

‘So it's my fault you can't save a file?’: Boomer boss blames IT employee for losing important work data, despite boss never saving his progress, leading to an office dispute

‘So it's my fault you can't save a file?’: Boomer boss blames IT employee for losing important work data, despite boss never saving his progress, leading to an office dispute

We all have people in our lives who make us wonder how they managed to get this far without having a single drop of technological knowledge or orientation. It is truly amazing (and slightly infuriating) that certain people can completely avoid adapting to necessary technological advancements, and still get so far in life. More often than not, those people end up becoming our bosses, which then leads us to be assigned the fantastic task of helping them navigate through the easiest tech stuff. Af…
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'They paid $23 million a couple years later': Guy gets back at major dating app for predatory billing practices after being denied a simple $45 refund

Let's be real; everything is a subscription these days, whether or not they should be or even really can be. Before long, we'll need to keep up with the weekly subscription on our toaster for the privilege of cooking two pieces of toast at once. While that might sound outrageous, keep in mind printers have already normalized that type of thing for years—even new cars have started coming with basic features locked behind subscription-based grifting models. While this is bad, it's even worse when…
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in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee technology Tech tech support technical difficulties talesfromtechsupport tales from tech support

Developer embarrasses new boss and gets foolish "no overtime" policy overturned by adhering strictly to it: 'Well, it's 4:30. That's my 8 hours. I'll see you tomorrow'

Sometimes you can't just tell people things—they won't listen. It takes actually experiencing the negative result that you were warning them about for them to admit they were wrong. Predictably, this happens all the time with unreasonable egotistical bosses who are eager to prove themselves… This developer, working for a financial services company, developed various tools and scripts to compensate for the company's other shortcomings, sometimes inadequate customer solutions. This saw them worki…
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artificial intelligence computers Technology Tech tech news books Online shopping online shopping texts food chatGPT midjourney

'AI should not replace human tasks': Opportunistic AI creators are making the internet worse

via BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash In the span of just a few years, we've gone from barely understanding what AI does to seeing it used everywhere. Your inbox is likely chock-full of companies bragging about their latest AI updates. On photo editing sites, AI generation is touted on the home page. X, formerly known as Twitter, has an AI named "Grok," while Google has the cutesy "Gemini." They want you to talk to these artificial beings, ask them questions, and even let them be your personal ass…
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jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee technology Tech tech support technical difficulties talesfromtechsupport tales from tech support

Software giant fires last developer capable of servicing $25M contract in short-sighted cost-cutting measure, he successfully negotiates $1M/yr consulting fees:'Never fire the last legacy knowledge guy...'

This employee worked in the contracts department of a major software company, which they refer to as “MidSoft Inc” Continual foolish decisions that thought of nothing but the bottom line and cost-cutting measures, driven by the ravenous interests of private equity investors, reduced the company's senior development team from 12 to one soldier, “Sam.” While the ledger might have looked better for a time, the immeasurable loss of institutional knowledge and literal lifetimes of experience would g…
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tech technology software work workplace saas software coworker employee worker boss epic i told you so right cool it support 24 hour

'Tech Support Aura is a powerful thing': 24-hour IT support guy goes god-mode when clueless office staff repeatedly unplug a computer then claim that it's broken, resulting in an epic 'I told you so' moment

Like a boss
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developers programming programmers work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance HR human resources

HR refuses to give developer raise by downplaying their work, forced to eat their words when their software stops working

It's common knowledge that you'll often never be appreciated for your job when things are going well—or even great. Your boss and employer assume your high performance is just a given and merit to their management rather than a credit to your own talent and efforts. But, as soon as something goes wrong, they won't blame themselves, even though that will make the most sense based on their logic. No, they'll suddenly come around asking questions, trying to figure out what went wrong, and looking…
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workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees automation technology information technology Tech

Employee automates boss's job and boss's boss's job and gets them both fired: 'I automated all her tasks and the CEO fired her'

The last 50 years have brought an unprecedented amount of technology and reform to the way we do business. Those writing Science Fiction around that time might have predicted that we'd either be living in a utopia where we no longer needed to work to live or we'd be living in a dystopian world where few oligarchs, like the fictional Eldon Tyrell, hoarded wealth from the masses like dragons sitting on a pile of gold, while many struggled just to survive in a world of decaying infrastructure amid…
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employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees automation Technology Tech Tech support information technology

'I clock in every day [and] play video games or whatever': Employee automates all their work being able to complete their 8-hour work day in 10 minutes from home

You've probably heard that old adage about the new hire who goes in for their first day of training ready to do everything by the book but is instead surprised and maybe even disappointed when they're instead taught all of the shortcuts that the experienced grizzled employee has developed over the years, cutting out the parts of the process that are superfluous and unnecessary. The problem is that by learning and only using the shortcuts in the first instance, they're never going to understand…
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work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance Technology tech support talesfromtechsupport

Major client foolishly insists tech support delete all data, tech support refuses to comply saving the client's business: 'Their entire company basically shut down for an afternoon'

When it's your job to ensure important information is protected, and someone insists that you delete it, even if it's the client themself, you'd be right to pause for a moment and reassess the situation if something doesn't sound quite right. Clients tend to woefully overestimate their abilities in the matter they're contracting you to handle, so they may be asking you to do something they don't fully understand the implications of. This tech support specialist worked for a small organization,…
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FAIL technologically impaired technology funny pics failbook meta facebook old people funny photos status funny - 36399621

'Grandma, what are you talking about?' 20+ Facebook fanatics who are still getting used to the internet

Social media doesn't come easily to every person. Some people take forever to learn how to upload Instagram pictures or navigate X (formerly known as Twitter). And some people haven't even left Facebook ! Even in current year, when many of us have moved on from Facebook to more current social media sites, there's still a big population who are enjoying the site. Whenever I scroll through good ole Facebook , I see more and more people using avatars in their statuses (see #1 for an example). They…
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‘Explain it to me like I’m five': Tech support employee attempts to assist CEO with internet problems remotely, resulting in a dispute about how IT breaks information down for employees

‘Explain it to me like I’m five': Tech support employee attempts to assist CEO with internet problems remotely, resulting in a dispute about how IT breaks information down for employees

Every person who has ever worked in IT or Tech Support knows that having sharp 'people skills' is just as important as understanding computers and technology. Every day, those employees have to deal with people having technological issues, so they need to know not only how to handle the problem, but also how to handle the people with that problem. That can get incredibly tricky, as people are not at their best when they are having issues, and many simply don't want to learn when their issues ha…
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work workplace employment Job workplace discussion in the workplace workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance tech support Technology developers

Customer refuses to accept quote estimate, complains when developer refuses to haggle and instead rejects their business:'You don't wanna pay the estimate, that's fine ma'am enjoy your day'

Earlier in my career, working for a retail organization that also had a workshop providing maintenance and break-fix work, I received some sage advice from a wizened and weary mechanic who had been dealing with unruly customers for far too long. “Bend over backward to solve their problem today, and they become your permanent problem.” See, there are plenty of people in this world just looking for the attention of someone, and if you make it your problem to help them, they'll identify you as som…
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Employee gets caught running a program that automates their entire job, leading to an unexpected conversation with IT: ‘I was hoping they would offer me a job’

Employee gets caught running a program that automates their entire job, leading to an unexpected conversation with IT: ‘I was hoping they would offer me a job’

Some people are worried about the prospects of AI taking over their jobs, fearing the day that their skills would become useless. Then there are people who actively try to find a way a computer would be able to do their entire job so that they would not actually have to work. But if you do manage to find a way to get an automatic program to do all your work, you better keep that information a secret, because if someone at your workplace were to find out, it might not look good for your future t…
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recruit sergeant tech support talesfromtechsupport commander malicious compliance navy technology military it commanding officer IT guy army military malicious compliance grunt - 35875845

NCO orders Air Force Information Manager to track their completed jobs, quickly abandoned when results stack in their favor: 'I had over [6 times] the jobs'

There's something about stories of time in the military that just really tick all boxes. For one thing, you have archetypical authoritarian figures aplenty who have a very real and absolute authority over their subordinates, the kind of power that a overstepping assistant retail manager or wizened doctor's office receptionist would salivate buckets over. The thing is, in this type of environment, you're going to be ordered to do things that you don't agree with or that just plain old don't make…
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ask reddit tech support talesfromtechsupport technical difficulties technology it askreddit IT guy Tech - 35576069

20+ IT workers share the strangest thing and most incompetent technological blunders they've witnessed at work: 'An outgoing software dev put an easter egg in our ERP before he left...'

It feels like the more specialized someone is at one thing, the worse they are at others, and the more educated and specialized they are, the more surprising the things they can't do will be.It's almost as if living your life with a singular drive and focus leaves you as a not-very-well-rounded individual, probably one of the reasons celebrities are being consistently picked apart in the landscape of the modern social media levels of exposure they're placed under. We're quickly reaching a point…
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