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'Imagine an email finding you well': 35 Banter-worthy Tweets for industrious employees scrolling on company time

Top 20+ Bold Hot Takes and Pickup Lines from Online Folks with Rizz

Top 20+ Bold Hot Takes and Pickup Lines from Online Folks with Rizz

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'We're sorry for any disappointment': Dude's Twitter thread sparks online debate around popular Southwest Airlines "wheelchair scam"

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'So loud and so wrong': 25 People who got ratio'd into oblivion

25 Cringy moments that people posted online for everyone to see

25 Cringy moments that people actually posted online for everyone to see

20+ Tweets that have achieved icon status

20+ Hilarious tweets that have achieved icon status

can someone start some harmless discourse PLEASE

'Houses are too boring now': 25 People who are starting "harmless discourse" with these hot takes

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'The sweater I bought cannot be maintained': 40+ Fresh Memes and Tweets For Your Viewing Pleasure (April 13th 2022)

'I like to pretend I'm Batman': 30 Top Secret Confessions of the Week (March 19, 2023)

'I like to pretend I'm Batman': 30 Top Secret Confessions of the Week (March 19, 2023)

Relatable Jokes and Fails for Poorly Adjusted Adults Who Love to Procrastinate

Relatable Jokes and Fails for Poorly Adjusted Adults Who Love to Procrastinate

20 Deleted-tweet disasters by people hiding embarrassing mistakes and hot takes

20 Deleted-tweet disasters by people hiding embarrassing mistakes and hot takes

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Update: 'I would like to apologize': Elon Musk forced to apologize after publicly shaming disabled developer who was questioning their employment status

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Twitter Thread: Crypto bro weeps after losing all of his of his NFTs to phishing scam

'Getting a show/movie spoiled on me is preferred': 30+ Unpopular hot takes that will always raise eyebrows

'Getting a show/movie spoiled on me is preferred': 30+ Unpopular hot takes that will always raise eyebrows

there is no "worst color*, your perception of every color and whether or not it looks good to you depends entirely on what colors it is surrounded by. this conversation is OVER

'How can you say this when cyan and hot pink exist?': 30+ Votes for the worst color ever, according to the internet

20+ Cleaning Fails for Both Neat Freaks and Messy Folks

20+ Cleaning Fails for Both Neat Freaks and Messy Folks