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'He was a victim. But now I can't live my life': Girl skips out on boy best friend's birthday party because boy's girlfriend is jealous, girlfriend goes on rampage

25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

'If you're in the building, you're working': Grocery shopper wants help from the only employee who cannot assist her

'If you're in the building, you're working': Grocery shopper demands help from the only employee who cannot assist her

30 Majorly messy meals that really needed plates

30 Majorly messy meals that really needed plates

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'For five seconds, I thought this was a T-Rex': 20+ Peculiar photos with confusing perspectives

25 Food combinations for the brave of heart

25 Quirky food combinations for the brave of heart

Tattoo artist tattoos initials onto unsuspecting person

'I demanded a partial refund and they refused': Tattoo artist tattoos initials onto unsuspecting person

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'Spiderman 3: Beans Edition': 20+ Oddball objects up for sale

'My dog just ate my door': 25 TikTokers who are sharing their wild lives online

'My dog just ate my door': 25 TikTokers who are sharing their wild lives online

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Entitled People Who Made Big Absurd Demands

'I never lived it down': 35 Weird and wild secret confessions

'I never lived it down': 35 Weird and wild secret confessions

'My boss puts applesauce on his pizza': 20+ Pizzas that should never have been baked

'My boss puts applesauce on his pizza': 20+ Crispy, crunchy crimes against pizza

Am I wrong for thinking it’s tacky to invite kids to a birthday party at a restaurant and ask them to pay for their own meal?

'I absolutely think it’s tacky': Birthday party host asks teenagers to pay separate bills

'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings

'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings gone completely wrong

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'I wasn't sorry --- I did it on purpose': 30+ Secret Confessions of the Week (May 21, 2023)

20 Laugh out loud funny signs from people who were brutally honest

20 Laugh out loud funny signs from people who were brutally honest

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