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'It cost Kyle $200 and an 'I told you so'': Guy chickens out of a DIY fishing injury hack from his experienced brother-in-law, pays the price at the emergency room instead

Unforgettable boy's trip
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FAIL failbook entitled social media Music stories entitled parents quit your bullshit entitled people facebook fails trending internet stories - 35742981

Guitarist gets kicked from band after pretending to be a permanent member with bizarre story on social media: 'This was a decision based solely on internal issues and intellectual differences'

You think people would really do that? Just go on the internet and lie? Yeah—well, actually, It turns out that's exactly what people do on the internet… Probably more than anything else. The anonymity of the internet has offered us the chance to be who we want from the outset of it's existence, a great outlet for all of us early adopters who still wouldn't dream of exposing our true identities and are horrified by younger people's eagerness to bare all online. And, well, it turns out anonymous…
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‘I got 25000 miles from my email nemesis’: People share the most clever ways to get strangers who use their email addresses to stop

‘I got 25000 miles from my email nemesis’: People share the most clever ways to get strangers who use their email addresses to stop

People with common first and last names all deal with the issue that they have to share their names with a lot of other people around the globe. There must be thousands of people with names like John Smith or Mary Williams, and that can create a lot of issues. One of those issues is presented in this funny petty revenge story. OP (original poster), for years, has been dealing with a person, probably with the same name as her, trying to use her email account. That person doesn't really have acce…
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ask reddit childhood bad parenting parenting childhood stories stories funny Parenting Fail funny parenting Parenting FAILS - 25929989

20+ Perplexed people share the strangest house rules they've had to follow: 'No Pringles, they catch fire too easily'

People are strange as it is, and when we grow up and get our own homes and have our own kids in what is effectively our own world in which we can set our own rules things can get very strange indeed. Of course, this “strangeness” ranges from delightully weird takes on common household rules to things that are downright mistreatment of the people who are being forced to follow them.
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‘Landlord bought an expensive boat and then tried raising my rent’: 15+ Financial decisions that made no sense whatsoever

‘Landlord bought an expensive boat and then tried raising my rent’: 15+ Financial decisions that made no sense whatsoever

In life, only you can control how you spend your money. It’s one of the best and worst parts of adulthood! You get that fresh paycheck in your bank account, and it feels like the world is your oyster. Time to treat the besties to brunch, or have an extended shopping spree over a weekend. But once that money is gone, you get that pit in your stomach that makes you realize you have bills to pay still…Oops! Everyone has a different approach to their finances. Some people save every penny, and save…
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diet dieting FAIL doctor FAILS funny funny stories nutrition stories tifu fail stories - 25667077

Misguided guy claims to have eaten 400 Tic-Tacs a day and gained 40 lbs: '[I] didn't realize that Tic-Tacs weren't actually 0 calories'

There's something to be learned here about not taking things at face value and using a little common sense to draw a more logical conclusion. Often in life, things are simplified for us in order to cater to the lowest common denominator and, in the process, obfuscate the actual point of the information that was supposed to be communicated in the first place. An extreme example of this is our entire understanding of chemistry; we're taught from our days in middle school chem class—clear through…
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'How my grandpa built the tallest house in town': Homeowner tries over and over to build his house illegally tall

'How my grandpa built the tallest house in town': Homeowner tries over and over to build his house illegally tall

This grandpa wasn't about to let some silly little building codes stop him from achieving his dreams. In fact, it seems like he took these codes like a personal challenge, and decided to find any possible way around them. This involved a lot of crafty thinking on his part! You've got to keep your house up to code . It's how we collectively avoid houses where you get an electrical zap from turning on a light switch, and codes often require handrails so folks don't go tumbling down staircases. Th…
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Top 25+ Unpopular Opinions of the Week

Top 25+ Unpopular Opinions of the Week

Well this is awkward
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drive driving road-rage petty-revenge revenge payback reddit drivers cops police rage following satisfying story stories

'Follow me to my house, I'll follow you back': Driver pulls a daring uno reverse on a road-rager, teaching him a valuable lesson

It's easy to lose your cool when you're driving. You're operating a 2-ton wheeled tin can going 80mph and nobody seems to have their eyes open– how is it that drivers can be such imbeciles?
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Dad father story reddit reddit-thread deserve patient impatient patience delivery delivery-guy relatable stories family

'You can't wait 30 seconds? You'll be waiting here for 30 minutes': Impatient dad refuses to heed a delayed delivery warning, wastes an hour dawdling for an order that's not ready yet

Life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end, the faster it runs out. But does that sense of urgency in your old age entitle you to be a bossy know-it-all? Not exactly.
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reddit proof stories anecdote funny reddit interesting intelligence intrigue intriguing personal relatable relatable-stories life lol

'Can't prove it... [but] I'm 100% sure': 20+ Wholeheartedly believable everyday conspiracies with no proof to back them up

Conspiracies exist because of their plausible nature. With a grain of truth buried in a sea of what-ifs, the human imagination can't help but spin hog-wild ideas out of control, weaving webs of explanations as 'proof’. To be human is to seek the truth.
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work workplace coworker worker employee employees boss bosses manager supervisor working quit fired getting-fired quitting calling-in company business stories first-job reddit

'Ummm you fired me?': Teenager gets fired for missing a shift to attend a funeral, then their desperate ex-manager begs them to return a month later

Your first job creates a lasting impression on your work life. You learn valuable lessons like how to clock in, be on time, and deal with customers, and although we whittled away our first few paychecks on useless purchases, these worthwhile grains of wisdom stuck with us. What you never expect to learn at your first job, however, is how to garner the expectations of a compassionless, soulless manager.
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ask reddit christmas bad presents gifts presents gift giving bad gifts shared stories stories wrong gifts - 23710725

'[A] case of toilet paper': 30+ People share the strangest and worst Christmas presents that they received this year

The holiday season has a large focus on gift-giving… Gift-giving as a means of showing your loved ones how much they mean to you through the thoughtful intent and meaning of the gifts. That's not to say at all that the best gifts are those that cost the most money. More often than not, it's the gifts that took the most time and show the giver understands you that mean the most. Unfortunately, while you may receive some gifts in your life that tick the boxes of a great gift, there will be plenty…
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'A chef... called the grill "Hamburger Helpless"': 25+ Chefs and waiters who kept their back-of-house coworkers laughing

'A chef... called the grill "Hamburger Helpless"': 25+ Chefs and waiters who kept their back-of-house coworkers laughing

There's always at least one person in every workplace who can't help but make everyone laugh. This is the kind of person that people say “lights up every room they walk into.” They just immediately begin cracking jokes and lightening the mood. This kind of person is especially appreciated in high-stress environments---like the back of house at a busy restaurant. Back-of-house, sometimes abbreviated as BOH, refers to all of the workers behind the scenes, like chefs, meal preppers, and dish washe…
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ask reddit nostalgia Nostalgia Overload nostalgic fun stories funny stories loophole life hacks stories Story Time - 23342341

'We had free pizzas weekly for years...': 30+ Loopholes that people exploited to their own betterment

We're all just barely getting by in this world; every day is an uphill battle with no summit in sight. It would be nice to ease that burden a little, but we honest and simple folk probably won't ever have the chance to take advantage of any egregious loopholes in order to get well ahead of everyone else—and probably wouldn't anyway, due to how unethical they are… Undoubtedly, we'd all appreciate something to make our lives a little bit easier. Occasionally, though, a chance presents itself to e…
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'He caught a raccoon and didn't know what to do next': 30+ Reasons people called emergency help lines when they really shouldn't have

'He caught a raccoon and didn't know what to do next': 30+ Hilarious reasons people called emergency help lines

I never could've guessed just how many people will call emergency help lines over issues with birds. That was a common theme on this absolutely hilarious question posed by u/Abrera: “911 Operators of Reddit, what are some of the funniest things someone has called in for?” These emergency line workers have a serious job. Helping people in their most critical moments is crucial, and someone has to do it. It must be a huge relief to get a few calls like the ones below. If you're helping injured pe…
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