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Man Reluctantly Accepts the Neighbor's Cat After They Leave Her Behind; Wholesome Friendship Blooms in a Classic 'Who Adopted Who' Scenario

Rescue animals can sometimes choose their rescuer. As human beings, we like to maintain a semblance of control over our own lives, but when it comes to pet ownership, nobody is ever fully prepared for the unconditional love that comes along with animal adoption. However, that love can come as a surprise to those who aren't even looking for it.
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Grinch holiday Christmas gift presents thief stolen reddit caught office work story petty-revenge aita reddit-thread boobytrap

'She got busted': Office thief gets caught stealing Christmas gifts after encountering a hidden boobytrap

What sort of heartless person would steal Christmas gifts out from under the office tree? The Grinch, of course.
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car car-accident karen parked driving driver deserved arrested story mom reddit parent reddit-revenge revenge

'Women drivers, am I right?': Guy sideswipes a woman's car while she's parked; blames her, makes a scene, then gets himself arrested

Everyone wants to play the blame game when it comes to a car accident. They shouldn't have merged here! They were going too fast! They were parked safely and visibly? It's easy to point fingers at the opposing party in any fender bender, but when a guy hits a car that's parked in a perfectly normal parking spot, there's no secret about who's at fault …
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revenge petty cookie cookie-dough friends friend friendship noble wholesome funny story burn lol reddit reddit-thread thread best

'In the end, I got the last laugh': Woman holds steady when her "friend" tries to swindle her; years later, she discovers vicious retaliation in the desserts freezer

As a kid, when the other kids were being mean, adults always told us to ‘turn the other cheek’ or simply let the mean jabs go by the wayside. As someone with a vengeful spirit and a fiery heart, it's nearly impossible to forgive and forget, even when you know it's the wise, anti-conflict thing to do. If some little kid is gonna push you in the dirt, things are about to get personal. But if someone unknowingly is gracious and forgiving, does it still make them noble? In this story, one woman was…
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reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance petty-revenge revenge petty deserved story phone thief stolen

'He stole from the wrong dude': Guy retaliates against a phone thief by signing him (and his friends) up for every spam site he could find

It's 2023, who still steals phones? Back in the era when every iPhone 3 could be resold on the black market for an up-charge and even the flip phone Razr's were valuable, it was a lucrative business, but now there are so many security measures to protect phone owners, it's a wonder that thieves are still motivated to sneak their hands into their fellow citizens's pockets.
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reddit reddit-thread thread petty revenge aita friend friendship friends boys-night tardy late fomo funny humor story deserved

'Tough luck, you were 2.5 hours late': Habitually tardy friend gets 'ditched' at boys night after being insanely late for their plans; friends have a great time without him

Always late and not worth the wait
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love romantic proposal propose engagement engaged marriage married family parents sister brother parenting delay love-life relationships reddit hot-take story

‘I don’t think I should have to put my life on hold': Parents implore their son to delay proposing to his girlfriend; determined loverboy finds wholesome support online

Love doesn't follow the same timeline as life. We think we know what we're doing with our lives, following a career path, making plans, and taking strides– then BOOM, love hits you like a runaway truck. For some, making plans around their love life is more important than anything else and even romantic cynics can agree that we can't stop a determined loverboy on a mission.
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ps4 playstation gaming gamer gaming-console gamers mooch freeloader freeloading family brother reddit reddit-thread revenge story

'I deactivated the PS4, cleared the console, and sold it': Guy motivates a freeloading roommate by sabotaging the communal gaming console

Nobody likes a mooch. When you're going out on a limb to help someone, especially a family member, and they treat your generosity with the same disdain as an entitled teenager, the ‘woe is me’ act starts to get old.
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reddit reddit-thread thread story true-story true petty-revenge neighbors neighbor neighborhood revenge petty drama suburbs sprinklers

'His passenger side will get blasted': Suburban man gets payback by installing 360° sprinklers to wreck his neighbor's sports car after he repeatedly drives through his lawn

The boundary between you and your neighbor is sacred. Whether you have a fence, hedges, a wall, or just a plain ol' property line, the duty of every neighbor is to respect and cherish the space in between. In a country ridden with kitschy ‘no trespassing’ signs that say "We don't call 911”, we take those boundaries pretty seriously– even in the suburbs, a place known for over-trimmed rose bushes, nosy HOA's, and passive aggression, neighborly feuds can arise quickly when the line is crossed...
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aita reddit reddit-thread vegan mom moms mother dad dads father son parent parents parenting diet story vegans friends diet-choices flip out

‘She said I was corrupting our son’: Father buys his son fast food so that the boy can fit in with his friends; vegan wife flips out

Vegans always have to tell everyone they're vegan and they incessantly force their vegan-ness on everyone around them. The Holy Crusade of veganism is a plague of misplaced good-intentions, which is all fun and games until we find families caught in the cross-hairs.
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pay paycheck pay-day salary raise manager supervisor employee car-wash antiwork work workplace story promotion reddit

'I want extra pay for extra responsibilities': Employee turns down a ‘promotion’ then gets punished when he tells a stuck-up newbie manager he wants more pay for more work

We all work so that we can get that bag of cash every couple weeks. Weirdly enough though, it seems like the C-level employees and upper management seem to think that their employees go to work for other reasons, like socialization and the occasional pizza party. But it's an accepted norm that when you're offered a promotion, that's supposed to come with some sort of raise, even if you're a deluded manager, right? Not in this case…
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blind pizza ants bugs eating-bugs lunch gross disgusting reddit tifu funny story

'The pizza is CRAWLING with ants': Blind guy accidentally eats leftover pizza with a few extra toppings

In a lot of cultures it's super normal to eat bugs, however, in most Western societies, just the thought of having creepy crawlies on your plate gives people the heebie-jeebies. But if you didn't know you were eating bugs, would that make it better? Would the husky crunch of bug legs in your mouth be delicious or revolting? For a blind person, this is apparently a very real possibility.
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tardy late main-character summer-camp camp teacher authority rebel rebellion justice story feel-good reddit malicious-compliance triumph

'I was having my main character moment': Summer camp student gets unjustly marked tardy after walking into class a few seconds late; she epically rebels by ditching class immediately

Good students feel guilty about being late to class. When we're young, the ‘people pleaser’ and goody-two-shoes in all of us gets fueled by teacher approval and getting gold stars, but deep down, there's always a spicy rebel just waiting to be unleashed.
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pro revenge new-manager workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager work workplace story - 21980165

'It cost the casino anywhere between $250k-500k': Casino manager makes workers stay after shift to work unpaid hours, costs company big in massive payout

Every now and then, you'll come across some dense manager who thinks that they're a business genius for coming up with business strategies that no one else is using… and for implementing policies into the business that they're surprised aren't already being followed. All too often, there's a good reason why these strategies and policies aren't more commonplace… because—well, they're illegal. Still, laws and reason won't stop some people, who are either too stupid to realize they're breaking the…
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malicious-compliance reddit thread story quality-control qc factory manufacturing manufacturer employee boss work

Boss Loses €5,000 After He Tells His Quality Control Officer to Lower Standards to Boost Productivity; Catches Backlash From All Major Clients

The entire point of a quality control officer in a manufacturing plant is to ensure that the products aren't defective. Literally, the only reason this checkpoint exists is to weed out terrible products and prevent them from going to the client. So what is a QC employee supposed to do when their boss tells them to stop doing their job? Maliciously comply of course.
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dad dads parents parent neighbor rival neighbors petty revenge reddit story permit building planting-trees trees gardening

'They blocked out the sunlight to our neighbor's property': Determined dad plants trees to get back at his neighbor after they snub his building permit

Dads always have some kind of problem with the neighbors. Perhaps the innate dadness of living in a neighborhood and showing your dadly dominance over the other dads, but at some point, there's a natural progression from friendly competition into neighborly rivalry.
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