

'I'm gonna be a better man today': 20 Tweets that are funnier because they're deleted

'I'm gonna be a better man today': 20 Tweets that are way funnier because they're deleted

Any tweet can be great, but a deleted tweet can become iconic. Just ask the people of the X/Twitter app themselves! When @toxikloveh**s requested to see people's favorite deleted tweets, hundreds of people brought their faves to the table. Declarative tweets with really strong opinions are often the funniest when they're deleted. Like one person shared that, “One thing's for sure, no matter how bad things get. I will always support this team.” Then, wouldn't you know it… they deleted the tweet!…
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‘Who they think they luring back?’: Twitter Reacts with Witty Clapbacks to Target's Price Cuts to ‘Lure Back Customers Amidst Inflation'

‘Who they think they luring back?’: Twitter Reacts with Witty Clapbacks to Target's Price Cuts to ‘Lure Back Customers Amidst Inflation'

Sure, raise the prices by 300% and then cut it back by 15%, what a deal…
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'[I] had a guy try to pay me with pottery': 30+ Freelance artists who had the most entitled clients ever

'[I] had a guy try to pay me with pottery': 30+ Freelance artists who had the most entitled clients ever

These artists aren't staying quiet anymore about their commission nightmares. While freelancing online, you may have to jump through a lot of hoops before you can find a good client. Many people will head to an artist's DMs and start brainstorming about the artwork they want to buy. But right off the bat, a lot of people aren't prepared to actually pay for the art. They say things like, “Well, weren't you going to draw that anyway?” or “I think it should be free because it only took you a littl…
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Top 20 Cringe Internet Comments Where People Got Called Out: 'Dudes who order boneless wings close the fridge with their hips'

Top 20 Cringe Internet Comments Where People Got Called Out: 'Dudes who order boneless wings close the fridge with their hips'

If there's one thing everyone knows about the internet at this point, it's that people can be absolutely unhinged online. Regardless of whether or not they choose to remain anonymous, people seem to love to share their ridiculous opinions and “hot takes" on the world wide web for everyone else to pick apart, agree with, disagree with, retweet, repurpose, and even mock. It makes you wonder why we post anything at all anymore yet people will only keep posting. As we mentioned, these absolutely in…
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'We now have a family rule that my mom can't blog about anyone else': 20+ Social media oversharers who need to be unfriended

'We now have a family rule that my mom can't blog about anyone else': 20+ Social media oversharers who need to be unfriended

We now have a family rule that my mom can’t blog about anyone else without permission
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twitter Twitter Thread boy scouts fire camp counselor scout prank camping pranks - 24650501

'[He] cooked that nights' ramen in river water': 25 Boy Scouts tell the wildest things that happened on their camping trips

These scouts are lucky to have survived these camping trips full of mishaps. They gained the memories of a lifetime, and they're sharing them today in reply to @paynushurts' Twitter question: “What was the 'incident' at your summer Boy Scout camping trip?” The answers were wide-ranging and completely hilarious. Some people shared stories from when they were little kids, while others had their craziest times happen as teenagers. Going on a camping trip with your scouting troop is a great way to…
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'Well, well, well, look who emailed at 2:45 AM': Consultant gets back at firm who 'fired all the consultants'

'Well, well, well, look who emailed at 2:45 AM': Consultant gets sweet revenge on firm who 'fired all the consultants'

It's not often that an opportunity like this comes around. One consultant got to have the email conversation of a lifetime, and gleefully shared the results to their Twitter followers. It's hard to overstate just how advanced artificiaI inteIIigence has become in such a short period of time. There was a time just a couple of years ago where people didn't understand what AI even was, and it was hard to explain the concept. Now, AI has infiltrated every industry in some way. If you use photo edit…
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20 cringeworthy comments, DMs, and texts: 'Bro, how is the shark older than the USA? I doubt the shark has been alive for 2023 years'

20 cringeworthy comments, DMs, and texts: 'Bro, how is the shark older than the USA? I doubt the shark has been alive for 2023 years'

The things people say on the Internet, man! It's remarkable what people elect to post on public forums for everyone else's amusement and consumption. Granted, sometimes it's totally intentional. People who fancy themselves to be aspiring comedians often turn to social media to find an audience. But oftentimes, the funniest Internet comments are the unintentionally hilarious ones. The ones where people forgot they were posting this online for everyone to see. The ones where people shared way too…
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twitter Twitter Thread viral tweets bad day viral inconvenient funny opinions - 24492037

'Dropping my food after I just warmed it up': 25+ Little inconveniences that ruined someone's day

It's all about the little things in life. They say you should try and appreciate the small moments of your days that make a difference, like your partner making you coffee in the morning, or your neighbor bringing a package inside for you when you're not home. At times, this also applies to the small moments in life that are less positive. When you read the tweets below, you'll know exactly how that feels. In an all-too-relatable Twitter thread, user @EastsideTC asked people to share the smalle…
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'She let me walk around with my wig lifting, on my birthday': 30+ People who suddenly realized their friends secretly don't like them

'She let me walk around with my wig lifting, on my birthday': 30+ People who suddenly realized their friends secretly don't like them

These people realized that their friends actually weren't their friends at all. Sometimes it takes a pattern of behavior to realize a person doesn't have your best interests at heart. Other times, a single incident can send the friendship spiraling. Twitter users shared the incidents that made them finally realize their friends were actually bad friends (and sometimes even their enemy). Reading these tweets is like a cautionary tale of spotting and then avoiding red flags . That can be difficul…
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'She forgot to bring her dog with her... to the vet':  20 Major facepalm moments captured forever on the internet

'She forgot to bring her dog with her... to the vet': 20 Major facepalm moments captured forever on the internet

We could not be rolling our eyes any harder at these moments that will make you facepalm. The internet is forever, no matter what you do. Thanks to internet archives, even if you delete something, it's still likely to float around the internet every now and again. For example, I imagine the person who posted about a “leaf” found in their burrito bowl wishes they didn't Tweet about it. That's because even though they thought this was your average everyday outside leaf, it was not. It's a bay lea…
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 work work-tweets work-memes tweets memes working employee employees boss manager bosses managers supervisor business company employee-memes banter twitter funny comedy relatable hilarious

'Imagine an email finding you well': 35 Banter-worthy Tweets for industrious employees scrolling on company time

Witty wisecracks about your work life are essential to shift survival
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Top 20+ Bold Hot Takes and Pickup Lines from Online Folks with Rizz

Top 20+ Bold Hot Takes and Pickup Lines from Online Folks with Rizz

Part of being a single person in the digital age requires big swings online.
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air travel karens scammer twitter Twitter Thread airlines scams passenger airline tweets scam entitled traveling karen airplane entitled people passengers - 21165317

'We're sorry for any disappointment': Dude's Twitter thread sparks online debate around popular Southwest Airlines "wheelchair scam"

Who wants to be sitting on an airline for longer than they have to? Well—due to Southwest's unique seating arrangement, where no seats are assigned, and all seats are first-come-first-serve, the less honest among us are hugely incentivized to vie for priority boarding without having to fork out extra for it. The way people do this is by asking for a wheelchair before they arrive at their gate, which qualifies them for priority boarding from the airline. This frustrated passenger hit out against…
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twitter Twitter Thread witty comebacks brands clever comebacks ratio funny jokes twitter reactions - 21037317

'So loud and so wrong': 25 People who got ratio'd into oblivion

When the internet talks, ratios happen. And luckily for us, they're often really funny, and fun to root for the person doing the ratio'ing. Some of the funniest ratios I've ever witnessed were during the 2022 monkey NFT craze. (See #8 for one example!) As you may recall, “Bored Ape” NFTs were all the rage for crypto bros. The gist was that you bought the digital image of the apes, and then you owned the image, technically, sort of. Because while you may have had a paper stating that you owned t…
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25 Cringy moments that people posted online for everyone to see

25 Cringy moments that people actually posted online for everyone to see

What's posted on the internet stays there forever, so be warned! The internet is always evolving. Trends and styles come and go, and since lots of us post every single day, there are bound to be a few things you'll regret typing out to your Facebook audience. These people below totally understand — their posts are cringy because they're relatable in some instances. After you check out these wildly cringey pictures below, check out these stories of coworkers that were impossible to work with .
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