Monday Thru Friday

No Triple-Whipped Mezzo Intermedio Soprano Latteccinos Here!

coffee Starbucks g rated monday thru friday - 7890697984

Meet My Replacement

ghost replacement - 6371849728
Created by rastro23


awesome boredom clever creativity in the workplace crossbow cubicle boredom darts decoration fired hardware ingenuity osha passive aggressive projectiles wasteful weapon wiseass with cause work smarter not harder - 3667256320
Created by Josh

Manger tested, manger approved

clever g rated hacked M thru F manager spelling typos work - 5524179968
Created by Bravekalel

Anger Management

anger management stress vending machine - 4904642304

I think I just blue myself

arrested development - 5585442048

Don't Thank Me Yet

funny signs image don't thank me yet
Via -nate

So You're Saying There's a Chance That It WOULDN'T Fire the Most Powerful Laser Blast Ever?

fox - 6430267904
Via Fox News

Production Assistants Sue Paramount Because of Their Crappy Jobs

movies poop work Production Assistants Sue Paramount Because of Their Crappy Jobs
Via thewrap

Conference Like It's 1875

phone repair sign - 5277094400

Dat Headline

news headlines headlines funny monday thru friday - 7491059712

Also Looks Like it Would Be Great to Take Naps In

monday thru friday cool design g rated - 8425895168
Via lj2shoes

Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death...

apple apple maps ecce homo ios 6 potato jesus - 6613682432

When You See It

bathroom restroom toilet - 6019701248


awesome basic instructions clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank decoration hardware joke key label lol prank sass scary security signage switch Terrifying unoriginal wiseass - 3583855872

Hopefully Everyone Shouted "Amazon bots, roll out!" at This Awesome Costume

halloween win office costume party winner turned amazon boxes into transformer
Via caronarnold

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