meetings to panic about, and road rage in your heart . Now imagine if your office was only 10 steps away from your bedroom? 20 steps away from your kitchen and fully stocked cupboard? Not only do you have full access to all of the luxuries of home (snacks, good coffee, comfortable pants, and your pets), but your "commute" takes about…
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Traffic cones of doom

'He liked to floor it, kick up gravel, and go as fast a possible': Neighborhood speed racer gets solidly put in his place

Don't mess with this guy and his crafty methods of revenge! As a matter of safety, one dude decided to protect themself and their neighbors. On the r/pettyrevenge subreddit, u/Svirfnil described a dangerous situation taking place near their neighbor's house. The OP writes that they used to rent a property with a gravel access road between their house and their neighbor's home . They say that no one really used this road, so their kids liked to ride their bikes and play safely in the street. Tha…
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‘She viewed me like some kind of servant, and the fact her mom didn't correct her didn't sit right with me’ : Retail worker teaches customer's entitled Karen kid a lesson

‘She viewed me like some kind of servant, and the fact her mom didn't correct her didn't sit right with me’ : Retail worker teaches customer's entitled Karen kid a lesson

Retail customers are exhausting, but when they bring their entitled brat children into the store with them, it's a whole other ballgame. One woman was working at her first retail job, thus encountered many Karens… but this particular one was actually a kid. Of course, not all parents are necessarily good at parenting, and this story represents that obvious lack of guidance, which was sorely needed.
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aita marriage honeymoon generations divorce reddit thread bridezilla Reddit - 19623173

'Am I really wrong here?': Newlywed doesn't want husband to cut honeymoon short despite his SIL's car accident

This one has a twist in the comments no one was expecting.
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20+ Best Dating App Fails of the Week (March 8, 2023)

20+ Best Dating App Fails of the Week (March 8, 2023)

You're up against a lot nowadays.
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories toxic-workplace i quit workplace employment-story quitting break room resignation employment - 19644677

'I will be leaving in order to [pursue happiness]': Coworker's genius resignation letter goes viral

Just because the journey's over doesn't mean it has to end. Every ending is a new beginning and offers a chance for reflection on the experiences and lessons learned along the way. Of course, when you're quitting a dead-end job that you've been stuck in for the last ten years… you might not find all that much to reflect on. And the things you've experienced? They're probably best forgotten... What with the unnecessary meetings, micromanaged lunch breaks, egotistical leaders, and general toxic a…
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AITA for "disrespecting" my partners culture by calling pasta "noodles"?

'Your partner can't get pasta silly thing like this...': Woman 'disrespects' Italian partner by misnaming food product

This woman is wondering if she disrespected her Italian partner by misnaming a common pantry staple. Her partner pointed out that during dinner time, she kept calling pasta “noodles” instead of just “pasta.” She's completely confused why her partner is annoyed about this seemingly semantic difference.
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‘Figure it out': 22-year-old college girl gets financially cut off when her judgmental father finds out she's been working as a stripper for extra cash

‘Figure it out': 22-year-old college girl gets financially cut off when her judgmental father finds out she's been working as a stripper for extra cash

Working to pay your way through college is exhausting and extremely difficult. Not only are you just learning how to live on your own– buying groceries, doing laundry, balancing life/work/everything else –but you're a hormonal basket-case that's hellbent on accidentally ruining your own life with drunken mistakes, failing to pay your utilities on time, and taking that required gender studies course. Now when finances are an added concern, things get ever trickier because you're attempting to pl…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories hr i quit human resources workplace story Reddit employment - 19644165

'Ok, then I quit.': HR tries to make employee work weekends after learning they work a side hustle, they quit

It's no secret that some employers think they own your soul just because they pay you for your work. Somewhere between now and the 15th century, they got lost in time and mistakenly thought they were feudal lords. Unfortunately, there are more comparisons between peasant working conditions in medieval Europe and today than we would care to admit. This viral thread was shared to Reddit's r/antiwork community by the worker, u/InfiniteMaf. With a bewildering level of forwardness, the company's HR…
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FAILS funny memes mildly infuriating infuriating Reddit funny fails funny - 19625989

Top Most Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (March 9, 2023)

Seasons may change, but mildly infuriating moments will always be there!
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2 Guys Talk About Hot Girl In Spanish And Find Out She Speaks The Language

2 Brothers Mortified After Talking About A Hot Woman In Spanish, They Later Conclude She's Latina

Other people speak Spanish y'know, the world doesn't revolve around you
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medical-system doctor-fail toxic-workplace doctors appointment doctors office bad-treatment healthcare nursing-fail - 19611909

'This should NEVER happen to a patient': Woman gets forgotten by hospital staff and walks out to a completely closed down doctor's office

The healthcare system in the U.S. has been a topic of controversy for decades. We pay out the wazoo in taxes for it, yet many of us don't even receive it. And then the ones who do, are either super rich and get top quality care, or not super rich and get subpar or horrible care. We don't blame the health workers! It is the system. But because of this horrible system, we've all, unfortunately, experienced a horrible doctor's visit situation. You know, that time you had an appointment made for 9a…
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aita toxic-workplace drama relationship-drama relationships Reddit toxic relationship dramatic toxic-work-environment - 19364869

'AITA for asking my girlfriend to leave the house for 6-7 hours a day?': Dude gets roasted for forcing girlfriend out of their shared home with terrible reasoning

When you decide to take the leap and share your life with another person… actually share it with them. Don't do what this jerk boyfriend did and kick them out of the house, baring them from their own home so that your friends can sit in their favorite chair and hang out with you while they're on the outside looking in. Instead, be inclusive and seek to share time, love, and desires with them. This dude got roasted for forcing his recently-jobless girlfriend out of their shared home so that he c…
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