
service industry

'When he held out his hand for change, I dropped it on the counter': 20+ Cashiers who got even with their customers

'When he held out his hand for change, I dropped it on the counter': 20+ Cashiers who got the pettiest payback on their customers

Don't underestimate the pettiness of these fed-up workers . You'd be acting petty too if customers treated you the same way . Cashiers work so hard for so little recognition. If I was running things, all cashiers would be allowed to sit down, they'd be allowed to talk back to rude customers, and they'd all be paid at least $1 million per year. In reality, though, cashiers have to deal with the grouchiest customers one after another for minimum wage (and no sitting down either). You can only han…
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'The manager changed into a sport coat and came back over': Bar Manager and Owner defeats entitled parents complaining about sports playing in a 'Sports bar'

'The manager changed into a sport coat and came back over': Bar Manager and Owner defeats entitled parents complaining about sports playing in a 'Sports bar'

The brilliance of the manager putting the sport coat on before returning to the conversation as “the owner” is something that I wish I had been able to witness with my own eyes.
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Servers Discuss Goofiest Requests From Customers at Restaurants

Servers Discuss Goofiest Requests From Customers at Restaurants

Working in the service industry is one of the toughest to endure, as customers, management, and coworkers can really get under your skin. You need the patience of a sloth, the memory of an elephant, and the speed of a cheetah. Picture this: a family of eight, children sobbing whilst simultaneously drooling, parents at their wit's end just rattling off their order to you while corralling their children. Having a long list of dietary restrictions and substitutions to their order after demanding y…
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cooking chef customers funny stories food service service restaurant service industry karen-customers funny-workplace-story - 21564421

'Extra extra extra pickles': Chef shares his stories of petty malicious compliance to absurd customer requests

Restaurants see no shortage of demands for customization and demanding customers, with the latter uttering the former with surprising frequency. Dealing with these demands from the demanding is no picnic, but learning to handle them can be. Not in the literal sense in that you're going to sit down in a nice grassy spot with a blanket, basket, some nice cheeses, a bottle of prosecco, some ripe fruit, and your favorite pal—more so in the sense that like a picnic is a pleasing and relaxing experie…
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toxic-workplace retail restaurant workplace job interview interview service industry - 2127367

'Perhaps it's better if we reschedule': Candidate ambushed with unpaid 'working trial,' walks out

The process of preparing for an interview is immensely time-consuming and stressful for any candidate. You've already sunk considerable amounts of time into prepping your CV, writing an effective cover letter, and applying for the role—and there's likely been some back-and-forth communication between yourself and the company's HR. To have all of that done only to be blindsided and discover that the interview preparing for isn't actually an interview is—well—devastating. Instead, you're asked to…
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Servers Discuss Cultural Differences Between Serving in American and European Restaurants

Servers Discuss Cultural Differences Between Serving in American and European Restaurants

Most people can't really say they enjoy dealing with long shifts, meh-money, and annoying customers on a daily basis… although there will always be exceptions. Serving can easily get tiring when you are forced to put a smile on your face and pretend to like the people you're serving, laughing at their dad jokes and complimenting their hideous striped t-shirts. But you don't have to do that everywhere… in fact, there are places where you can be borderline rude, and it's totally acceptable. Custo…
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'You're a terrible manager!': Karen accosts random dude after incorrectly assuming he is the restaurant's manager, gets served

'You're a terrible manager!': Karen accosts random dude after incorrectly assuming he is the restaurant's manager, gets served

It turns out we might not be very good at doing a job that isn't actually ours, and that shouldn't come as much of a surprise, except to people like this Karen who refuse to listen to you when you tell them that you don't actually work there. Sure, we've all probably mistaken a complete stranger for an employee of the establishment we're patronizing, but continuing to insist that they must work there and are doing their job poorly after being corrected is downright insane. This college student…
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'Lou was let go': Coworker gets fired, comes back to beg for free food and steal tips, gets banned

'Lou was let go': Coworker gets fired, comes back to beg for free food and steal tips, gets banned

Going back to an old job is always awkward, especially when you were fired from that job and especially when you go back to beg for free things—and especially when you go back to try and steal from your ex-coworkers' tip jar. Like, this guy actually managed to get himself demoted from line cook to customer and then managed to get himself demoted further from being a customer too. Lou really sucks, and is a In the end, it's incredibly fitting since you can't spell “lousy coworker” without “Lou.”
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'I would take my sweet time': Night-shift bakery worker who was forced to clean up everyone's mess maliciously complies, boss gets fired

'I would take my sweet time': Night-shift bakery worker who was forced to clean up everyone's mess maliciously complies, boss gets fired

This worker came with receipts. Usually, these types of things are a “he said, she said” type of scenario, where both sides state their perspectives, and the truth lies somewhere in between.
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work-story working-fast-food fast-food-nightmares petty revenge fast-food-employees fast-food-workplace Reddit workplace-revenge service industry - 21254917

'I would just act stupid': Diabolical fast food employee gets back at sneaky Karen customers, commenters then solve mystery of broken ice cream machines

We all know that the fast food industry is dirty in more ways than one. An obvious and well-known downfall to fast food is working for them.They are notorious for paying minimum wage and many even have their own lobbyist fighting to lower the minimum wage. It's disgusting. So most people know that working in fast food is painful to the soul. You are not only not making enough money to get by, but you are also constantly berated by Karen customers. One fast food employee found a way to entertain…
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restaurant-edict boomer-customers waiter entitled-boomers karen-customers server-story entitled customers waitress Reddit tales from your server karen service industry entitled-karens - 21122565

'These were free... and you're going to complain? Come on!': Servers discuss how free things actually bring the Karen out of customers

So you think you know restaurant edict but have never worked in the service industry? HA! Don't make us laugh. You might know the basics, but there are so many things that can mark you as a crappy customer. The number one thing servers are currently discussing on Reddit? Complaining about free things. So you got a free basket of chips with salsa. Okay, so? You say, “thank you so much!” and move on. You do not complain about the chips being too salty, like the server can even fix that. You canno…
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Top Non-Money Tips Servers Get From Customers

Top Non-Money Tips Servers Get From Customers

The customer service industry is unpredictable; customers range from super kind, to average, to complete wacko human beings. Servers often encounter a variety of strange, weird, odd, and unexpected situations, some of them being the tip that people leave when they are done with their meal. Apparently, not everyone leaves 15%, or any money at all… some customers prefer to leave some pretty strange, unconventional things instead. As we have worked in the service industry, we can vouch for the fac…
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'Do not come here and dine with us'': Internet turns on business owner for mocking customers who don't tip servers, gets 1-star review bombed

'Do not come here and dine with us'': Internet turns on business owner for mocking customers that don't tip servers, gets 1-star review bombed

While it's easy to agree with the sentiment that “You shouldn't be eating out if you can't afford to tip,” the last person you want to be hearing that message from is their boss who refused to pay them a living wage in the first place.
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‘You don't get a room': Karen guest denied service after refusing to follow front desk clerk's orders

‘You don't get a room': Karen guest denied service after refusing to follow front desk clerk's orders

Working in the customer service industry, you've got to be tough as nails, as you will be constantly and consistently tested without fail. Every day you'll need more and more patience as Karen customers become less daunting, and more of a nuisance. OP was working as a front desk clerk at a hotel that was holding a very expensive, corporate event, resulting in most of the rooms being taken by said event. The last ten or so rooms were reserved by construction workers who had a contract with the h…
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'Effective immediately': Employee gets fired on the spot after giving notice to their restaurant job

'Effective immediately': Employee gets fired on the spot after giving notice to their restaurant job

Giving notice to a job is the right thing to do—when you have the right employer. Like any relationship, the working relationship is built on trust, and a strong relationship that is filled with goodwill should always be honored. But when you know that the person employing you is prone to petty fits of rage—which often include firing people on the spot with no prior warning—maybe it's best not to let this person know that you plan on leaving their business in the next few weeks. After all, they…
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cook workplace-malicious-compliance owner malicious compliance tales-from-the-workplace coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit chef food service workplace service industry - 20983045

'Shakers filled with parm cheese that molded': Chef gets revenge on terrible restaurant owner after they change the terms of their contract

It's often said that you should never break two rules at the same time, lest you run the risk of being caught for the more serious rule after calling attention to yourself through the less serious. You can probably find that phrased uttered in a similar fashion throughout the ages of this site. When we mention this, we're usually talking about driving with a broken headlight on your way to rob a casino with your ten closest friends. You could be pulled over on the way and have the entire heist…
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