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Guy Takes the Wrong Dog Home From the Dog Park, Has a Heartwarming Laugh With the Other Owner When He Returns With Doppelgänger, 'Not-Max'

Golden retriever behavior
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Siblings Refuse to Pool Their College Fund With Dad's Love Child, Tension Crackles as He Guilt-Trips the Whole Family

There's not much a deadbeat dad can do that'll make his children think less of him–except crawling out of the woodwork years after announcing he had a secret family only to ask them to share their college fund with his love child.
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‘He's family to me now’: Kindhearted neighbor saves a golden retriever when the couple next door abandons it in the yard on moving day, when they come to reclaim the dog 6 months later, she refuses

Not all heroes wear capes
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'Figure out how to grow up at 53': Man-baby lives rent-free for 53 years by mooching off of his parents and then gets left with no inheritance when Dad wises up to a lifetime of freeloading

He's gotten a free-ride up until now–It's time to grow up
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'[You're] cut off': Solo-earning husband catches his wife spending $1000+ on takeout every month, he retaliates by kneecapping her financially and canceling all of their credit cards

She's stunned
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'His budget looked like it was based on costs from the 90s': Prideful parents squander $300,000+ of their retirement funds because they refuse to listen to their experienced son-in-law

We get it... things got complicated when computers got small enough to put in our pocket, but just because you've lived longer on this earth, doesn't mean you're up to date on the nuances of everything that's going on in 2024.
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'We're all just a missed paycheck away': Empathetic social worker finds a squatter living in their crawlspace, they shock the neighborhood by helping the homeless person get back on their feet

For most of us, finding out that there's a person living in our crawlspace under our home is an unsettling thought... But this woman was decidedly level-headed and compassionate after discovering a transient person hiding under her floorboards.
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'We [don't] need your sob story': Entitled mom tries to force her kids on a friend's 'adults only' birthday party by guilt-tripping the host, gets shown the door

Not that we don't LOVE listening to Cocomelon 24/7, buuuut...
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‘I ordered 2 appetizers and 2 main dishes': Broke intern over-orders at the work lunches to prove a point about splitting the bill evenly, coworkers get the memo after weeks of paying $40+ for someone else's food

Match their energy
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'$13k is a lowball [from his insurance]': Property owner expecting $200,000+ in reparations after a trespassing neighbor cuts down 200 of his trees

Tree karma
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'I didn't realize how greedy he was': Lottery winner tries to share their winnings of $500/day (for life) with their indignant teenage son, revokes the money after the son gets greedy

$500 per day for life? That kid could have been going places...
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'Hugh is a bully': Teenage girl humiliates her balding brother-in-law as retaliation for constantly saying she's 'gained weight'

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‘Give my baby to my sister?’: Parents pressure their pregnant daughter to give her newborn baby to her infertile twin sister, insane ultimatum shocks everyone

Infertile? There are many ways to have a son or daughter that never involve pregnancy: you can adopt, you can foster, or you can steal your sister's baby before it's ever born...
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'Never overstay your welcome': Couple reverse guilt-trips their inconsiderate family when they refuse to host another messy family gathering

Once the family got a little too comfortable in their host's home, things got stickier than the kid's table mac and cheese spilled on their opulent Berber rug
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To Save $1.55, Extreme Couponing Woman Holds up the Line at the Grocery Store for 20 Minutes, Making a Cashier Bend Over Backward to Pinch a Few Pennies

We got places to be, lady
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Evil stepdad gets glitter-bombed after pitting a pair of sisters against each other: ‘I'll give you a reason to call me [a bad example]'

Parent trap
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