Ugliest Tattoos


Tattoo ALL The Cliches!

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Created by Unknown

How Do I Work These Damn Chopsticks Again?

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Created by VahtoeBill

Teddy Tude

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Created by Unknown

Nice Ink!

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Created by Eyellgeteven

This is So Bad It's Amazing

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1st Rule of This Tattoo is... You Do Not Get This Tattoo

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Created by Joey McGoeyBoey

At Least That's What They Called Me In Prison

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I Wonder Where Tebow Stands on This

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Created by BoofaBro

Have Fun Getting a Job

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Created by Unknown

Locked And Loaded

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Brand Royalty

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Mixed Message

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Created by beernbiccies

Al Derpcino

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Created by Unknown

Super Cow

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Created by Louie

Amen, Brother

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And This is How We Found It on The Internet

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