

absurd, news, headlines, breaking news, headline, funny, hilarious, stupid, dumb, funny, lolz, lol, fail, media, fake news

The Most Absurd News Headlines That Will Make You Laugh Then Cry at Our Ridiculous World

The world is sometimes a scary, lonely, and horrible place. It seems like whenever you open the news these days, something terrible has happened somewhere and it's becoming numbing and ridiculous to even consider that there's good news out there. Fortunately, there are the few news stories that slip through the cracks in the machine , blessing our feeds with some of the most ridiculous heccin' titles imaginable. So sure, maybe there's been a horrific bombing in the Middle East… but there's also…
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'Brag-fest Alert' : Best Cringeworthy Batch Of Raging LinkedIn Lunatics

'Brag-fest Alert' : Best Cringeworthy Batch Of Raging LinkedIn Lunatics

I am proud to announce that I am better than you.
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‘Revenge Cost Approximately $3.50’ : Lady Gets Sneaky Payback on Entitled Neighbor Who Removes Her Laundry From Shared Washing Machine in Order to Use It Herself

‘Revenge Cost Approximately $3.50’ : Lady Gets Sneaky Payback on Entitled Neighbor Who Removes Her Laundry From Shared Washing Machine in Order to Use It Herself

Sharing a washing machine and a dryer with your neighbor is less than ideal. Kind of like having a roommate that you have to consider each time you do… well, anything in your own home. If they are using the washing machine, you just gotta patiently wait your turn. Not everyone was raised with these basic manners, and that is where you can find yourself in some deep, dark, murky waters where the word revenge starts rampaging your brain quite a bit. While scrolling r/pettyrevenge , I came across…
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‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

People pay a lot of money to go to sporting events, and although we're all aware that it's not far from what you experience when in a movie theatre with a bunch of screaming kids (no offense), one can still have basic manners — because, we aren't kids, after all. We're adults. And as adults, we're supposed to communicate. Be the grown-up in the situation and all that. But the problem is, a vast majority of people are rude — and this especially goes at sporting events. This is why I'm an introve…
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‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

The best and worst thing that has ever happened to the human species.
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An employee gives their two weeks notice, hotshot manager tries to fire them, and end up getting demoted themselves.

Employee Gives Two Weeks Notice, Hotshot Manager Tries To Fire Employee and Gets Demoted

Oh boy did that manager learn their lesson.
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Funny Reddit Thread: Entitled/Nosy Karens Call the Police Over Rejected Phone Calls

Funny Reddit Thread: Entitled/Nosy Karens Call the Police Over Rejected Phone Calls

We left you on read, get over it.
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'Any Race Except British' : 20 Best Dating App Fails of the Week

'Any Race Except British' : 20 Best Dating App Fails of the Week

All the fish in the sea are piranhas.
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‘Your Boyfriend Has to Leave, Now’ : Furious Brother Kicks Sister's Disrespectful Boyfriend Out of Holiday Dinner for Being Rude to His Blind Wife

‘Your Boyfriend Has to Leave, Now’ : Furious Brother Kicks Sister's Disrespectful Boyfriend Out of Holiday Dinner for Being Rude to His Blind Wife

Reentering the office after Christmas can be particularly overwhelming. You'll find everybody huddles together, each recounting their own dramatic holiday saga, which usually involves a few or more ‘loved ones’. Granted, family dinners are like taking part in a reality show, minus the cameras. My personal motto that has served me well throughout the years: When in doubt, say nothing. Also, lie — a lot. Or rather, omit as many details of your life as you possibly can. Moreover, if somebody says…
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‘Quit Lying’ : Funniest Foolish Idiots Who Obviously Don’t Know the Rules of the Internet

‘Quit Lying’ : Funniest Foolish Idiots Who Obviously Don’t Know the Rules of the Internet

Liar, liar, pants on fire.
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‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Year 2022

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Year 2022

The fish in the sea are actually piranhas.
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'Don't You Dare Snap Your Fingers At Me!' : 2 Wildly Entitled Karen's Wrongly Go After Woman Who Isn't Actually An Employee, Spark Major Conflict As A Result

'Don't You Dare Snap Your Fingers At Me!' : 2 Wildly Entitled Karens Wrongly Go After Woman Who Isn't Actually An Employee, Spark Major Conflict As A Result

Woe to those who encounter a Wild Karen in their lifetime. If you've ever entered a Wallmart or a fast food restaurant such as Mcdonald's, you'll find that it's basically unavoidable. We often find ourselves wondering… what goes on in a Karen's mind when things don't go their way? How does their brain scan look? And where the heck did they get the courage (or rather, audacity) to approach others in such an entitled fashion? We may never have the answers to all these important questions, but we…
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'Hey Y'all, You Should Wear These Shirts' : Man Fired From Job After a Decade, Gives All Company Shirts to Homeless as Revenge

'Hey Y'all, You Should Wear These Shirts' : Man Fired From Job After a Decade, Gives All Company Shirts to Homeless as Revenge

When you work at a company for over a decade, you would likely expect your long-lasting effort and commitment to be appreciated. There is a reason that the plot of so many movies begins with the protagonist throwing his or her hands up in the air, at a loss for why the universe must be so cruel after the company hires a new boss. When new management enters the picture, it often ain't pretty. After all your hardworking efforts are plowed into the ground, your labor is overlooked, and you are tos…
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‘It’s Illegal to Record Private Therapy Sessions!’ : Daughter Is Appalled by Entitled Mother Who Threatens to Press Charges Against Her for Slander

‘It’s Illegal to Record Private Therapy Sessions!’ : Daughter Is Appalled by Entitled Mother Who Threatens to Press Charges Against Her for Slander

If people wanted you to speak well of them, maybe they should have behaved better.
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‘It’s Just So F-up Up. I Work So Hard for $15/Hour’ : Drama Ensues After Jealous Sister in Law Cries and Makes Scene When Her Brother’s Fiancé Shares Her Salary

‘It’s Just So F-ed Up. I Work So Hard for $15/Hour’ : Drama Ensues After Jealous Sister in Law Cries and Makes Scene When Her Brother’s Fiancé Shares Her Salary

Too much information or nah?
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‘You’re Single Because of Your Ridiculously High Physical Standards’ : Man Comes Clean to Delusional Friend Who Believes Most Women Are Out of His League

‘You’re Single Because of Your Ridiculously High Physical Standards’ : Man Comes Clean to Delusional Friend Who Believes Most Women Are Out of His League

When people think that they're God's gift to the world...
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