

25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

Pizzas that are this bizarre make us feel philosophical. At what point does a pizza, loaded up with the most random toppings you can think of, cease to be a pizza pie?
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'If you're in the building, you're working': Grocery shopper wants help from the only employee who cannot assist her

'If you're in the building, you're working': Grocery shopper demands help from the only employee who cannot assist her

When customers demand help , they want to be helped immediately. And instead of listening when workers actually try to help them, they seem to shut off their ears, and end up throwing a tantrum instead. Cashiers don't get the respect they deserve, and lots of customers are very rude to them on the daily. U/NiftyGoblin had a strange story to tell, which they shared to r/TalesFromRetail, a subreddit for retail workers to share the realities of life behind the cash register. This OP was just tryin…
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30 Majorly messy meals that really needed plates

30 Majorly messy meals that really needed plates

Restaurants love to be hip and trendy, but at what cost? There are two types of people: those who photograph their every meal, and those who just eat the food. Food bloggers and amateur photographers alike love to snap pictures of what they're dining on, and post photos to their socials for the whole world to admire. However, it's not exactly original to post just a plain old hamburger. No, your followers want to see you eat the weirdest stuff, it must be eye catching. That's the only reason I…
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wtf confusing architecture funny pics funny memes cars buildings wtf is this clothes funny pictures confusing perspective Cats perspective weird vehicles - 21576197

'For five seconds, I thought this was a T-Rex': 20+ Peculiar photos with confusing perspectives

Photography can be so much fun for amateurs and professionals alike. These days, almost everybody has an iPhone, meaning you have a super high-quality camera in your pocket all the time. It's never been easier to capture snapshots of the world we see around us. These people below caught some really cool photos, whether intentional or not. They're the kind of pictures that make you pause for a moment and stare at it as you try and figure out what in the world is going on! The best of these photo…
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25 Food combinations for the brave of heart

25 Quirky food combinations for the brave of heart

You may think you've seen some odd food combos, but these ones really take the cake. Listen up, content creators. You're all banned from having pickles . Every last one of you content creators out there, you have abused your pickle privileges by creating man-made horrors. What have I said about making man-made horrors beyond our comprehension? Straight to jail, all of you. When you've been on the internet for a while, you can often spot when people make foods with the intention of enraging thei…
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Tattoo artist tattoos initials onto unsuspecting person

'I demanded a partial refund and they refused': Tattoo artist tattoos initials onto unsuspecting person

Tattoos are so personal to the individual getting their skin adorned. Everyone knows that tattoos last forever, but it's a hard concept to fathom until you actually get the tattoo. Depending on where you get it, you'll either 1) look at it every day, so you'd better love it! or 2) never look at it if it's on your back or legs, and you'll kind of forget you have it at times. Regardless, you do have that art work forever, and even if you can't see it, other people probably can. Along with your ha…
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'Spiderman 3: Beans Editions': 20+ Oddball objects up for sale

'Spiderman 3: Beans Edition': 20+ Oddball objects up for sale

Save the planet by buying all your cursed objects secondhand. Reduce, reuse, recycle, revenant. While I've never experienced a haunting, I want to believe in ghosts. I'm afraid if I don't believe in spirits, they'll try to prove me wrong. I've watched enough horror movies to have some hubris about these things. If my home ever does become haunted, I might not ever know, because my earbuds block out noise pretty well. A ghost would have to start slamming doors or knocking over belongings to get…
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'My dog just ate my door': 25 TikTokers who are sharing their wild lives online

'My dog just ate my door': 25 TikTokers who are sharing their wild lives online

In recent years, TikTok has become the latest social media app to grow incredibly popular, especially with Gen Z . Unlike the way Instagram is full of carefully curated photos, TikTokers are inclined to make videos about what's on their mind — and they aren't afraid to do some oversharing . Check out these absolutely wild things people share to TikTok. Then, check out this story of an employee who got some malicious compliance on the boss who insisted he get a doctor's note .
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entitled people with demands

Entitled People Who Made Big Absurd Demands

Oh, cool.
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'I never lived it down': 35 Weird and wild secret confessions

'I never lived it down': 35 Weird and wild secret confessions

These folks have secrets — and you can only know them anonymously! Twitter's popular secret confession page , @fesshole, is a prime spot for your average person to confess their darkest secrets. Luckily for the rest of us, we get to take a peek into other people's lives and realize that everyone is hiding some things that we'll never know about otherwise. In this week's selection, one person confessed to being devastated to learn that a colleague was actually just a really polite robot, while a…
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'My boss puts applesauce on his pizza': 20+ Pizzas that should never have been baked

'My boss puts applesauce on his pizza': 20+ Crispy, crunchy crimes against pizza

If you thought pineapple on pizza was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
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Am I wrong for thinking it’s tacky to invite kids to a birthday party at a restaurant and ask them to pay for their own meal?

'I absolutely think it’s tacky': Birthday party host asks teenagers to pay separate bills

Customs and etiquette change over time, but this mom is pretty sure this party host is being super tacky. There are all types of parties, from simple to extravagant. For smaller events, it can be great to host your family and friends at your home for a backyard BBQ, which is casual and cost effective. Other people love to spend big money on their kids parties by renting entertainers or bouncy houses, or hosting the event at a restaurant or play zone. As a kid, you have a wonderful time regardle…
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'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings

'Our cars were mysteriously keyed': 10+ Tales of job firings gone completely wrong

No one ever wants to have these types of conversations. Getting fired is one of the worst feelings out there, and not everyone handles rejection well. While most people doing the firing probably don't want to, they still have to deal with the crazy aftermath. As these people shared in their stories below, some folks just loose their entire mind when they're let go from their job. One particularly glorious tale is a brother and sister who were both working at the same restaurant when the brother…
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surprising confessions wtf secret work stories shocking workplace family funny weird fesshole - 20590597

'I wasn't sorry --- I did it on purpose': 30+ Secret Confessions of the Week (May 21, 2023)

These aren't the kind of secrets you could tell to your best friend or even your spouse… they need to be totally anonymous . Each day, brave souls on the internet share their best (or rather, worst) secrets to @fesshole. So many people share their secrets, but some are much more shocking and surprising than others, so we've hand-picked some of the best ones. I totally get why the person who accidentally destroyed a 4k TV on their first day of work felt they could only share that anonymously. Th…
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20 Laugh out loud funny signs from people who were brutally honest

20 Laugh out loud funny signs from people who were brutally honest

Never pass up the opportunity to make an incredible sign . These people below sure didn't! Check out these excellent signs — some from the workplace, others home made, and some that are nearly illegible. The more honest they are, the funnier they tend to be. This is especially helpful when restaurants are explaining how they're short staffed. It lets the customer know ASAP that these employees aren't playing around. Then, these folks moved into a brand new neighborhood, but found their neighbor…
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House Rules When Your Roommate Is A Kevin

'No hiding coffee in the furniture': Bumbling roommate requires 'unique house rules' due to his silly mistakes

This roommate is one of those people who need to be supervised because they've just never learned basic life skills. You may take for granted that someone taught you how to cook — it seems no one informed this “ Kevin” roommate of the dangers that can bring. This person shared three hilarious stories of rules they implemented due to Kevin's really specific habits. Roommates like this can be lots of fun to hang out with (it seems that Kevin was a nice guy overall) but they just seem to need extr…
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