
'[She] ends up deleting our only copy': Micromanager reassigned after randomly wiping IT department's tech devices

'[She] ends up deleting our only copy': Micromanager reassigned after randomly wiping IT department's tech devices

'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined because her method would 'really clean it out'

'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined, because her method would 'really clean it out'

'How tall are your 6-foot ladders?': 20+ People that had laughable questions to ask

'How tall are your 6-foot ladders?': 20+ People that had laughable questions to ask

'AM Transistor radios from Radio Shack': 25 Old things people miss from the pre-internet era

'AM transistor radios from Radio Shack': 25 Old things people miss from the pre-internet era

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'[He] created a mass corporate email with various screenshots': IT guy quits and schedules scathing tell-all email about his Karen boss

OOP gets a situation escalated straight to the head of HR without asking

Update: 'Let's escalate directly to the head of HR': Boss defends tech worker from absurd policy violation

work-story antiwork workplace-stories tech support technology IT guy tech news workplace story Tech developers - 19728133

'Win-win for everyone involved.': IT Guy automates his entire job and works 10 minutes a day from home

twitter responses twitter cryptocurrency Twitter Thread crypto technology nft Tech funny tweets - 19560709

Twitter Thread: Crypto bro weeps after losing all of his of his NFTs to phishing scam

'Remote work is ending, come in Monday': Company demands workers return, ignores mixed reactions

'Remote work is ending, come in Monday': Company demands workers return, ignores mixed reactions

Don't deviate from the flowchart? OK, if you insist

'Ok then, no more using our brains': Management insists workers use inferior process flowchart, the predictable occurs

‘It’s Just So F-up Up. I Work So Hard for $15/Hour’ : Drama Ensues After Jealous Sister in Law Cries and Makes Scene When Her Brother’s Fiancé Shares Her Salary

‘It’s Just So F-ed Up. I Work So Hard for $15/Hour’ : Drama Ensues After Jealous Sister in Law Cries and Makes Scene When Her Brother’s Fiancé Shares Her Salary

'My mailbox was blown up by lightning last night:' 30 People who had a pitifully bad day

'My mailbox was blown up by lightning last night:' 30 People who had a pitifully bad day

30+ People who would be helplessly lost without the internet and technology

30+ People who would be helplessly lost without the internet and technology

20+ Throwback Tech Fails for the Ill-equipped

20+ Throwback Tech Fails for the Nostalgic and the Ill-Equipped

The customer explained that they wouldn’t pay, and understood now why it costs so much when “your staff aren’t working during the week and only working at the weekends so they can get double pay”

Angry client demands IT Guys work during week instead of weekend, ends up with the business disruption they were trying to avoid in the first place

You blamed me for all of your IT troubles. So I made your entire department redundant.

Karen scapegoats IT Guy for her stupid nonexistent problems, he makes her entire department redundant