

‘Why me?!’: Employee escapes first round of dismissals, only to find out that 80% of his team has been fired

‘Why me?!’: Employee escapes first round of dismissals, only to find out that 80% of his team has been fired

One of the cruelest and most difficult arenas to succeed in is the corporate world. Nobody considers your particular background, objectives, or preferences. You are only a pawn in an incredibly laborious, protracted game of chess. The following is an account of a bewildered employee who survived the first round of layoffs. For a significant duration, the original poster (OP) was employed by the same company. Having said that, OP certifies that he isn't the most outstanding worker and is unworth…
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‘I'm owed hundreds of dollars in unpaid wages’: Employee cleverly gets boss to admit he is cutting off wages by rounding the time clock to benefit the corporation

‘I'm owed hundreds of dollars in unpaid wages’: Employee cleverly gets boss to admit he is cutting off wages by rounding the time clock to benefit the corporation

There is nothing more satisfying than managing to get someone to admit they are doing something wrong, or even at the very least, to get written proof of the wrongdoing, so you can do something to actively fix it. The boss in this Reddit story didn't actually admit they were doing anything wrong, but the employee still counts the conversation as a victory. OP (original poster), has noticed that her pay does not match the hours she clocked in at work, and then she discovered it was because her b…
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‘Why did you went through my belongings?’: Employee leaves her paychecks on personal office desk, only to discover her coworker found and showed them to the rest of the office

‘Why did you went through my belongings?’: Employee leaves her paychecks on personal office desk, only to discover her coworker found and showed them to the rest of the office

Everyone wants to have a good relationship with their coworkers. Some employees spend more time with their coworkers than they do with their actual spouses, and being able to consider those people as great friends is extremely important to the work experience. That is why, like any other relationship in your life, you should treat your coworker with respect, so that you can all feel comfortable around each other in the office. Unfortunately, that is not the case with the coworkers in this Reddi…
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‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

When one starts looking for a job, there are numerous ways to increase the chances of finding the best job out there. One can even find actual online courses on how to job search, which include lessons like – how to write resumes, prepare for an interview, negotiate the salary, and so on. One tip that you hear quite a lot when it comes to negotiating your salary, is to say to the hiring manager that you actually got another offer that is higher than what they offered, in hopes that the hiring m…
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After learning that micromanager monitors workers with the help of surveillance cameras and recorders, employee turns to reddit for advice

After learning that micromanager monitors workers with the help of surveillance cameras and recorders, employee turns to reddit for advice

Each morning when we get up, get ready, and head to work, we discover that not much has changed from the day before. We work to maintain our means of survival and to enjoy occasional vacations. That being said, how would you feel if, in spite of your diligence, your employer decided to follow you around as if the objective were personal rather than shared? The following story tells the story of a disappointed gas station employee. The original poster (OP) worked at the gas station for an extens…
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‘I was their scapegoat’: Overworked employee confronts boss after they fire him for no reason, boss claims it was to teach the other employees a lesson

‘I was their scapegoat’: Overworked employee confronts boss after they fire him for no reason, boss claims it was to teach the other employees a lesson

Would you love to work in a place where you cannot get fired no matter what you do? For some people, that dream is a reality, If people are self-employed, or have tenure, they simply cannot be fired. But for most employees, we have to leave our lives day by day hoping we would never have to hear the dreadful ‘you are fired’ sentence. The employee in this Reddit story did hear these words spoken to him unfortunately, which came as a great surprise, as he could not think of a single reason for hi…
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Amid allegations of careless spending, employee's strategic compliance floods the administration with receipts, causing drastic adjustments to corporate policies

Amid allegations of careless spending, employee's strategic compliance floods the administration with receipts, causing drastic adjustments to corporate policies

The two words that every employee fears are 'company policy'. You can be certain that the context won't lessen the severity of the assignment or the punishment. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP) had been employed by the same business for a considerable amount of time. He is reimbursed for the petrol he consumes and is permitted to use the company vehicles. Therefore, one can only imagine how taken aback OP is to receive a letter warning him about h…
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'No talking during lunch breaks': Employees share the most ridiculous rules they had to follow in their workplace

'No talking during lunch breaks': Employees share the most ridiculous rules they had to follow in their workplace

We all know that managers and employers can come up with the wildest rules so that they might feel like they control their employees on the job. Even if it is simply nonsense, managers will do everything in their power to create an unpleasant working experience, all because of their own insecurities. This Reddit threat is the perfect example of this kind of micromanagement and need for control over employees. The rules that you are about to read are so ridiculous, we cannot blame you if you fee…
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‘You need to fire our boss’: Employee confronts CEO regarding micromanagement after it causes 10 employees to quit their jobs on the spot

‘You need to fire our boss’: Employee confronts CEO regarding micromanagement after it causes 10 employees to quit their jobs on the spot

Would the world be a better place if we all simply said what is on our minds without worrying about the repercussions? The truthful answer is that probably not, but we all sure would love to have the opportunity to speak up on matters that we usually stay silent about. For instance, how we truly feel about our employers and the way they treat their employees. When an employee decides to quit their job, however, they get the rare opportunity to tell their managers how they really feel about them…
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‘I should've pocketed the money’: Employee finds envelope with $5000 at work and hands it to manager, who refuses to give it back after nobody claims the money

‘I should've pocketed the money’: Employee finds envelope with $5000 at work and hands it to manager, who refuses to give it back after nobody claims the money

Finding money on the street might be one of the best feelings to ever exist in human history. No matter who you are and where you are from, there is no beating that lucky feeling of finding something that could improve your life even just by a small percentage, even just by buying yourself a cup of coffee. Of course, what I mean by ‘finding money on the street’ only applies to situations in which the money you found is unclaimed and has no way of being returned to the owner, much like what happ…
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‘I am allowed to discuss wages’: Employee gets fired via email after she discusses her salary with coworkers, she uses the email in court as proof of HR's illegal actions

‘I am allowed to discuss wages’: Employee gets fired via email after she discusses her salary with coworkers, she uses the email in court as proof of HR's illegal actions

It seems like many companies and businesses have failed to understand that trying to micromanage and over-control their employees is not going to help their businesses prosper. Quite the contrary actually – if the employees are unhappy, and feel like they are being observed with every step they take, nothing good will come out of it. No matter how much employers try to make employees believe otherwise – they need their employees just as much as employees need them. That is the thought process t…
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‘This was a setup’: Lawyer gets fired from her job after a hiring manager contacts her current boss and tells them she is looking for another job

‘This was a setup’: Lawyer gets fired from her job after a hiring manager contacts her current boss and tells them she is looking for another job

The hiring process is always a long and exhausting process for the job candidates. The many steps they have to pass in order to actually get a job is a full-time job in itself, and more often than not people are met with disappointment rather than an actual offer. One step in the hiring process that was never clear to me is when hiring managers ask the candidates for references and call their former employers. I highly doubt that the information they get is beneficial, and it just creates more…
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‘CEO sends dozens of emails every day’: CEO demands employees responds to all the emails he sends, leading to office dispute when employees can't get any work done other than answering emails

‘CEO sends dozens of emails every day’: CEO demands employees responds to all the emails he sends, leading to office dispute when employees can't get any work done other than answering emails

Are you familiar with the saying 'This could have been an email'? For those of you who don't, this saying refers to times when employees are asked to attend a meeting that could have definitely been avoided by simply sending an email about the topic. Well, as much as that saying can be true on some occasions, the amount of useless emails people get from their colleagues is unreal sometimes, and we could all agree that answering them can be the most annoying part of the work day. This brings up…
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‘The CEO just quit’: New hire ignores company's red flags until CEO unexpectedly resigns, leaving employee on a sinking ship

‘The CEO just quit’: New hire ignores company's red flags until CEO unexpectedly resigns, leaving employee on a sinking ship

How can a new hire identify that they are boarding a sinking ship? Usually, employers are very careful when they are in the process of hiring someone new, so as not to let them see the true colors of the company, and hide everything that might deter the candidate from the job. So how can someone know that the shiny new job they are after might not be so shiny after all? I wish I could have a straightforward answer, but the truth is, many people end up accepting that new job and only start to se…
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‘Where is your empathy?’: Employee gets fired after his girlfriend breaks up with him in the middle of a shift, coworkers demand manager hires him back

‘Where is your empathy?’: Employee gets fired after his girlfriend breaks up with him in the middle of a shift, coworkers demand manager hires him back

We can't control everything in life, as much as we all like to try. We can do as much in our power to control who are the people we surround ourselves with, what we do for a living, what we do to help others, and more. But there are always going to be things that happen to us that we do not expect, and do not want. The Reddit story down below is a reminder of all that, and it is the perfect example of the balance between the choices we make and the things that we cannot control. The employee in…
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'I should get a raise, not a pay cut': Boss convinces ex-employee to reclaim her position after they fail to find a replacement, only to later reveal that her paycheck will be less than before

'I should get a raise, not a pay cut': Boss convinces ex-employee to reclaim her position after they fail to find a replacement, only to later reveal that her paycheck will be less than before

Finding the perfect job is almost an impossible task, but we all go on this impossible pursuit to find the most perfect place of work. For one to actually have the perfect job, there is probably a long list of criteria that the job has to have for it to be the exact right fit - it could depend on location, salary, coworkers, managers, job title, and yes, even the job itself. A place that ticks all of these criteria and probably a lot more is hard to come by… That is why when it comes to a workp…
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