

malicious-compliance reddit thread story quality-control qc factory manufacturing manufacturer employee boss work

Boss Loses €5,000 After He Tells His Quality Control Officer to Lower Standards to Boost Productivity; Catches Backlash From All Major Clients

The entire point of a quality control officer in a manufacturing plant is to ensure that the products aren't defective. Literally, the only reason this checkpoint exists is to weed out terrible products and prevent them from going to the client. So what is a QC employee supposed to do when their boss tells them to stop doing their job? Maliciously comply of course.
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dad dads parents parent neighbor rival neighbors petty revenge reddit story permit building planting-trees trees gardening

'They blocked out the sunlight to our neighbor's property': Determined dad plants trees to get back at his neighbor after they snub his building permit

Dads always have some kind of problem with the neighbors. Perhaps the innate dadness of living in a neighborhood and showing your dadly dominance over the other dads, but at some point, there's a natural progression from friendly competition into neighborly rivalry.
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workplace-stories jobs work workplace story customer service customers karen-customers - 21719045

'I terminated her husband's lease': Karen client loses it at customer service rep, her family loses their lease and their business

It's not often you'll find the internet rooting for landlords. A group of people known for being dishonest and overly greedy, raising rents beyond reason, or neglecting necessary repairs in order to maximize profits—all the while enjoying an absurd amount of control over other people's lives—doesn't necessarily inspire a lot of compassion. And, yet—here we find ourselves. “Evil is evil… lesser, greater, middling. It’s all the same.” While some might prefer not to take sides when it comes to com…
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workplace-stories manager tales-from-the-workplace coworkers managers workplace story warehouse - 21564677

'Packages were falling from the belt': Warehouse worker gets placed into a different role by egotistical manager, chaos beckons

The fallacy about the idea of certain jobs being classified or unclassified as “skilled labor” is that every job requires different skills and experience in order to be done effectively. You go to your local coffee shop of choice because the barista makes a better and more consistent cup of coffee than you could ever hope to. You probably go back to that shop, too, because that barista's particular consistency and skill stand head and shoulders above even the other specialized baristas in the c…
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'Close them completely': Manager demands bathrooms are closed while cleaned, chaos ensues

'Close them completely': Manager demands bathrooms are closed while cleaned, chaos ensues

A good bathroom is an essential part of any business where food and beverages are being served. After all, there is a… certain connection between consuming things and the inevitable need to make use of one. This is especially true when you're operating a cafe—as coffee is specifically known for its ability to get things moving. Now, a good bathroom isn't going to necessarily make a good business—but it might break one. The last thing you want your customers to associate your establishment with…
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disability leave on-leave work-leave work employee injustice fired wrongfully-fired story working toxic workplace boss manager hypocrisy hypocrite workplace pink-slip company lazy labor-shortage

'I get injured and [there's] no loyalty': Employee on disability leave gets fired after missing 3 weeks of work; the Internet calls out a broken system of hypocritical bosses

Companies today are always complaining about labor shortages and how the workforce is getting ‘too lazy’ to go back to work. Au contraire you silly nepo-CEO's, it's not that there aren't any employees willing to work anymore, it's just that they're not willing to go back to work with no benefits, meager salaries, and to work overtime lining the pockets of a hypocritical boss that sends one email a week for a $500k annual salary.
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customer service tales-from-the-front-desk talesfromthefrontdesk work customer-stories customer-service-stories workplace story stories - 21165573

'With HER own card': Manager makes hotel desk worker pay for a guest's room when he refuses to

Businesses and their owners take on more of the risk and, in return, take more of the reward, paying workers a small portion of the value of their production and taking the rest for providing the means. This is the basis of a capitalist system and the argument used by your boss for why he's not giving you a raise, despite the fact that he himself just bought another new Porsche and vacations in Monaco every summer. It's true; when you're working for a business instead of starting your own, ther…
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customer support customer service karens funny story retail retail worker karen-customer customers karen-customers story retail-stories tales-from-retail - 21108741

'The grin slid off his face': Employee outsmarts customer trying to exploit returns loophole

Navigating some companies' return policies can be an unnecessarily difficult experience that may drive you to look for ways you can circumvent their requirements and get a fair go at returning your unwanted item. At times it can feel like these policies are unnecessarily specific and cryptic: “Customer must return an item only when the thrush knocks on the last light of the third day of the second new moon—whilst wearing a hat made of cabbages." After a while of wondering what in the Tolkien yo…
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property house home military moving military-family karen delusional insane entitled entitled-people reddit creepy neighborhood neighbors army navy kids parents story wholesome happy-ending

'Get off my property!': Delusional Karen breaks into a military family's garden, threatening to run them out of town to acquire their property; police remove her, justice ensues, and the family lives happily ever after in their forever home

Military kids can all agree that moving sucks. After packing up your belongings for the 15th time before you even hit 8 years of age, the whole process starts to become numbing and the idea of a forever home becomes more of a fantastical dream than a reality. However, for some army brats, their dreams come true when their parents get stationed in a long term, or even forever, location.
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tattletale snitch story hr harassment workplace toxic work work-story reddit coworkers coworker terrible worst comedian not-funny crude joke revenge female male

'He dared you to call his hand; You called and raised': Entitled employee harasses his female coworker gets bamboozled when she calls his bluff and takes him to the cleaners with HR

Working with insufferable coworkers is tantalizing on its own, but when your raunchy, abrasive colleague starts to test your patience with crude jokes and terse taunts, it's hard not to go full vigilante on them.
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'I was devastated': Driving instructor tricks teen into failing their driving test

'I was devastated': Driving instructor tricks teen into failing their driving test

Tests exist to gauge understanding of a subject but often have the unfortunate effect of influencing the curriculum itself to achieve the best results for that test—even if that's not the best result for the students. Test designers and administrators are (usually) only humans themselves and are not free from the bias of their own perspectives and beliefs. Intentionally introducing a trick into the test that seeks to catch students out is probably unethical, especially when the test is one that…
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'I have no clue [why I was fired.]': Experienced barista gets inexplicably fired after first day at new job

'I have no clue [why I was fired.]': Experienced barista gets inexplicably fired after first day at new job

Starting a new job is always tough. Sure, you might have tons of knowledge and industry experience, but there's always a different way of doing the same old thing at every new organization you walk into. You might think that a square peg would always just fit into the square hole, but your new job may require you to revolve the square 360 degrees clockwise, counterclockwise, and then on a vertical axis—all before putting it in the same square hole you always did before. Sure, it may be stupid,…
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boss workplace-stories jobs micromanager employee fired workplace-story manager malicious compliance tales-from-the-workplace supervisor story employment - 20948485

'I knew it would be a total mess': Micromanaging supervisor's simple mistake costs company $220k, gets fired

Whenever someone is confidently incorrect, sometimes it's better not to argue with them. Instead, make sure you cover your own rear and let them do their thing… and watch the chaos unfold—just as this worker did when they got a micromanaging new boss. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by the worker, Reddit user u/BrightRick. u/BrightRick explains that they worked for a catalog in the 80s. What's a catalog, you ask? Well, see, before the internet, people who were…
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school students teaching dnd teachers dnd memes teacher story reddit thread dungeons and dragons - 20932357

'What are you even doing?': Principal gets owned by students for trying to break up teacher's DnD game

There's something to be said about leaving things you don't understand well enough alone. We see this often in workplaces when some new-fangled manager comes along who doesn't understand the technical work of the people reporting to them; rather than seeking to understand (or admitting that they don't understand), they try to apply their existing mental framework to the situation—often with disastrous results. This situation is no different; when working with kids, you're going to find yourself…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee working-life toxic-workplace employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses workers story employment toxic-work-environment - 20526085

'I got sent home early': Boss complains about overtime after forcing employees to skip their unpaid lunch break

Some people want to have their cake and eat it too. But it's really not so much about the cake itself as it is the control over that cake; they want the cake to submit to their authority and stop questioning it all the darn time. The thing is, this cake-haver probably isn't qualified to tell the cake what to do, which is why they're so darn insecure in the first place… I don't really know where this is going or what this metaphor is supposed to mean, but people aren't cake—and you shouldn't try…
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micromanage boss boss's-boss grocery store work antiwork manager bad-boss bad-manager revenge justice reddit working corporate entitled entitled-boss clueless i-told-you-so satisfying

'[My manager] didn't get done until midnight': Boss tries to micromanage a seasoned employee, then gets pwned when the boss's boss comes along

When you're good at your job, it sucks to have your clueless boss tell you what to do. Not only are they on a power trip of haughty, suit-clad dictatorship, but your arrogant boss couldn't do your job in a million years. Sometimes, when you're getting scolded at work by that kind of boss, all you need is a shred of revenge on their ignorance to feel better.
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