

‘He wanted to use my art for free’: Manager throws a fit when he learns overworked artist quit their job and took their art with them

‘He wanted to use my art for free’: Manager throws a fit when he learns overworked artist quit their job and took their art with them

Being an artist is not an easy profession, and even less so these days. Every day artists fight what seems like a never-ending fight for their rights and their art so that it will not be used in a way that hurts them or their livelihood. They always have to be extremely cautious with how, when, and where they expose their art to other people. Like this artist on Reddit, who shared their experience with volunteering their art at a college club. The artist told Reddit about the entitled club pres…
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‘This is a major violation’: Hotel might face $70 million fine after employee discovers they keep guests' credit cards in system after they leave

‘This is a major violation’: Hotel might face $70 million fine after employee discovers they keep guests' credit cards in system after they leave

Any front desk employee can tell you that more often than not, some fishy things are happening behind that counter. Even the most prestige establishment can get entangled in some ugly business. With that being said, it can be worrisome to think about the fact that many of these establishments have repeated access to extremely personal information of their clients. Like the hotel in this Reddit story. A front desk clerk wrote to Reddit with the concern that her hotel was doing wrong by its guest…
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‘This is your last warning…’: Guest gets kicked out of hotel at 1am following 'towel dispute'

‘This is your last warning…’: Guest gets kicked out of hotel at 1am following 'towel dispute'

While working as a customer care representative is never fun, dealing with vacationers who think they deserve it all is an absolute nightmare. The story below is an account of a frustrated front desk clerk. The original poster (OP) dives right into the narrative without wasting any time setting the scene. It all began at around one in the morning when a haughty visitor made his way to the hotel reception to grab a towel for ‘his’ wife. He started screaming about the reportedly subpar customer s…
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‘I can’t give you a key to someone else's room': Guest demands access to hotel room despite reservation not being under his name, front desk clerk refuses to give him a key, leading to a dispute

‘I can’t give you a key to someone else's room': Guest demands access to hotel room despite reservation not being under his name, front desk clerk refuses to give him a key, leading to a dispute

Working a graveyard shift when you are at a front desk type of job is always… interesting. The stories that those employees tell in the break room afterward are always the funniest and most unhinged ones. The combination of the late hour, lack of sleep, the manager not being present, and weird customers always creates the best tales to be told. A lot of those tales end up on Reddit, much like this one. The OP of this story worked at the front desk of a hotel on a night shift during Mardi Gras.…
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‘I will never work for people like you’: Manager offers candidate a job after initial hire falls through, as payback she takes the job but doesn't show up to work

‘I will never work for people like you’: Manager offers candidate a job after initial hire falls through, as payback she takes the job but doesn't show up to work

It should go without saying that job interviewers should pay the same amount of respect to the interviewees as they expect to be getting themselves. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. For some reason, the people who are there to hire tend to think they are more important than those who are looking for a job, and so they disregard them, even to their faces. Like the person who shared this story on Reddit. The OP was interviewing for a job, and the interviewer couldn't have been more disr…
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'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

'You break it, you pay': Customer demands post office replace her key after she breaks it, employee refuses to give in to her demands

Did you ever break something in a store and the employees demanded that you pay for it? There used to be a time when every store had those big 'You break it, you buy it' signs, and it was terrifying trying to walk through the aisles without touching anything in fear it would break. I never broke something in a store and then had to pay for it, which makes me wonder if those stores actually enforce this rule or if they simply pity whoever broke an item and just let it go. This post office worker…
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'I'm outta here...': Web developer leaves company high and dry after upper management shut down his concerns regarding launch of new product, company crumbles

'I'm outta here...': Web developer leaves company high and dry after upper management shut down his concerns regarding launch of new product, company crumbles

The business world is not always kind. You are but a small component in this game. You should never feel too comfortable when you finally 'land' that job you believed would be the culmination of your desire since everyone can be replaced. What they fail to mention, though, is that occasionally—just occasionally—one cog is what keeps the entire empire afloat; without it, everything crumbles down.
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‘I left his office and laughed’: Employee gets back at micromanager by signing him up for hundreds of mailing lists

‘I left his office and laughed’: Employee gets back at micromanager by signing him up for hundreds of mailing lists

There is something about those extremely sophisticated petty revenge stories, that are just so satisfying to read. Because really, all you need in order to get back at someone is just a bit of creativity and courage, and you can get away with the funniest little tricks. Here is the perfect example of one. This employee told Reddit about how they got back at an unreasonable boss who kept giving employees bad reviews for no reason. Instead of causing a scene, or threatening to quit, OP came up wi…
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'She wanted me gone but got fired instead': IT employee refuses to fix demanding coworker's computer so she turns to upper management to get him fired

'She wanted me gone but got fired instead': IT employee refuses to fix demanding coworker's computer so she turns to upper management to get him fired

IT people really have it hard out there. It is a genuine surprise how they manage to keep a civil conversation with people while having to fix their constant silly tech problems they could have fixed themselves in less them two minutes. Honestly, the term ‘Technophobic' has lost all meaning when you hear what people need help with. No ma'am, you are not technophobic, you are simply too lazy to learn. And why would you learn if all you have to do to fix your tiny problem is to call the IT person…
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'I piled all the trash at their door': Lumber workers put an end to neighbor using their dumpsters by using forklift to unload piles of trash in front of their house

'I piled all the trash at their door': Lumber workers put an end to neighbor using their dumpsters by using forklift to unload piles of trash in front of their house

Anyone with neighbors knows how delicate the relationship between the people in the neighborhood is. Not only between those who live next to each other but also between all the different service providers that come to the neighborhood once in a while, like mailmen and delivery workers, street cleaners, etc. To maintain that relationship, you don't have to Love Thy Neighbor, but you do have to have respect for one another, and don't get into each other's business. This Reddit story, was shared b…
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'Just do as you're told': Boss tells employee to stop asking questions at work and they comply, leading to boss making costly mistake

'Just do as you're told': Boss tells employee to stop asking questions at work and they comply, leading to boss making costly mistake

One of the most important qualities of a good boss is their ability to give informational answers to their employee's questions. If they can't, or won't, help the people who work for them so they can become better at what they do, what is even the point in hiring employees? They can go ahead and just do all the work themselves. I hope the boss in this Malicious Compliance Reddit story would learn that she needs her employees just as much as they need her. An employee shared that after she quest…
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'Fine lady, as you wish': Post office blacklists shopaholic Karen after she accused postman of misdelievering her endless stream of packages

'Fine lady, as you wish': Post office blacklists shopaholic Karen after she accused postman of misdelievering her endless stream of packages

Every single person in the world had a package misdelivered at some point. It's a right of passage to adulthood, you simply can not argue with that. But, the question of who's at fault when that happens, and who is to blame, is a completely different issue. Well, 99% of the time it's the delivery company's fault, that is why people don't like them. But on some occasions, they actually do a decent job. Like in this Reddit story, in which a post office worker had to deal not only with a Karen, bu…
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‘They begged me to come back’: After getting suspended for being a minute late for work, employee drops all major projects and causes office chaos

‘They begged me to come back’: After getting suspended for being a minute late for work, employee drops all major projects and causes office chaos

Nobody likes being late for work. First of all, because it is extremely stressful. The entire way to work is a race against time, you keep glancing at the clock like it might make time move slower, and once you get to work you need an extra 10 minutes to relax enough so you'll be able to properly work. Then you also have the impression you want to make on your boss, and being late is never a good look on you. Even so, it happens to everyone and a lot of the time it happens because of things you…
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'Get your greasy hands off my desk': Woman confronts coworker who keeps eating his lunch at her desk ruining important documents

'Get your greasy hands off my desk': Woman confronts coworker who keeps eating his lunch at her desk ruining important documents

A pleasant workplace environment and a good relationship with your coworkers are some of the most important things you need in a job. Think about it, you see these people for at least 8 hours, every day, 4 to 5 days a week. It won't be an exaggeration to say you spend more time with them than you do with your own family. If you don't get along, it can really affect not only your work but your personal happiness. The woman in this Reddit story has to deal with pretty unfriendly people in her off…
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'Sorry, I'm not a mind reader': Retail worker shares story about a demanding customer who asked them to hand-deliver items, in turn, retail workers share stories where they were expected to read customers' minds

And the award for Most Entitled Customer goes to...
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'He can hike back to town for all I care': Employee abandons manager on side of road and refuses to drive back to work

'He can hike back to town for all I care': Employee abandons manager on side of road and refuses to drive back to work

Workplace bullies are the worst for an obscene amount of reasons. The first is that you couldn't leave even if you wanted to because you came here to work, not to have fun. So either you give in to the bully or lose it and end up losing your job. The story that follows is about an emerging adult who is entering the workforce for the very first time. Unfortunately, OP had to deal with the worst workplace bully I have ever heard of. Nevertheless, as fate would have it, OP saw his chance and seize…
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