

After six years of workplace mistreatment, employee quits their job, doing so by leaving a note they wrote on an old receipt from the garbage: ‘This had to be done, I quit’

After six years of workplace mistreatment, employee quits their job, doing so by leaving a note they wrote on an old receipt from the garbage: ‘This had to be done, I quit’

Question for you, kids–When someone does not like their job, what should they do? Is it A) Keep at it and suffer quietly. B) Disappear and never return. Or perhaps C) Quit with as much respect as you have been given. It might be hard to find the right answer, as we all considered doing any of those three options at some point in our lives. However, the best approach is probably option C, because that is the only way you can be done with a toxic workplace and never look back with regrets. It mig…
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Employee finds out a coworker is living in a tent and spreads the information around the office, coworker teaches him a valuable lesson in response: ‘Don't dish it out if you can't take it’

Employee finds out a coworker is living in a tent and spreads the information around the office, coworker teaches him a valuable lesson in response: ‘Don't dish it out if you can't take it’

Being the source of some really ‘juicy gossip' at work is never a pleasant experience, especially if what people are saying about you is true. It can be surprising how much an office an look like a high school, with real-life adult mean girls who can really make your work life difficult if they want to. Like Mean Girls, sometimes all you want to do is give an entitled coworker a taste of their own medicine, and show them what it feels like to be the talk of the office. Well, that is exactly wha…
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‘So it's my fault you can't save a file?’: Boomer boss blames IT employee for losing important work data, despite boss never saving his progress, leading to an office dispute

‘So it's my fault you can't save a file?’: Boomer boss blames IT employee for losing important work data, despite boss never saving his progress, leading to an office dispute

We all have people in our lives who make us wonder how they managed to get this far without having a single drop of technological knowledge or orientation. It is truly amazing (and slightly infuriating) that certain people can completely avoid adapting to necessary technological advancements, and still get so far in life. More often than not, those people end up becoming our bosses, which then leads us to be assigned the fantastic task of helping them navigate through the easiest tech stuff. Af…
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Boss forces employee to accept $1 raise while doubling their workload, employee refuses, informs boss to take it up with their lawyer: ‘He lost it’

Boss forces employee to accept $1 raise while doubling their workload, employee refuses, informs boss to take it up with their lawyer: ‘He lost it’

Don't you sometimes wish you could say whatever you want to your boss, without thinking of the repercussions? Perhaps we could come up with a workplace ‘purge day’, in which everyone could do and say whatever they wanted at work, and then all will be forgotten the next day. Some employees don't need a day like that, as they are not afraid to put people in their place, even their bosses. Take the employee in this Reddit story for example. If I were told by my boss that I have to accept a $1 rais…
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'Sue me, then': Employee quits after failing to stand up to micromanagement, boss demands they pay back all their bonuses, employee refuses and walks out

'Sue me, then': Employee quits after failing to stand up to micromanagement, boss demands they pay back all their bonuses, employee refuses and walks out

Nobody likes to admit defeat, it is an extremely difficult challenge, to acknowledge that you tried your best, but there is nothing more you can do. In a workplace environment, this challenge might be twice as hard, because not only do you lose your pride, but you might lose your job in the process. It's much like what happened to the employee in this Reddit story. OP (original poster) tried their best to stand up to their toxic management until they realized there was nothing more they could d…
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Employee lends coworker money, only for coworker to flood her with texts asking for more favors, employee blocks them in response: ‘No one in management will do anything’

Employee lends coworker money, only for coworker to flood her with texts asking for more favors, employee blocks them in response: ‘No one in management will do anything’

We've all made the mistake of lending money to someone we shouldn't have. Funnily enough, the best-case scenario when we lend a bad individual money, is that they simply never pay you back. The worst-case scenario is something like what happened to the employee here. This employee shared on Twitter a series of texts between her and a coworker after she made the mistake of lending that coworker some money. Instead of it being a simple interaction of the money and a simple ‘thank you', the entire…
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 'Everyone is invited but me': Employee gets excluded from company dinner, decides to crash the event instead of inquiring boss about the missing invitation

'Everyone is invited but me': Employee gets excluded from company dinner, decides to crash the event instead of inquiring boss about the missing invitation

Nobody likes to be forgotten or left behind, whether on purpose or by total accident. When someone you know is organizing an event, and you find out you are not invited, even if it was unintentional, it is such an awkward conversation to have, that you often don't know how to approach it. What are you even supposed to say? “Hey, was I not invited because you don't want me there, or did you just completely forget I existed?” However, if something like that does happen to you, it is still better…
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Employee discovers coworker is taking credit for her work, she informs boss, only to be told off for not being a team player: ‘I don't understand corporate culture anymore’

Employee discovers coworker is taking credit for her work, she informs boss, only to be told off for not being a team player: ‘I don't understand corporate culture anymore’

Imagine being a hardworking employee who truly puts in the work, only to find out that someone else in the office is claiming credit for your hard work. What would you do in this situation? Naturally, if you have proof that a coworker is taking credit for work they didn't do, the best thing to do is talk to your boss about it, and ask them to step in. However, this story might suggest that asking your boss for help might not be the right call. The employee in this Reddit story turned to her man…
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‘Have fun replacing every lock…’: After getting wrongfully fired, employee leaves workplace with all their keys, causing management to spend thousands on changing locks

‘Have fun replacing every lock…’: After getting wrongfully fired, employee leaves workplace with all their keys, causing management to spend thousands on changing locks

We all, at some point, have to do things at work that are not part of our job description and have nothing to do with our actual role. When one is asked to do something outside of their role, they tend to agree, mostly to stay on good terms with their manager, and in hopes that doing so will benefit them in the future. It is all part of a workplace strategy in order to get ahead. So what can one do when they are not only asked to do things above their pay grade but also blamed for mistakes made…
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Overworked employee refuses to accept offered pay raise and quits job instead, leaving micromanager high and dry: ‘Quitting was super empowering’

Overworked employee refuses to accept offered pay raise and quits job instead, leaving micromanager high and dry: ‘Quitting was super empowering’

Sometimes (most times), the only way to deal with a toxic workplace environment is by leaving it, because no amount of hard work or money can change that place. There comes a time to admit it is definitely not worth risking one's mental health over it. However, it might be tempting to stay in a toxic workplace when one is being offered a raise providing they stay, which is what happened in this Reddit story. OP (original poster) was an employee in a family business who was constantly being bull…
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‘You're bringing tension to the office’: Employee confronts new hire after they refused to listen to her training, new hire claims they can figure out everything on their own

‘You're bringing tension to the office’: Employee confronts new hire after they refused to listen to her training, new hire claims they can figure out everything on their own

In every scenario, there can be more than one way to do things correctly, especially when it comes to work. Not everyone, even if they have the same role, does everything in the exact same way, and that is completely reasonable. Every employee finds their own rhythm and methods to do their job, and as long as the job gets done well, there shouldn't be any problems. When a new hire comes in, it makes sense that they would turn to their coworkers for guidance, but it is not a necessity. If they f…
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Manager contacts employee at 2 AM demanding they cover next day's shift, employee ignores the message and sleeps in: ‘Sorry, I'm enjoying my day off’

Manager contacts employee at 2 AM demanding they cover next day's shift, employee ignores the message and sleeps in: ‘Sorry, I'm enjoying my day off’

Many people recommend that when you take a day off work, you should also take a day off your phone. Not because it is better for your mental health, but because that way, no one from work can actually reach you and start asking you for favors. This might sound extreme, but if I have a quiet Friday night at home, I usually completely turn off my phone and sometimes I don't turn it back on until midday on Saturday. Not only do I enjoy being completely present with my friends and family, but I als…
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Employee leaves workplace after being investigated for ‘unprofessional conduct’, 5 years later they are contacted by former HR: ‘Do I have something to worry about?’

Employee leaves workplace after being investigated for ‘unprofessional conduct’, 5 years later they are contacted by former HR: ‘Do I have something to worry about?’

When one leaves a place of work, especially when they are unhappy in said workplace, they usually hope to leave everything about it behind. Nobody wants to be reminded of unpleasant bosses, or frustrating challenges they had to deal with as an employee, all people want to do is to move on and aim for a better place in the future. If an employee quits their job after they were wrongfully investigated for ‘unprofessional conduct', you can be absolutely sure they do not wish to reopen that can of…
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‘They’re manufacturing a reason to fire me': Boss cuts employee's hours in half but refuses to reduce their workload, employee finds a clever way to avoid responsibilities

‘They’re manufacturing a reason to fire me': Boss cuts employee's hours in half but refuses to reduce their workload, employee finds a clever way to avoid responsibilities

Anyone who has ever been quietly fired knows how much that experience can get you down. Even if you hadn't been through that experience, surely you can imagine how awkward it can be when you know your boss is trying to squeeze you out of the company but doesn't actually say that to you because they want you to quit yourself. Unfortunately, I happen to know exactly what this feels like. Two years ago I was working for a company and thought I was doing a really good job. I only realized they want…
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Employee gets fired for accidentally accepting fake bills, despite following procedures while checking them, suspects they are taking someone else's blame: ‘Something’s fishy'

Employee gets fired for accidentally accepting fake bills, despite following procedures while checking them, suspects they are taking someone else's blame: ‘Something’s fishy'

Accidentally accepting a fake bill is one of the most annoying things that can happen to someone who handles money as part of their job. No one wants to deal with the aftermath of finding out there are fake bills in the register, where the best case scenario is that the money will be deducted from your pay, and the worst case is immediate termination. The latter has happened to the employee in this Reddit story, and we can definitely understand their frustration in this situation. OP (original…
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‘Was I hired by mistake?’: New hire starts their first day only to be sent home because nobody knew they were coming, they start questioning whether they should quit

‘Was I hired by mistake?’: New hire starts their first day only to be sent home because nobody knew they were coming, they start questioning whether they should quit

The first day of starting a new job is not at all as exciting as one imagines it to be. You always expect it to be a great new adventure and that people will welcome you with open arms, but that is often not the case. There are so many logistics when it comes to adding a new employee to a company, that the first day is usually just a chaotic bureaucratic mess, and you might go home at the end of the day and question whether or not you made a mistake. The important thing to remember is that ever…
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