

‘It felt so… power-trippy?’: Job candidate asked to show recruiter around their room during Zoom interview

‘It felt so…power-trippy?’: Job candidate asked to show recruiter around their room during Zoom interview

It seems that recruiters are asking way more of job candidates than they should these days. We’re used to the common interview questions that might be difficult to answer: what’s your weakness? What’s a challenging leadership moment you’ve had? Why do you want to work? (just kidding… sort of). However, this recruiter took things just a bit too far when they asked a potential job candidate to move their camera around the whole room. This story was posted to Reddit by u/nuestl , who froze at the…
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‘I couldn’t believe my ears’: Company asks employees to deduct up to $5K out of paychecks to be ‘team players’

‘I couldn’t believe my ears’: Company asks employees to deduct up to $5K out of paychecks to be ‘team players’

Being a team player can mean a lot of things. It can mean being a communicative collaborator. It can mean taking on tasks that are normally outside of your primary responsibilities in order to further a collective goal. One thing it does not mean, however, is taking a pay cut. Unfortunately, in this economy, that seems to be one of the latest tactics employers are using to avoid mass layoffs, but one has to wonder if the executives at the top are making the same sacrifices. In fact, one should…
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boss work from home workplace-stories jobs employee work stories toxic-workplace job sickness horrible-management Horrible Bosses sick home - 21512453

'My boss keeps calling me when I'm home with pneumonia': Boss texts sick employee 15+ times asking for 'quick tasks'

There are bosses with empathy, and then there's this dude. U/yodascousinkevin told this surprising story of what happened when they came down with a bout of pneumonia, only to find out their boss just would not leave them alone. We all want to feel unique and special and irreplaceable at our jobs . We want to think that the work we do is exceptional, and that the place just wouldn't run the same without us. In reality, everyone is replaceable. No one told that to the OP's boss, though, who is a…
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'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

Taking over for your coworker in a time of crisis is the nightmare to end all nightmares.
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'Suddenly they could give me a $2.25 raise': Boss tells employee they can't give him a raise, employee gets better job, boss coughs up the money

'Suddenly they could give me a $2.25 raise': Boss tells employee they can't give him a raise, employee gets better job, boss coughs up the money

They always say they can't give you a raise but nine times out of ten, the truth is they can. This employee had to jump through hoops in order to get a 0.75-cent hourly raise. Despite finally achieving this small win, he knew that he was worth more, as most employees are. So naturally, he started looking for other work and eventually received a job offer that paid $2 more per hour than his current position. Once he brought this fact to the attention of his manager with the intention of quitting…
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toxic-workplace retail restaurant workplace job interview interview service industry - 2127367

'Perhaps it's better if we reschedule': Candidate ambushed with unpaid 'working trial,' walks out

The process of preparing for an interview is immensely time-consuming and stressful for any candidate. You've already sunk considerable amounts of time into prepping your CV, writing an effective cover letter, and applying for the role—and there's likely been some back-and-forth communication between yourself and the company's HR. To have all of that done only to be blindsided and discover that the interview preparing for isn't actually an interview is—well—devastating. Instead, you're asked to…
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'This looks like a personal print job': Boss makes employees pay to use printer for personal use, employee catches boss breaking the rules

'This looks like a personal print job': Boss makes employees pay to use printer for personal use, employee catches boss breaking the rules

There's nothing more satisfying than proving to everyone in the office that your manager's pointless rules are... well, pointless.
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'Quit the next day': 10+ dream jobs that weren't what they were cracked up to be

'Quit the next day': 10+ dream jobs that weren't what they were cracked up to be

Did anyone else have a crazy dream job as a kid that led to some serious disillusionment as an adult? You could have had the aspiration to be an astronaut, to be president, or to be a pop singer. I'd be lying if I denied that my since deleted first email had the words “movie" and "star” in it. It's a common occurrence for kids to dream big, and this is by no means a suggestion that they shouldn't. The disillusionment that comes with adulthood is inevitable, but we can all do a better job at pre…
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'I can't say anything. He's in dress code': Employee discovers loophole in strict manager's dress code policy, wears yoga pants to work

'I can't say anything. He's in dress code': Employee discovers loophole in strict manager's dress code policy, wears yoga pants to work

We've all had managers who spend way too much energy enforcing silly rules that serve absolutely no purpose.
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'The company could not afford to grant raises at this time': Promoted employee denied raise because of company's building rent, his wife suspects lies

'It’s rough out there for employers and employees': Promoted employee denied raise because of company's building rent, his wife suspects lies

It is remarkable to see the excuses employers will come up with to avoid properly compensating their employees.
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boss nepotism employee associate work quitting quit i-quit raise college educated burnt-out office toxic-workplace

'You brushed me off; now I'm leaving': Burnt out junior associate quits after his boss says he's bad at his job; boss begs him to stay

**This story ends in a huge raise
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toxic-workplace Professional At Work work coworkers askreddit toxic-boss workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 21481733

'[In trouble for] NOT bringing homemade cookies [to work]': Man deals with CEO making ridiculous baking request

Being forced to bake cookies for his coworkers was never part of this man's job description.
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'I got upgraded on this flight and my boss did not': Employee gets shamed by boss for not giving her their first class upgrade

'I got upgraded on this flight and my boss did not': Employee gets shamed by boss for not giving her their first class upgrade

Where does it say in this employee's contract that they are obligated to give up their first class seat to their boss?
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'I’m not clocked in yet': Coworker tries to use employee who always shows up early, boss takes coworker's side, employee maliciously complies

'I’m not clocked in yet': Coworker tries to use employee, boss takes coworker's side, employee maliciously complies

Early morning routines are sacred, and when a coworker tries to intervene, tensions can rise.
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getting fired workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace Professional At Work work askreddit workplace Reddit - 21441285

'A glitch in the system that accidentally FIRES an employee feels outlandish': Man discovers he was fired, but never actually told

Getting fired is terrible, but it's even worse when your boss doesn't have the decency to tell you to your face.
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‘I find it HIGHLY inappropriate for them to text my wife’: Employee calls out of work, boss and coworker spam his wife’s phone

‘I find it HIGHLY inappropriate for them to text my wife’: Employee calls out of work, boss and coworker spam his wife’s phone

The problem here is not that the employee isn’t communicating enough; it’s that his boss and coworker are overstepping boundaries. Clearly, this employee had said plenty about his whereabouts over the past few days. He had to take off due to a family emergency. No further explanation is necessary. He even followed up over the weekend via email and again over text with an update that he wouldn’t be in the office for one more day but that he would be back on Tuesday. Again, this is a perfectly su…
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