

Teacher Gets Epic Payback on Group of Slackers During Senior Ditch Day

Teacher Gets Epic Payback on Group of Slackers During Senior Ditch Day

This epic mode of payback has people divided over whether or not this teacher is a brilliant mastermind or entirely out-of-line. Truth be told, it's a very tough call. On the one hand, we love when students who think they can get away with manipulating their teachers get their well-deserved comeuppance. On the other, it's clear from this teacher's first-person account of the whole debacle that they got a lot of joy out of radically affecting the future of these kids, particularly when it came t…
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parking space parking lot tow truck malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama towing parking stories petty revenge parking - 24537861

'[My] car is gone': Tenant pays in small change for fraudulent towing charge when their car is incorrectly towed from their snowy apartment complex parking lot

There will be plenty of times in your life when things seem completely unfair. Plenty of these times will involve incorrectly awarded parking infringements… Should this tenant have just moved their vehicle like everyone else so that the snow plow could do a clean sweep of the lot? Sure. But, by the time they had gotten out there and removed the remaining snow from around their vehicle that should have been the end of it. Just because a rule exists doesn't mean it needs to be enforced to the let…
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malicious compliance reddit petty revenge payback passenger bus driver customer public transportation reddit thread job business work working workplace employee worker

'Enjoy walking 4 kilometers home': Bus driver gets payback against a mutinous passenger by leaving him stranded

Even if you're a level-headed worker, sometimes the stressors of the workplace can get to you. Boiling over with rage and brimming with thoughts of sabotage, there are some service industry jobs where the work is doable until the customers rear their ugly heads. Enduring the pig-headedness of customers– or in this case, passengers –can take a toll on a worker's patience and perhaps, their mercy.
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pro revenge gifts bride presents wedding party revenge bridal party bridal fashion petty wedding bridezilla - 24585989

'Revenge on Bridezilla': Bridesmaids team up to get back at entitled bride

These bridesmaids have run out of patience with their bridezilla friend. At least they have an interesting plan in place to get back at this “friend." The wedding registries of today make it incredibly easy to send a thoughtful gift to the soon-to-be couple. Thanks to a bevy of websites that specialize in this, couples can make a list of everything their hearts desire as gifts. From cookware to clothing to furniture, today's couples can add even the most outrageous items to their registries kno…
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job interview interview revenge nepotism workplace petty revenge revenge-stories petty-revenge-reddit revenge-stories-reddit nepo baby workplace petty revenge - 24570885

'The other candidate [...] has zero experience': Frustrated worker evens the scales after being passed over for promotion

There's already enough going on in this world that makes you want to mutter under your breath, heck, you're probably wondering why on earth your neighbor was revving their modded Honda Civic at 3 AM while you're dissociating at your desk—and then you come to find that your boss has gone and hired his no-experience nephew to be your boss. Nepotism in the workplace is always going to grind your gears, even when the nepo-candidate has some relevant experience it's soul-crushing to be passed up for…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work petty revenge hiring workplace interview interview employment workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24452613

'You don't get a job': Nurse manager refuses to hire nurse who was unpleasant towards them earlier in their career

It's rather poetic when, in life, someone's misdeeds come back full circle to bring their entitled approach to life back down to earth. It's the kind of thing you only really expect to see in stories—namely the type you read in high school literally class that your teacher picks apart and overanalyses in excruciating detail. But, it does happen, and you won't forget it when it does. In the workplace, it usually occurs in the form of an ill-mannered ex-colleague or boss applying for a job at you…
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boss worker employee manager job revenge work coworkers working petty revenge ceo employees supervisor workplace company coworker business - 24489989

'He has no idea why [he's been] singled out': Office jockey gets payback against the workplace killjoy by making a generous contribution

Working with the same handful of people every day really makes you think about your social circle. Your coworkers are not necessarily ‘friends’ because you don't choose to hang out with them, but you certainly don't want to be making enemies in the cubicle next door either. In the workplace, employees walk a fine line between professional relationships and their personal lives– however, there's always that one coworker who doesn't know the difference.
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hoa neighbors parking space parking lot parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 24497157

Homeowner writes scathing note to HOA Karen who tried to tow their car from in front of their own home: 'She called the cops on me'

Constant proximity to other people—without any recourse or avenues for escape—is maddening. I guarantee, if you were locked in a room, even with your favorite person in the world, it wouldn't take long (and even less time than you'd think) before you'd grow sick of the sight of them and tired of the sound of their voice, wishing their mouth would stay shut every time they breathed. Say now, that you don't even like this person. Worse yet, you have your entire life savings and livelihood investe…
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'He confessed he lied on his resume': Programmers band together to get nepotistic managers fired

'He confessed he lied on his resume': Programmers band together to get nepotistic managers fired

There's this thing that happens in life that you'll see time and time again, where you meet someone in a position of authority and can't help but wonder how in the heck they got there. Maybe they're not necessarily cruel (though that's usually the case), but they'll be so obstinate and incompetent that you can't help but be surprised that no one else noticed.
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pro revenge karens veterans petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge veteran Horrible Bosses revenge-stories-reddit karen - 24265733

Veteran turned mechanic gets nuclear revenge on terrible employer and his Karen wife, costing him his marriage and business: 'You gonna sue me or something?'

When someone uses the phrase “So sue me,” they're really saying, “I know you're not going to sue me, so you might as well just deal with my terrible behavior.” What they often don't realize is that you might actually want to sue them
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work story working workplace boss employee quit overworked hardworking retribution happy-ending quitting-on-site quitting-on-the-spot stories epic awesome empowering

'I couldn't let her talk to me like that': Overworked employee calls their boss's bluff, quitting 10 seconds after being called 'replaceable'

After an 80-hour work week with nothing to show for it but bags under your eyes and a dusty, unchanged salary check, overworked employees can start to unravel, like the worker in our next story.
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Lay me off right before Christmas? I’ll sabotage your replacement for me.

'Guess my work here is done': Technician gets laid off, gets 'virtuous revenge' by revealing his old salary to replacement

There's petty revenge, and then there's virtuous revenge. This is very much the latter.
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reddit reddit-thread petty petty-revenge revenge payback deserve facebook marketplace buyer seller for-sale dark-souls video-game collector facebook price pics book books

Marketplace Seller Gets Burned on a Collector's Item After Snubbing a Pair of Petty Buyers With Deep Pockets

Playground logic persists in adulthood in many ways. There's always a king of the hill, some kid with glasses getting annihilated on the dodgeball court, and a snarky class clown running around screaming ‘nana-nana-boo-boo’! When you're at odds with another ‘kid’ on the blacktop, the mature thing to do is walk away and let it go. But in a world that's not so different from Lord of the Flies, sometimes the only way to get proper payback is to stoop down to your bully's level
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pro revenge professor university petty-revenge-reddit students revenge revenge-stories college students petty revenge Professors revenge-stories-reddit - 24245509

'They were planning on suing the professor': Vandals get served instant justice when they meet an engineering professor's indestructible mailbox

This first-class internet tale is a literary masterpiece, complete with classic themes of right and wrong, unstoppable forces, agents of chaos, and a savvy professor teaching his students the rewards of critical thinking—complete with the bad guys getting their just deserts in the end. It has echoes of some of the greatest literary classics and is one of those stories, an almost urban legend, that you hear a version of every now and again passed as something that happened to a friend of a frien…
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malicious-compliance reddit reddit-thread work workplace coworkers coworker worker employee employees boss micromanager micromanaging manager supervisor revenge payback

'I crashed her computer 3x that day': Delivery driver gets digital revenge on a micromanaging boss by flooding her inbox with 100's of updates

Special requests are rarely taken seriously. When you're getting a haircut, asking for menu substitutions at the restaurant, or when you're begging the DJ to play your favorite song, it seems like you're talking to a brick wall. However, if you're a micromanaging boss with a particularly petty employee, you sometimes get exactly what you asked for…
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landlord roommate revenge landlords psycho roommate roommates - 24285701

Tenant buys house from landlord, roommate excitedly announces she's not paying rent and gets evicted: 'She flipped out'

Living with roommates can be tough, even more so when one of the people living there also happens to own the home. They're more than likely to be less tolerant and more particular about having things a certain way and when they want it—even though they're the ones who decided to have roommates for the additional income in the first place. Still, to an extent, it's understandable; nothing in this life is free or comes easy; there's a lot of cost involved when it comes to owning a home. First and…
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