

family drama entitlement saving money absurd family feud 401k father in law baby boomers in laws mother in law ridiculous boomers entitled daughter retirement son entitled people - 25959173

Boomer mother-in-law demands son doesn't go out to eat so he can save for her retirement: 'Brian save your money, we have no 401k'

This family seems like they might need to clear some things up before their next dinner party. After marrying his wife, the Original Poster (OP) noticed his mother-in-law was always urging him to save his money. At first, he thought she was just looking out for him. It turns out that she actually plans to have her son-in-law fund her and her husband's retirement since they have no savings themselves. The entitled Boomer mother-in-law accidentally let this information slip when the family was al…
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Hiking boomer entitlement kid trail parenting apologize dad baby boomers ridiculous entitled Reddit son - 25851909

'Where is he going that he can't politely ask a child to move?': Dad demands entitled Boomer apologize after pushing a 4-year-old over for being in his way

A dad and his son were out hiking when his son came across a snail. Being overjoyed, the two of them stopped on the trail to admire the snail. Not long after stopping, the dad noticed an older man walking their way. When the 4-year-old saw the man, he excitedly urged him to come over and look at the snail he found. To his surprise, the entitled Boomer pushed the kid down for being in his way. In disbelief, the dad tried to force the old man to apologize to his son. But the Boomer held his groun…
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guests employee hotel absurd karen-customer tales from the front desk hotel room ridiculous karens in the wild karen kevin entitled people - 24882181

Karen hotel guest has outburst over unanswered room service call': 'She then proceeds to take out her MOBILE PHONE, press 0 and show me how that is not dialing to our reception'

There are all kinds of people that go to hotels. And as a front desk manager, you never know the kinds of customers you're gonna have to deal with. From kind and respectful folk to absolute Karen and Kevins , it's really just the luck of the draw. In this story, the hotel employee had to deal with a pair of entitled guests. The middle-aged couple sported sour looks on their faces from the second they walked in, and the employee knew they would be difficult to please. He even went out of his way…
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‘There were dolls staring at us from the window’: Realtors share the most bizarre reasons why potential buyers decided not to buy a house

‘There were dolls staring at us from the window’: Realtors share the most bizarre reasons why potential buyers decided not to buy a house

If you are ever so fortunate to be in a position where you are able to buy a house, the house you buy must be perfect for you, or at least has to have the potential of becoming perfect. You spent so much hard-earned money on this property, you want to look at it with pride, not disappointment. That is why it is unsurprising to learn that many buyers back out of buying a house even for the smallest of reasons. That being said, there are many other times when the reasons are downright ridiculous,…
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Couple requests guests to foot $2k+ bill to attend their wedding

'Dream wedding? Get the guests to pay for it': Couple forces guests to pay $2k+ to attend their wedding

Have you ever daydreamed about a grand wedding, without the hefty price tag? Well, don't we all? It turns out some people actually have the audacity to ask their guests to foot the bill for their big day. And not just the usual gifts, but the whole shebang: venue, food, drinks, cake, flowers, entertainment, etc. How do they do it? By sending out invitations that look like invoices, demanding a minimum amount of money per person, AFTER the guest RSVP's ‘yes’. Sounds crazy, right? But it's true.…
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Petsitter Karen Crosses the Line and Neglects Owners' Pets

'This is so embarrassing': Petsitter Karen Crosses the Line and Neglects Owners' Pets

What do you get when you hire a Karen to pet-sit your cats, dogs, and… piranhas? A whole lot of crazy, that's what. From the very first encounter with this Reddit user and his mom, it was clear that Karen was trouble personified. She had a list of demands and complaints that would make any sane person run away. But against their better judgment, they decided to give her a chance, hoping she would prove them wrong. Spoiler alert: she didn't. Things took a fishy turn when he entrusted Karen with…
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entitled people with demands

Entitled People Who Made Big Absurd Demands

Oh, cool.
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servers server waiter waitress restaurant work strange weird wacky wonky ridiculous special-order order food allergy dish gross funny reddit ask-reddit

'We microwaved her salad': Servers share the strangest things customers have ever asked for

But what if the customer is wrong? So epically wrong that their servers are scarred for life contemplating their tasteless choices and downright wacky desires. For the woman who wanted creamer with her red wine, please leave this establishment and never return. Your tastebuds are not welcome here.
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'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (May 30, 2023)

'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (May 30, 2023)

Forever alone
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'Go Back to School' : Man Goes Viral for Destroying Entitled TikTok Fitness Influencer In Heated Argument When She Demands He Move Benches Because He's Ruining Her Livestream

'Go Back to School' : Man Goes Viral for Destroying Entitled TikTok Fitness Influencer In Heated Argument When She Demands He Move Benches Because He's Ruining Her Livestream

It's so unfair when you go out into public and the public is there.
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brother-in-law brother sister sister-in-law family drama bil sil sleep sleepy sleeping sleep-schedule working-nights betray family-emergency niece nephew uncle aunt

'You burned a bridge': Man would rather catch up on sleep than babysit his nephew, meanwhile the boy's aunt undergoes treatment in the ICU after a potentially fatal car accident

Some people would do pretty much anything for their family. As Dominic Toretto always said, :The most important thing in life will always be family". Well, for one Redditor, the most important thing in his life, is sleep. And apparently nothing in this world could threatened to deprive him of his 8 hours– not even the near d3ath experience of a family member.
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‘She Needs to Pay Her Own Way’ : Wealthy in Laws Refuse to Pay For Daughter in Law in All Inclusive Family Vacation, Put Son In Awkward Position

‘She Needs to Pay Her Own Way’ : Wealthy in Laws Refuse to Pay For Daughter in Law in All Inclusive Family Vacation, Put Son In Awkward Position

These types of in-laws are always willing to pay for divorce attorneys.
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Babysitter leaves 100 dollar a week job and entitled mom can't understand why | am LIVID seven months now 100 week hours are easy 9am-5pm, like regular fucking job and kids are basically angels, they sleep most day anyway at this age. mas been babysitting get text her saying she's applying walmart and she can't afford work anymore

Babysitter Leaves Bad Job, Entitled Mom Lashes Out

She can't understand why someone wouldn't want to work for 100 dollars a week.
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'Ouch, Honest Much?' : Rare Insults by Internet Trolls That Push Buttons in All the Wrong Places

'Ouch, Honest Much?' : Rare Insults by Internet Trolls That Push Buttons in All the Wrong Places

Or a bicycle seat.
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‘Did You Block Me?’ : 16 Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

‘I Was Catfished’ : 16 Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

Tinder is a wasteland filled with terrestrial piranhas.
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‘Sorry, Do I Know You?’ : Daughter Pettily Pretends Not to Recognize Biological Parents When They Try Reconnecting 9 Years After Abandoning Her on Uncle's Doorstep

‘Sorry, Do I Know You?’ : Daughter Pettily Pretends Not to Recognize Biological Parents When They Try Reconnecting 9 Years After Abandoning Her on Uncle's Doorstep

Bad behavior and a lack of communication should not be rewarded. If you made your bed, you gotta lie in it. Those are the rules, simply put. You can't expect people to ‘forgive and forget', this isn't a Hallmark movie. Some parents rendered their parental rights when giving their kids up for adoption. And I'm not just talking about legal ones. Yet, much like those pesky spam emails that keep showing up in your inbox, those 3 am calls from a regretful ex, and those forever skyrocketing bills you…
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