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Siblings Refuse to Pool Their College Fund With Dad's Love Child, Tension Crackles as He Guilt-Trips the Whole Family

There's not much a deadbeat dad can do that'll make his children think less of him–except crawling out of the woodwork years after announcing he had a secret family only to ask them to share their college fund with his love child.
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'[You're] cut off': Solo-earning husband catches his wife spending $1000+ on takeout every month, he retaliates by kneecapping her financially and canceling all of their credit cards

She's stunned
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'His budget looked like it was based on costs from the 90s': Prideful parents squander $300,000+ of their retirement funds because they refuse to listen to their experienced son-in-law

We get it... things got complicated when computers got small enough to put in our pocket, but just because you've lived longer on this earth, doesn't mean you're up to date on the nuances of everything that's going on in 2024.
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'Local thrift store decided... to use staples for clothing tags': 20 Mildly infuriating thrift store discoveries

These people are raising their eyebrows at some recent thrift store finds. They're not surprised at the great deals… instead, they're annoyed at the condition of the stores and the prices of the items! Thrift shopping or antique shopping can be very hit or miss. Sometimes you find excellent clothing, a barely-worn pair of shoes, or some toys for the kids that are still in great condition. Instead of spending hundreds at a regular store, you can get some cheap stuff and feel good about saving th…
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entitled mom moms motherhood mother drama kids kid friends friend group party birthday adults adults-only family reddit thread

'We [don't] need your sob story': Entitled mom tries to force her kids on a friend's 'adults only' birthday party by guilt-tripping the host, gets shown the door

Not that we don't LOVE listening to Cocomelon 24/7, buuuut...
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'Nobody at my gym cleans the dumbbells': 20 Gym gripes for people who don't hog the machines

These people just want to work out , but they're having trouble due to… the other people at the gym. Going to the gym can be really motivating. You can go with a friend so that you can talk while you work out. Some people like to go alone and listen to a podcast while they run or some music while they lift weights. There's often a community of dedicated gymgoers who come in every morning or night hoping to become healthier. But it's not all fun and games, because some people are not versed in g…
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'The world has one less HOA': Homeowner infiltrates the HOA board, gets elected president, and then dismantles the entire system from the inside

Diving into the belly of the beast
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'I didn't realize how greedy he was': Lottery winner tries to share their winnings of $500/day (for life) with their indignant teenage son, revokes the money after the son gets greedy

$500 per day for life? That kid could have been going places...
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'Hugh is a bully': Teenage girl humiliates her balding brother-in-law as retaliation for constantly saying she's 'gained weight'

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‘Give my baby to my sister?’: Parents pressure their pregnant daughter to give her newborn baby to her infertile twin sister, insane ultimatum shocks everyone

Infertile? There are many ways to have a son or daughter that never involve pregnancy: you can adopt, you can foster, or you can steal your sister's baby before it's ever born...
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'Never overstay your welcome': Couple reverse guilt-trips their inconsiderate family when they refuse to host another messy family gathering

Once the family got a little too comfortable in their host's home, things got stickier than the kid's table mac and cheese spilled on their opulent Berber rug
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'My dog once ate a feather duster': 20+ Pets who kept their owners in stitches with their hilarious antics

What would we ever do without our silly precious pets to cheer us up? If you own a pet , you already know how much they can brighten your life. Your pet always wants to see you, because you're their favorite person. Your cat probably wants to snuggle 24/7 because they're obsessed with you. Your dog probably always wants to play catch or snore loudly next to you on the couch. And, as you'll definitely know if you've had a pet, they are not always the brightest bulbs. Some animals are really, rea…
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'If you're reading this note, they didn't change the sheets': 25+ Hotel snafus that left guests steaming mad

'If you're reading this note, they didn't change the sheets': 25+ Hotel snafus that left guests steaming mad

Make sure to read those online reviews before you book a hotel . It might save you some time and money! Or, like these people below, it might spare you the myriad issues that can occur in a hotel, from bedbugs to awful breakfast menus. I feel for the staffers at the “pool room” hotel (see #2). As you can see in the photo, there's a pool table on top of what looks like a covered-up swimming pool. The staffers must constantly have angry guests yelling about the pool room not having a pool. They c…
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'She spent $7 on an ice cream cone for an Instagram picture, then threw it away': 15+ Mildly infuriating social media influencers

Are you ever influenced by social media stars ? For most of us, scrolling through the socials is something we do casually as we chill out on the couch. But for social media influencers , drawing your eyes to their content is a full-time job that they take incredibly seriously. The behind-the-scenes lives of influencers is fascinating stuff. Much like peeking behind the scenes of a movie set to see greenscreens and stunt performers, looking behind the curtain at Instagram content creators is als…
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'It cost Kyle $200 and an 'I told you so'': Guy chickens out of a DIY fishing injury hack from his experienced brother-in-law, pays the price at the emergency room instead

Unforgettable boy's trip
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Guitarist gets kicked from band after pretending to be a permanent member with bizarre story on social media: 'This was a decision based solely on internal issues and intellectual differences'

You think people would really do that? Just go on the internet and lie? Yeah—well, actually, It turns out that's exactly what people do on the internet… Probably more than anything else. The anonymity of the internet has offered us the chance to be who we want from the outset of it's existence, a great outlet for all of us early adopters who still wouldn't dream of exposing our true identities and are horrified by younger people's eagerness to bare all online. And, well, it turns out anonymous…
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