

'Guess who got in trouble? Not me': Micromanaging boss makes employee sign form to only complete specific tasks, plan backfires

'Guess who got in trouble? Not me': Micromanaging boss makes employee sign form to only complete specific tasks, plan backfires

It turns out that when you have a boss who is constantly looking over your shoulder, it can go badly for everyone involved.
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boss job fired work workplace getting fired bad jobs toxic-workplace toxic-boss - 21634053

'Just got fired with no explanation': Man questions the legality of his seemingly random verbal termination

Getting fired without cause is bound to leave anyone feeling confused.
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'I like to party': Guy shows up to mass interview of 50 people, self-sabotages to get back at arrogant manager

'I like to party': Guy shows up to mass interview of 50 people, self-sabotages to get back at arrogant manager

Every so often you apply for a job and the interview is far from what was advertised.
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'Good luck finding any other work': 10+ nightmare bosses and the employees who stood up to them

'Good luck finding any other work': 10+ nightmare bosses and the employees who stood up to them

Whether we like to remember them or not, we have all been in toxic work environments. Perhaps you were at the start of your professional life and you were concerned that all workplace environments and dynamics were like this. Perhaps you were working under a new boss who spent far more energy enforcing ridiculous rules and disparaging the work of their employees than fostering a strong working atmosphere. Perhaps you didn't say anything to your boss before you left the company and you desperate…
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'Carol was a Karen': Restaurant worker gets fired by assistant manager for their mistake, gets manager fired as petty payback

'Carol was a Karen': Restaurant worker gets fired by boss for her mistake, gets boss fired as petty payback

This Karen was actually the manager until the employee she fired got her booted too. That's what you get when you were the one who messed up and everyone saw it. No matter how powerful you think you are, if you've gained enough enemies, it will bite you in the butt, which is exactly what happened to Carol. Carol was the assistant manager of a restaurant that employed a high school student who wound up working approximately 60 hours each week (when did he find time to do his homework is the real…
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'That's my job': Interview candidate calls company, accidentally speaks to the employee she might replace, employee left aghast

'That's my job': Interview candidate calls company, accidentally speaks to the employee she might replace, employee left aghast

This job candidate thought it was a good idea to call up the company she was interviewing for, until she realized she made a huge mistake. That's because the marketing assistant who answered the phone just so happened to be the very person the Redditor would be replacing if she were to get the position. It gets worse…. the current employee had absolutely no idea she was being replaced at all. Talk about a shady boss and a major red flag for the interview candidate! If this story serves a purpos…
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'At the end of day two, I have spent 36 hours at work': Hourly employee gets 'salaried' treatment from boss

'At the end of day two, I have spent 36 hours at work': Hourly employee gets 'salaried' treatment from boss who refuses to listen to them

This employee tried over and over to tell their boss that they were making a mistake . Some bosses just always want to think they're right. U/Ars-Torok had a great malicious compliance story to tell, and while it's a long story, it's totally worth the read. The OP writes that while rising through the ranks of this company, they worked with a few different bosses. One was a great boss who could solve anything… and the other was Steve. Steve was the kind of boss who thinks they are right 100% of…
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'My old boss asked if I might have a copy of their entire company's directory': Employee laid off then asked to recover important documents a year later

'My old boss asked if I might have a copy of their entire company's directory': Employee laid off then asked to recover important documents a year later

Can you imagine having this much leverage and not using it to your advantage? It's almost as crazy as a company not keeping any records of important documentation like their entire directory before laying off most of the company. Oh, wait… both of those scenarios are happening here. This Redditor was laid off about a year ago in a very unceremonious fashion. Essentially, most of the company was laid off at once with 30 minutes' notice at the end of a work day. It doesn't get much more savage th…
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boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace job terrible-bosses bad jobs toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit - 21601541

'Can I tell my job the REAL reason why I’m leaving?': Man is ready to quit thanks to his wildly difficult new boss

This man can't decide if he should quit peacefully or expose the toxicity.
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'Why are you so short and snippy?': Employee with sick parent reprimanded for being in a bad mood at work

'Why are you so short and snippy?': Employee with sick parent reprimanded for being in a bad mood at work

One simply can't be happy-go-lucky at work all the time.
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'Didn't I just sign a paper where I promised that I never would talk back to you?': Fast food worker forced to never talk back to manager after defending coworker, cue malicious compliance

'Didn't I just sign a paper where I promised that I never would talk back to you?': Fast food worker forced to never talk back to manager after defending coworker, cue malicious compliance

There are two kinds of managers in this world: the ones who lead and the ones who enforce ridiculous rules.
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'Night person: DO NOT MOVE MY STUFF': Karen coworker refuses to share desk with night shift employee, leaves hostile note, cue petty payback

'Night person: DO NOT MOVE MY STUFF': Karen coworker refuses to share desk with night shift employee, leaves hostile note, cue petty payback

Sharin' is carin', Karen!
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'Walked out of an interview today': Interviewer low-balls EMT with $14/hr rate, rejects counteroffer and goes even lower, EMT walks out

'Walked out of an interview today': Interviewer low-balls EMT with $14/hr rate, rejects counteroffer and goes even lower, EMT walks out

$14/hr for a medical professional whose job is saving other people's lives? If that's not cause for concern, I don't know what is.
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boss workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace work workplace-discussion workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 2126343

'They blew up her phone at work': Boss repeatedly calls worker's wife when he calls out due to family emergency

Your emergency contact is intended to be just that—for emergencies. Its intended purpose really isn't so that your boss and coworkers can call and tell on you for playing hookey from work like they're a teacher reaching out to an unruly child's parent.
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'Company event was a cringe fest': Boss requires underpaid employees to attend company event, gloats about himself the whole time

'Company event was a cringe fest': CEO requires underpaid employees to attend company event, gloats about himself the whole time

No one wants to go to mandatory company events on your day off, so managers and bosses better make sure that employees who are required to go have a good time. First of all, these company events are usually after a tough work week, they usually involve way too much schmoozing for anyone's good, and they're usually wildly inconvenient in terms of location and time. All that happened with this Redditor , who was also an underpaid employee who primarily decided to attend the event because it meant…
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‘It felt so… power-trippy?’: Job candidate asked to show recruiter around their room during Zoom interview

‘It felt so…power-trippy?’: Job candidate asked to show recruiter around their room during Zoom interview

It seems that recruiters are asking way more of job candidates than they should these days. We’re used to the common interview questions that might be difficult to answer: what’s your weakness? What’s a challenging leadership moment you’ve had? Why do you want to work? (just kidding… sort of). However, this recruiter took things just a bit too far when they asked a potential job candidate to move their camera around the whole room. This story was posted to Reddit by u/nuestl , who froze at the…
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