

Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

Internet debates if using 'stage directions in asterisks' is professional or not

'Why is my teacher role playing with me in a formal email?': Internet debates if using 'stage directions in asterisks' is professional or cringe

The internet is always up in arms about some silly nonsense *shrugs ambivalently*. There are obviously many serious and big issues going on in the world, and it's nice to take a break from those important things to ponder the silliest and tiniest debates going on. This debate was flagged by a subreddit just for drama in the comments section, aptly named r/subredditdrama. The drama du jour was started after u/Justthisdudeyaknow posted a Tumblr meme from 2020. In the post, a student is surprised…
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tumblr interesting knowledge tumblr thread - 17341189

Tumblr Thread Takes on the Scam That is Calling Lab Gems "Fake"

If you've shopped for the jewelry you probably know just how much of an elaborate scam everything involved with it is. Diamonds are almost like some kind of cryptocurrency as every bit of value we put into them is completely manufactured. Jewelry companies control the flow of diamonds into the market and keep the flow as low as possible in order to create a false scarcity, giving the illusion that these jewels are rare and valuable. In reality, there are warehouses of the damn things out there…
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scammer tumblr scammers debt scam - 17339653

Thread Exposes Shady Scam Practice Used By Debt Collectors and Banks

It's almost hard to believe that a (mostly) credible financial institution could resort to such predatory practices but the unfortunate thing is that it happens all of the time. Something similar happened to me with one of the top medical institutions in the state where I grew up. Turns out, they had hidden fees that they charged into an “account” under your name every time you went for a visit. This was in addition to the copay I had to make for my insurance.
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funny tumblr gems

Funny, Random and Brilliant Tumblr Gems

Fresh out of the internet.
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funny tumblr gems

25 Funny, Random and Shiny Tumblr Gems

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Titanic rescue story tumblr wholesome

Tumblr Thread: The Carpathia Titanic Rescue Is A Direct Line To The Feels

Toot toot all aboard the feels boat.
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tumblr thread family wolf dog

Tumblr Thread: The Tale of Mazel The Family Wolfdog

Seems pretty chill.
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tumblr gems

Random Funny Tumblr Gems To Vibe To Or Not

It's a mixed bag.
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tumblr thread on ask culture vs guess culture

Informative Tumblr Thread Explains "Ask" Vs "Guess" Culture

It explains a lot about people.
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tumblr thread on bread fraud

Tumblr Rises To Explain The Rich, Flakey History Of Bread Fraud

Bread and lies.
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employee tumblr work - 16837637

Inspiring Tumblr User is Devising A Clever Tactic For Job Applications

It's no secret that the job applications process is a total sham. The entire ordeal is a bizarre mating dance that would put even the most elaborate rituals of the bird of paradise to shame. You, the applicant, are the male; Prepping your dancing ground with pretty rocks and twig arrangements in the hopes that you might catch a wandering glance from a witting female (or in this case an employer). Once you've drawn their attention… it's time to unleash your best song and dance in order to prove…
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funny tumblr thread about dog that licks doors

Door-Licking Dog Might Be A Genius, Or He Just Likes Licking Doors

If it works, it works.
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funny tumblr gems

Tumblr Gems To Help Deal With That Sinking Feeling

That's some good stuff.
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tumblr reading faith in humanity human humanity book lord of the flies - 16718085

Tumblr Thread: Lord of the Flies Isn't An Accurate Reflection Of All Humanity

Grow up.
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tumblr thread on why imperial measurement is good for mental math

Tumblr Thread Explains Why Measuring In Feet Can Actually Make Sense

It's convenient if you're a medieval peasant.
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Tumblr Thread connecting Powerpuff Girls and 40 cakes meme

Tumblr Thread: Mojo Jojo's Speech Patterns Are Connected To The "40 Cakes" Meme

That's an interesting one.
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