
'I went above and beyond and was awarded an exceptional yearly performance review': Company cancels $1,500 Christmas bonuses just 10 days prior to distribution

'I went above and beyond and was awarded an exceptional yearly performance review': Company cancels $1,500 Christmas bonuses just 10 days prior to distribution

'She is a textbook narcissist': Top Coworker Stories of the Year

'She is a textbook narcissist': Top Nightmare Coworker Stories of the Year

'Don't fire me so you can hire your nephew': IT guy forced to train unqualified nepo baby to replace him, nephew tanks the company, boss gets fired

'Don't fire me so you can hire your nephew': IT guy forced to train unqualified nepo baby to replace him, nephew tanks the company, boss gets fired

'You failed to pay me but I'm the bad guy?': Employee fired for complaining about a bounced paycheck from her employer

'You failed to pay me but I'm the bad guy?': Employee fired for complaining about a bounced paycheck from her employer

'We don't need you, why don't you just quit': Karen and Kevin diner owners challenge overworked server to quit, server maliciously complies

'We don't need you, why don't you just quit': Karen and Kevin diner owners challenge overworked server to quit, server maliciously complies

'CEO [told] me to help them with my old accounts or he'll sue me': CEO ignores former employee's warnings about outdated system, leads to decade-spanning malicious compliance

'CEO [told] me to help them with my old accounts or he'll sue me': CEO ignores former employee's warnings about outdated system, leads to decade-spanning malicious compliance

'Think about whether you want to keep working here': Employee makes small mistake, boss loses it, give ultimatum, employee maliciously complies

'Think about whether you want to keep working here': Temperamental boss loses it and gives ultimatum, employee maliciously complies

'I thought we were on good terms': Job candidate asks former boss for reference, she sabotages candidate's chances with the recruiter

'I thought we were on good terms': Job candidate asks former boss for reference, she sabotages candidate's chances with the recruiter

'Have fun running the place without me': Coffee shop owner tells manager working 100 hours per week to take time off, manager blocks all work numbers and lets the business fall apart while they're gone

'Have fun running the place without me': Coffee shop owner tells manager working 100 hours per week to take time off, manager blocks all work numbers and lets the business fall apart while they're gone

'Imagine [making] an award to give to yourself every year?': CEO pays for his own annual award ceremony, demands standing ovation

'Imagine [making] an award to give to yourself every year?': CEO pays for his own annual award ceremony, demands standing ovation

'You had it good here': Boss takes credit for employee's tech savvy, mocks her during her final days on the job

'You had it good here': Boss takes credit for employee's tech skills, mocks her during her final days on the job

'I'd let the repercussions happen': Boss requests constant check-ins, employee sends '25 or more emails a day'

'I'd let the repercussions happen': Boss sabotages employees' workflow and demands constant check-ins, employee sends '25 or more emails a day'

'So I was fired [...] Over this': Employee fired for refusing to break a customer's large bill four months ago, causes split reactions

'So I was fired [...] Over this': Employee fired for refusing to break a customer's large bill four months ago, causes split reactions

'Watch people's body language, particularly around management': 30+ red flags and questions to ask to avoid toxic work environments

'Watch people's body language, particularly around management': 30+ red flags and questions to ask to avoid toxic work environments

'I'm going to eat during my [...] lunch break, not give you a free manicure': Coworker demands free manicure, employee shuts her down

'I'm going to eat during my [...] lunch break, not give you a free manicure': Coworker demands free manicure, employee shuts her down

'I don't need to buy [my coworkers] gifts': Employee refuses to participate in Office Secret Santa, gets into conflict with HR

'I don't need to buy [my coworkers] gifts': Employee refuses to participate in Office Secret Santa, gets into conflict with HR