

getting fired workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace i quit quit workplace-discussion employment-issues workplace quitting - 21485061

'She got fired': Worker gives two week's notice, giving their employer time orchestrate firing them and ruining their new position

There's some dubiousness to the truth behind this post, and, let's be honest—as with anything you read online—there often is. But this thread sparked an important fervor of discussion around something I think is an important topic: How much information about your personal life do you owe your employer? If you're taking a sick day—do they need to know why? If you're leaving your position—do they need to know why? The answer, in any case, is no. Your employer doesn't need to know more than the ex…
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boss aita workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace meal work lunch workplace break break room - 21457413

'It's only fair that she leave me alone': Employee stands up to boss who keeps interrupting break time

This boss knows the perfect time to start asking her employees questions — while they're taking their lunch breaks . This employee, u/Other-Importance, shared a question they had regarding their boss's habit of always talking to them during their lunch break . They write that as an hourly worker, they have a paid break, but for some reason, their boss always decides that's the best moment to have a talk about work-related topics. I wonder if their boss considers the OP a friend — so even if the…
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'Fired on first day': Hotel employee fired for revealing higher hourly wage to coworker, HR makes up excuse

'Fired on first day': Hotel employee fired for revealing higher hourly wage to coworker, HR makes up excuse

Your first day on the job can't get much worse than this.
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'I didn't like the look on your face!': Manager gets employee unjustly fired, employee gets him blacklisted from other jobs

'I didn't like the look on your face!': Manager gets employee unjustly fired, employee gets him blacklisted from other jobs

Be careful who you fire!
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'I have no wish to be in her good books anymore': Employee turns down former boss's repeated requests for help

'I have no wish to be in her good books anymore': Employee turns down former boss's repeated requests for help

This boss can't let her old employee go. It's time for both of them to move on. U/YlvaNietzsche asked the r/AmItheA**hole community a question they had regarding their boss. For some reason, even though this employee departed the company, their boss is so insistent that they keep on helping. Each industry is different in regards to prior jobs. In some industries, it's incredibly important to keep a strong network of colleagues and bosses who can vouch for you as you advance in your career. For…
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'You've been given [...] 10 chances to keep your job when you should've been fired': Manager sends unhinged text after employee refuses to cover his shift

'You've been given [...] 10 chances to keep your job when you should've been fired': Manager sends unhinged text after employee refuses to cover his shift

This general manager may have been on his way out, but he's going to regret sending that text.
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'I armed a multi-million dollar financial nuke': Worker quits and goes full scorched earth on the way out

'I armed a multi-million dollar financial nuke': Worker quits and goes full scorched earth on the way out

It's always a good policy in life to take the high road, but when that's not an option, the low road will do just fine—just make sure to set fire to every metaphorical bridge you might cross along the way. This full scorched earth policy isn't the way you should normally go about doing business; for one thing, it's (usually) unethical, and it's not going to make you many friends or get you very far. For that reason, you should always aim to leave things on good terms when you leave a job—you ne…
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20 Red Flags in Job Interviews That Made People Walk Away

20 Red Flags in Job Interviews That Made People Walk Away

Everyone has a mental list of red flags to bear in mind when walking into a job interview.
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'HR person was insanely incompetent': Student worker denied holiday pay by HR Karen, worker complies but finds clever loophole

'HR person was insanely incompetent': Student worker denied holiday pay by HR Karen, worker complies but finds clever loophole

Sometimes, being a rule follower can lead to finding clever loopholes.
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'Don't use price labels': Manager's extreme cost cutting measures cost them big time

'Don't use price labels': Manager's extreme cost cutting measures cost them big time

Extreme couponing is an interesting hobby that serves as a great past-time for house spouses who need a break from the tiring work of pitching the latest MLM fad to old acquaintances. It also makes for some pretty mediocre television that makes for a passable watch when you're drifting in a fever dream and too sick to change the channel. It does not, however, make for a good means of operating a business. And, yet, many managers and business owners out there employ it as a strategy, paying no h…
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'I put in my formal notice and that’s when the fun started': Employee bests boss who made them drive 200 miles a day for work

'I put in my formal notice and that’s when the fun started': Employee bests boss who made them drive 200 miles a day for work and refused to sign off important paperwork

The only thing worse than a long commute is a long commute to a job you really dislike. Even if you bring a book, music, or a movie, commuting is still annoying to do every day. I used to commute 90 minutes each way twice a day, and it was soul-deadening. Even with entertainment, it's hard to sacrifice so much of your day every day without being paid. If you made me president, I would make every single company reimburse its' workers for their commuting time. If you have to take time out of your…
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'I will not be disrespected like that': Employee discovers new hire got offered more money for the same job, quits on the spot

'I will not be disrespected like that': Employee discovers new hire got offered more money for the same job, quits on the spot

We know all too well at this point that your boss is not your friend.
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'Within two weeks the electricity was cut off': Boss reminds employee they aren't an office manager, chaos ensues after employee stops managing their office

'Within two weeks the electricity was cut off': Boss reminds employee they aren't an office manager, chaos ensues after employee stops managing their office

Work can only push you so far until eventually your patience snaps. This employee, u/HungryAd2461, knows that all too well, as they shared in this wild tale about how they stopped managing an office . Being employed by a thankless boss is a tough way to live. Some people don't mind it, but a lot of us would like to have our contributions appreciated. You can be the first one in the office and the last to leave, but if your boss doesn't care, nothing you do will ever change their mind. It's you…
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Update: 'I said, "Guess I’m not a team player"': Boss floods security guard employee with texts and emails while she's on vacation, employee brings in HR

Update: 'I said, "Guess I’m not a team player"': Boss floods security guard employee with texts and emails while she's on vacation, employee brings in HR

It would take a lot for you to block your boss's phone number , but this woman had to do exactly that. Her boss just wouldn't leave her be as he tried his hardest to interrupt her vacation time . U/Pinkyrye shared her story to r/AmItheA**hole, and she provided several updates on her situation as well. Despite working at her security guard job for six years, her boss still gave her a hard time about taking five days of vacation time. Some places really are stingy with time off, paid or unpaid. I…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance work malicious-compliance-reddit employment-issues workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 21373445

'If you're 1 minute late I'm docking 15 minutes from your time': Boss refuses to pay employee for 15 minutes, surprised when they refuse to work the same amount of time

The act of working is a transactional thing: Spend time doing something for someone else and get paid for that time in return. Spend time, get paid—it's as simple as that. This gets more complicated when you aren't getting paid for the time that you're working. We've already established the relationship between time and pay… So, if you're not getting paid for the time that you're working, whatever on earth are you working for anyway? Of course, there are circumstances where you're not strictly…
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'No money, no food': Employee refuses to indulge mooching coworker, tells him to pay for his own lunch, boss gets involved

'No money, no food': Employee refuses to indulge mooching coworker, tells him to pay for his own lunch, boss gets involved

In every office, there is that one coworker who mooches.
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